Sample Program for Maker Faire Tokyo 2017

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 mbed

Fork of HelloWorld_6180XA1 by ST

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 27 15:30:25 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 27 15:54:05 2015 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "x_nucleo_6180xa1.h"
+#include "HmiBBGesture.h"
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <assert.h>
+/* Polling operating modes don`t require callback function that handles IRQ 
+   Callback functions are used only for measure that require interrupt */
 #define VL6180X_I2C_SDA I2C_SDA
 #define VL6180X_I2C_SCL I2C_SCL
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -28,297 +31,306 @@
-/* Polling operating modes (1,2,3 and 4) don`t require callback function that handles IRQ 
-   Callback functions are used only for measure that require interrupt */
+/* timer and digital out pin used for debugging */
+//Timer timer;
+//int start, end; 
+//DigitalOut pin(PA_15); 
-void OnErrLog(void){}; // sistemare la funzione per stampare il messaggio che gli viene passato
-void DISP_ExecLoopBody(void){};
+/* Create a serial object */
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 DevI2C device_i2c(VL6180X_I2C_SDA, VL6180X_I2C_SCL);
 static X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 *board=X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(&device_i2c);
-MeasureData_t data_sensor_top, data_sensor_left, data_sensor_right;
+HmiBBGesture gesture_reco;
-Timer timer; // timer to debug
-int start, end;	
+MeasureData_t data_sensor_top, data_sensor_bottom, data_sensor_left, data_sensor_right;
 /* flags that handle the call to HandleIRQ function */
 bool flag_sensor_top=false, flag_sensor_bottom=false, flag_sensor_left=false, flag_sensor_right=false;	
 /* callback functions of the sensors */ 
-void SensorTopIRQ(void)
+static void SensorTopIRQ(void)
-	 board->sensor_top->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
+   board->sensor_top->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
-void SensorBottomIRQ(void)
+static void SensorBottomIRQ(void)
-	 board->sensor_bottom->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
+   board->sensor_bottom->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
-void SensorLeftIRQ(void)
+static void SensorLeftIRQ(void)
-	 board->sensor_left->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
+   board->sensor_left->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
-void SensorRightIRQ(void)
+static void SensorRightIRQ(void)
-	 board->sensor_right->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
+   board->sensor_right->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
+void OnErrLog(void){}; // FIXME sistemare la funzione per stampare il messaggio che gli viene passato
+                       // posso ridirigere la OnErrLog come pc.printf(__VA_ARGS__), ma deve essere OnErrLog(...)
+void DISP_ExecLoopBody(void){}; //FIXME sistemare questa funzione
 int main()
-	 int status, status_t, status_b, status_l, status_r;
+   int status, status_t, status_b, status_l, status_r;
+   //device_i2c.frequency(300000); //change i2c frequncy from 100kHz to 400kHz
+   pc.baud(115200); //change baudrate of the printf
-	 if(status)
-		  printf("Failed to init the board!\n\r");
+   if(status)
+      VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to init the board!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_single_shot_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
-	 if(!status_t)
-	    printf("Top Range: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
-	 else if(status==INVALID_PARAMS)
-		  printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-	 else
-		  printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_single_shot_polling);
-	 if(status_t)
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_single_shot_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   if(!status_t)
+      printf("Top Range: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
+   else if(status==INVALID_PARAMS)
+      printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
+   else
+      printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_single_shot_polling);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(als_single_shot_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
-	 if(!status_t)
-	    printf("Top Light: %dlux\n\r",data_sensor_top.lux);
-	 else if(status==INVALID_PARAMS)
-		  printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-	 else
-		  printf("Invalid light value!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(als_single_shot_polling);
-	 if(status_t)
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(als_single_shot_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   if(!status_t)
+      printf("Top Light: %dlux\n\r",data_sensor_top.lux);
+   else if(status==INVALID_PARAMS)
+      printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
+   else
+      printf("Invalid light value!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(als_single_shot_polling);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   if(!status_t)
+   {
+      int i;
+      for(i=0;i<10;i++)
+      {
+         status_t=board->sensor_top->GetMeasurement(range_continuous_polling, &data_sensor_top);
-	 {
-		  int i;
-		  for(i=0;i<10;i++)
-		  {
-				 status_t=board->sensor_top->GetMeasurement(range_continuous_polling, &data_sensor_top);
-	       if(!status_t)
-				    printf("Top Range measure %d: %dmm\n\r",i+1,data_sensor_top.range_mm);
-	       else
-	          printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
-			}
+	    printf("Top Range measure %d: %dmm\n\r",i+1,data_sensor_top.range_mm);
+	 else
+	    printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
+      }
-	 else
-	    printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_polling);
-	 if(status_t)
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   else
