A simple wireless protocol to let my examples communicate each other. ssWi stands for Shared Slotted Wireless protocol

Dependents:   rover_car rover_pc supervisor watering_unit ... more

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for ssWi


ssWiChannel Abstract class for a communication channel
ssWiPort Internal type which represents a logical flow
ssWiSocket Socket to communciate through ssWi


ssWi.cpp [code] Implementation of the internal functions for mananing the protocol
ssWi.hpp [code] Internal functions for mananing the protocol
ssWiChannel.hpp [code] Abstract class for the communication channel
ssWiPort.cpp [code] Implementation of the dual head port
ssWiPort.hpp [code] Header for introducing the dual head port
ssWiSocket.cpp [code] Implementation of the communication socket
ssWiSocket.hpp [code] Header for the communication socket
ssWiTypes.hpp [code] Type definition file
xbee.cpp [code] Implementation of the ssWi channel using the XBee module
xbee.hpp [code] Header of the ssWi channel using the XBee module