
Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Oct 04 12:52:17 2021 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

Rover.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Rover.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
old/Rover_omni_cpp.txt Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
old/Rover_omni_h.txt Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Rover.cpp	Mon Oct 04 12:52:17 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+#include "Rover.h"
+#include <iostream>
+    pipeDir = 0;
+    S = Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 3>::Zero();       
+    ionMcFront = new IONMcMotors(frontBoardAddress,ionMcBoudRate, PB_9, PB_8, frontMotorGearBoxRatio, frontEncoderPulse, frontKt, frontKt);
+    ionMcRetro = new IONMcMotors(retroBoardAddress,ionMcBoudRate, PG_14, PG_9, retroMotorGearBoxRatio, retroEncoderPulse, retroKt, retroKt);
+    frontActuonix = new Servo(PE_11);
+    retroActuonix = new Servo(PE_9);
+    mpu = new MPU6050(PF_15, PF_14);
+    tofs = new TOFs(); 
+    enableCurv = 1;
+    g_x_old = 0.0;
+void Rover::initializeTofs(){
+    tofs->TOFs_init();
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(1000);
+    //tofs->TOFs_offset(); 
+void Rover::setParameters(Eigen::VectorXd roverParameters){
+    r_frontWheel = roverParameters(0);
+    r_retroWheel = roverParameters(1);
+    pipeCurve_I = roverParameters(2);
+    pipeCurve_E = roverParameters(3);
+    pipeCurve_M = roverParameters(4);
+    retroFrontCentralDistance = roverParameters(5);
+    wheelsCntactPointDistanceFromPipeCenter = roverParameters(6);
+float Rover::computeStabilizationVel(float pitch_d, float pitch, float pitch_vel, float Kp, float Kd){
+     vels_a = -Kp*M_PI*(pitch_d-pitch)/180 -Kd*M_PI*(0-pitch_vel)/180;
+    return vels_a;
+void Rover::acquireTofs(float &roverLaserFrontDx, float &roverLaserFrontSx, float &roverLaserRetroDx, float &roverLaserRetroSx, float &roverFrontDistance, float &roverRetroDistance){
+     tofs->TOFs_acquireFiltr();
+     roverLaserFrontDx = tofs->getLaserFrontDx();
+     roverLaserFrontSx = tofs->getLaserFrontSx();
+     roverLaserRetroDx = tofs->getLaserRetroDx();
+     roverLaserRetroSx = tofs->getLaserRetroSx();
+     roverFrontDistance = tofs->getFrontDistance();
+     roverRetroDistance = tofs->getRetroDistance();
+void Rover::computeCentralJointsFromTofs(float &roverLaserFrontDx,float &roverLaserFrontSx,float &roverLaserRetroDx,float &roverLaserRetroSx){
+     float frontDistance;
+     float retroDistance;
+     acquireTofs(roverLaserFrontDx, roverLaserFrontSx, roverLaserRetroDx, roverLaserRetroSx, roverFrontDistance, roverRetroDistance);
+     frontDistance = roverFrontDistance;
+     retroDistance = roverRetroDistance;
+     float frontVel = 0.05*frontDistance;
+     float retroVel = -0.04*retroDistance;
+     if(enableCurv==1){
+         frontPos = frontPos + frontVel*0.02;
+         retroPos = retroPos + retroVel*0.02;
+     }else{
+         frontPos = 0.0;
+         retroPos = 0.0;
+         }
+     if(frontPos > 0.5) frontPos=0.5;
+     if(frontPos < -0.5) frontPos=-0.5;
+     if(retroPos > 0.5) retroPos=0.5;
+     if(retroPos < -0.5) retroPos=-0.5;
+     setCentralJointsAngle(frontPos,retroPos);
+void Rover::initializeImu(){
+    printf("Initialize IMU \r\n");
+    //IMU
+    accBias[0] = 0.0;
+    accBias[1] = 0.0;
+    accBias[2] = 0.0;
+    gyroBias[0] = 0.0;   
+    gyroBias[1] = 0.0;  
+    gyroBias[2] = 0.0;         
+    mpu->initialize();
+    bool mpu6050TestResult = mpu->testConnection();
+    if(mpu6050TestResult) {
+        printf("MPU6050 test passed \r\n");
+    } else {
+        printf("MPU6050 test failed \r\n");
+    }    
+    calibrateImu();
+void Rover::setRoverVelocity(float forward_speed, float stabilization_speed, float asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius, float maxWheelAcceleration){
+    Eigen::Vector3f cartesianSpeed;
+    Eigen::Vector4f wheelsSpeed;
+    updateRoverKin(pipe_radius, pipeDir);
+    cartesianSpeed << forward_speed, stabilization_speed, asset_correction_speed;
+    wheelsSpeed = S*cartesianSpeed;
+    //std::cout << "des: " << wheelsSpeed.transpose() << std::endl;
+    ionMcFront->setSpeed(1, wheelsSpeed[0],maxWheelAcceleration);
+    ionMcFront->setSpeed(2, wheelsSpeed[1],maxWheelAcceleration);
+    ionMcRetro->setSpeed(1,wheelsSpeed[2],maxWheelAcceleration);
+    ionMcRetro->setSpeed(2,wheelsSpeed[3],maxWheelAcceleration);