+      printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_polling);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(als_continuous_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(als_continuous_polling, NULL, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   if(!status_t)
+   {
+      int i;
+      for(i=0;i<10;i++)
+      {
+         status=board->sensor_top->GetMeasurement(als_continuous_polling, &data_sensor_top);
-	 {
-	    int i;
-		  for(i=0;i<10;i++)
-		  {
-				 status=board->sensor_top->GetMeasurement(als_continuous_polling, &data_sensor_top);
-	       if(!status_t)
-				    printf("Top Light measure %d: %dlux\n\r",i,data_sensor_top.lux);
-	       else
-	          printf("Invalid light value!\n\r");
-			}
+	    printf("Top Light measure %d: %dlux\n\r",i,data_sensor_top.lux);
+	 else
+	    printf("Invalid light value!\n\r");
+      }
-	 else
-	    printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(als_continuous_polling);
-	 if(status_t)
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   else
+      printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(als_continuous_polling);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
-	 status_l=board->sensor_left->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt, SensorLeftIRQ, &data_sensor_left, NULL, NULL);
-	 if((!status_t)&&(!status_l))
-	 {
-		  while(1)
-	    {
-	      if(flag_sensor_top)
-        {
- 		      flag_sensor_top=false;
-		      status_t=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_top);
-			    if(!status_t)
-				    printf("Top Range: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
-			    else
-				    printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
-	      }
-				if(flag_sensor_left)
-        {
- 		      flag_sensor_left=false;
-		      status_l=board->sensor_left->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_left);
-			    if(!status_l)
-				    printf("Left Range: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_left.range_mm);
-			    else
-				    printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
-	      }
-	    }
-	 }
-	 else 
-		  printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt);
-	 if(status_l)
-		  printf("Failed to stop sensor_top measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_l=board->sensor_left->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt);
-	 if(status_l)
-		  printf("Failed to stop sensor_left measurement!\n\r");
-     status=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
-     if(!status)
-     {
-        while(1)
-        {
-          if(flag_sensor_top)
-          {
-             flag_sensor_top=false;
-             status=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_top);
-             if(!status)
-                printf("Range: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
-             else
-                printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
-          }
-        }
-     }
-     else 
-        printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-     status=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt);
-     if(status)
-          printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   status=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   if(!status)
+   {
+      while(1)
+      {
+         if(flag_sensor_top)
+         {
+            flag_sensor_top=false;
+            status=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_top);
+            if(!status)
+               printf("Range: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
+            else
+               printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   else 
+      printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
+   status=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt); //FIXME per questo modo operativo e per i successivi ad interrupt si deve sistemare la funzione di StopMeasurement in quanto il main sta sempre dentro il ciclo while e quindi non viene mai chiamata StopMeasurement
+   if(status)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(als_continuous_interrupt, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(als_continuous_interrupt, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
-	 {
-	    while(1)
-	    {
-	      if(flag_sensor_top)
-        {
- 		      flag_sensor_top=false;
-		      status_t=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(als_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_top);
-	        if(!status_t)
-				    printf("Top Light: %dlux\n\r",data_sensor_top.lux);
-			    else
-				    printf("Invalid light value!\n\r");
-	      }
-	    }
+   {
+      while(1)
+      {
+         if(flag_sensor_top)
+         {
+ 	    flag_sensor_top=false;
+            status_t=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(als_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_top);
+	    if(!status_t)
+	       printf("Top Light: %dlux\n\r",data_sensor_top.lux);
+	    else
+               printf("Invalid light value!\n\r");
-	 else
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(als_continuous_interrupt);
-	 if(status_t)
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+      }
+   }
+   else
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(als_continuous_interrupt);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(interleaved_mode_interrupt, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
-	 if(!status_t)
-	 {
-	    while(1)
-	    {
-	      if(flag_sensor_top)
-        {
- 		      flag_sensor_top=false;
-		      status_t=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(interleaved_mode_interrupt, &data_sensor_top);
-			    if(!status_t)
-					{
-				    printf("Top Range: %dmm     ",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
-						printf("Top Light: %dlux\n\r",data_sensor_top.lux);
-					}
-			    else
-				    printf("Invalid range or light value!\n\r");
-	      }
-		 }
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(interleaved_mode_interrupt, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, NULL, NULL);
