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mbedtls_entropy_source_state Struct Reference

mbedtls_entropy_source_state Struct Reference

Entropy source state. More...

#include <entropy.h>

Data Fields

mbedtls_entropy_f_source_ptr f_source
 The entropy source callback.
void * p_source
 The callback data pointer.
size_t size
 Amount received in bytes.
size_t threshold
 Minimum bytes required before release.
int strong
 Is the source strong?

Detailed Description

Entropy source state.

Definition at line 109 of file entropy.h.

Field Documentation

The entropy source callback.

Definition at line 111 of file entropy.h.

void* p_source

The callback data pointer.

Definition at line 112 of file entropy.h.

size_t size

Amount received in bytes.

Definition at line 113 of file entropy.h.

int strong

Is the source strong?

Definition at line 115 of file entropy.h.

size_t threshold

Minimum bytes required before release.

Definition at line 114 of file entropy.h.