+   if(!status_t)
+   {
+      while(1)
+      {
+         if(flag_sensor_top)
+         {
+            flag_sensor_top=false;
+            status_t=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(interleaved_mode_interrupt, &data_sensor_top);
+            if(!status_t)
+	       printf("Top Range: %dmm\tTop Light: %dlux\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm, data_sensor_top.lux);
+	    else
+	       printf("Invalid range or light value!\n\r");
-	 else
-	    printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(interleaved_mode_interrupt);
-	 if(status_t)
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r"); 
+      }
+   }
+   else
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(interleaved_mode_interrupt);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r"); 
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, 80, NULL);
-	 if(!status_t)
-	 {
-	    while(1)
-	    {
-	      if(flag_sensor_top)
-        {
- 		      flag_sensor_top=false;
-		      status_t=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold, &data_sensor_top);
-			    if(!status_t)
-				    printf("Range int low threshold: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
-			    else
-				    printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
-	      }
-	    }
-	 }
-	 else 
-		  printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-	 status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold);
-	 if(status_t)
-		  printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold, SensorTopIRQ, &data_sensor_top, 80, NULL);
+   if(!status_t)
+   {
+      while(1)
+      {
+         if(flag_sensor_top)
+         {
+            flag_sensor_top=false;
+	    status_t=board->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold, &data_sensor_top);
+            if(!status_t)
+	       printf("Range int low threshold: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_top.range_mm);
+            else
+	       printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   else 
+      printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-status_l=board->sensor_left->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt, SensorLeftIRQ, &data_sensor_left, NULL, NULL);	
-status_r=board->sensor_right->StartMeasurement(als_continuous_interrupt, SensorRightIRQ, &data_sensor_right, NULL, NULL);
-   while(1)
-	 {
-	   if(flag_sensor_left)
-     {
- 		   flag_sensor_left=false;
-		   status_l=board->sensor_left->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_left);
-			 if(!status_l)
-				 printf("Left Range: %dmm\n\r",data_sensor_left.range_mm);
-			 else
-				 printf("Invalid range value!\n\r");
-	   }
-		 if(flag_sensor_right)
-     {
- 		   flag_sensor_right=false;
-		   status_r=board->sensor_right->HandleIRQ(als_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_right);
-			 if(!status_r)
-				 printf("Right Light: %dlux\n\r",data_sensor_right.lux);
-			 else
-				 printf("Invalid light value!\n\r");
-		 }
-	 }
-	 printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
-	 printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
-	 printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+/* Test application Hand Gesture */
+   int gest_code, prev_gest_code, gest_duration;
+   char str[5];
+   char valLeft[] = {'E'};
+   char valRight[] = {'3'};		 
+   char valTap[] = {'0'};	
+   status_l=board->sensor_left->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt, SensorLeftIRQ, &data_sensor_left, NULL, NULL);	
+   status_r=board->sensor_right->StartMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt, SensorRightIRQ, &data_sensor_right, NULL, NULL);
+   gesture_reco.Init(150, 100, 200, 60, 500);
+   if((!status_l)&&(!status_r))
+   {
+      while(1)
+      {
+         if(flag_sensor_left)
+         {
+            flag_sensor_left=false;
+	    status_l=board->sensor_left->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_left);
+            //printf("Left range=%dmm\n\r",data_sensor_left.range_mm);
+         }
+         if(flag_sensor_right)
+         {
+            flag_sensor_right=false;
+            status_r=board->sensor_right->HandleIRQ(range_continuous_interrupt, &data_sensor_right);
+            //printf("Right range=%dmm\n\r",data_sensor_right.range_mm);
+         }
+         if(data_sensor_left.range_mm>400) 
+            data_sensor_left.range_mm=400;
+    	 if(data_sensor_right.range_mm>400)
+            data_sensor_right.range_mm=400;
+         gest_code=gesture_reco.Update(data_sensor_right.range_mm, data_sensor_left.range_mm, &gest_duration);
+         switch(gest_code)
+         {
+            case -1:
+              break;
+            case 0: //tap and start timer
+              if(gest_code!=prev_gest_code)
+              {
+                 prev_gest_code=gest_code;
+                 sprintf(str,"%s","0-");
+                 board->display->DisplayDigit(valTap, 1); 
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                 if(strcmp(str,"0-")==0)
+                 {
+                   sprintf(str,"-0");
+                   board->display->DisplayDigit(valTap, 2);
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+                   sprintf(str,"0-");
+                   board->display->DisplayDigit(valTap, 1); 
+                 }
+              }
+              break;
+            case 1: //left to right
+              board->display->DisplayDigit(valRight, 3); 
+              break;
+            case 2: //right to left
+              board->display->DisplayDigit(valLeft, 0);
+              break;
+            default:
+              printf("Errore!\n\r");
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   else 
+      printf("Failed to start measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");
+   status_t=board->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(als_continuous_interrupt);
+   if(status_t)
+      printf("Failed to stop measurement!\n\r");