+void Rover::getRoverVelocity(float &forward_speed, float &stabilization_speed, float &asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius){
+    Eigen::Vector3f cartesianSpeed;
+    Eigen::Vector4f wheelsSpeed;
+    float speedM1 = 0.0;
+    float speedM2 = 0.0;
+    float speedM3 = 0.0;  
+    float speedM4 = 0.0;   
+    updateRoverKin(pipe_radius, pipeDir);
+    getMotorsSpeed(speedM1, speedM2, speedM3, speedM4);
+    wheelsSpeed << speedM1, speedM2, speedM3, speedM4;
+    //td::cout << "mis: " << wheelsSpeed.transpose() << std::endl;
+    cartesianSpeed = S_inv*wheelsSpeed;   
+    forward_speed = cartesianSpeed[0];
+    stabilization_speed = cartesianSpeed[1];
+    asset_correction_speed = cartesianSpeed[2];
+void Rover::getRoverWheelsVelocity(float &front_dx, float &front_sx, float &retro_dx, float &retro_sx){
+    Eigen::Vector3f cartesianSpeed;
+    Eigen::Vector4f wheelsSpeed;
+    float speedM1 = 0.0;
+    float speedM2 = 0.0;
+    float speedM3 = 0.0;  
+    float speedM4 = 0.0;  
+    getMotorsSpeed(speedM1, speedM2, speedM3, speedM4);
+    front_dx = speedM1;
+    front_sx = speedM2;
+    retro_dx = speedM3;
+    retro_sx = speedM4;    
+void Rover::updateRoverKin(float pipe_radius, int pipeDir){
+    float rf = r_frontWheel;
+    float rr = r_retroWheel;
+    float l = retroFrontCentralDistance;
+    float L = wheelsCntactPointDistanceFromPipeCenter;
+    float pr = pipe_radius;
+    float R_dx = 0.0;
+    float R_sx = 0.0;
+    float R_m = 0.0;    
+    if(pipeDir ==0){
+        R_dx = 1.0;
+        R_sx = 1.0;
+        R_m = 1.0;
+    }else if(pipeDir == 1){
+        R_dx = pipeCurve_I;
+        R_sx = pipeCurve_E;
+        R_m = pipeCurve_M;
+    }else if(pipeDir == -1){
+        R_dx = pipeCurve_E;
+        R_sx = pipeCurve_I;
+        R_m = pipeCurve_M;        
+    }
+        //AGGIORNARE la S
+    S <<  1.0*R_dx/(rf*R_m), pr/rf, -(L+l)/rf,
+           -1.0*R_sx/(rf*R_m), pr/rf, -(L+l)/rf,
+          1.0*R_dx/(rr*R_m), -pr/rr, -(L+l)/rr,
+           -1.0*R_sx/(rr*R_m), -pr/rr, -(L+l)/rr;
+    Eigen::FullPivLU<Matrix3f> Core_S(S.transpose()*S);
+    S_inv = Core_S.inverse()*S.transpose();      
+    }
+void Rover::getMotorsTorque(float &torM1, float &torM2, float &torM3, float &torM4){
+    torM1 = ionMcFront->getMotorTorque(1);
+    torM2 = ionMcFront->getMotorTorque(2);
+    torM3 = ionMcRetro->getMotorTorque(1);
+    torM4 = ionMcRetro->getMotorTorque(2);    
+void  Rover::getMotorsSpeed(float &speedM1, float &speedM2, float &speedM3, float &speedM4){
+    speedM1 = ionMcFront->getMotorSpeed(1);
+    speedM2 = ionMcFront->getMotorSpeed(2);
+    speedM3 = ionMcRetro->getMotorSpeed(1);
+    speedM4 = ionMcRetro->getMotorSpeed(2);
+void Rover::setCentralJointsAngle(float jointFront, float jointRetro){
+    float LmRestPosFront = (9.0)/1000; //9
+    float LmRestPosRetro = (9.0-0.5)/1000; //9
+    float maxLenght = 0.02;
+    float LmFront = LmRestPosFront - centralJoint2actuonix(jointFront);
+    float LmRetro = LmRestPosRetro - centralJoint2actuonix(jointRetro);
+    frontActuonix->write(1.0 - LmFront/maxLenght);
+    retroActuonix->write(1.0 - LmRetro/maxLenght);
+    if (jointFront > 3.14*5/180){
+        pipeDir = -1;
+    }else if (jointFront < -3.14*5/180){    
+        pipeDir = 1;
+    }else{
+        pipeDir = 0;
+    }
+    pipeDir = 0;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+float Rover::centralJoint2actuonix(float jointAngle){
+    float alpha = deg2rad(34.4);
+    float L1 = 23.022/1000;
+    float L2 = 62.037/1000;
+    float L3 = 51.013/1000;
+    float L4 = 4.939/1000;     
+    float l1 = L1*sin(alpha + jointAngle);
+    float l2 = L1*cos(alpha + jointAngle); 
+    float h = sqrt( (L2 - l1)*(L2 - l1) + (l2 - L4)*(l2 - L4) );
+    return L3 - h;     
+float Rover::deg2rad(float deg) {
+    return deg * M_PI / 180.0;
+void Rover::calcImuAngles(float& pitch, float& pitch_vel, float& roll, float dtImu)
+    int16_t ax = 0;
+    int16_t ay = 0;
+    int16_t az = 0;
+    int16_t gx = 0;
+    int16_t gy = 0;
+    int16_t gz = 0;
+    float pitchAcc = 0.0;
+    float rollAcc = 0.0;
+    float pitchAcc_p = 0.0;
+    float rollAcc_p = 0.0;
+    float pitch_integrated = 0.0;
+    float roll_integrated = 0.0;
+    mpu->getMotion6(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz);       //acquisisco i dati dal sensore
+    float a_x=float(ax)/FS_a - accBias[0];                                  //li converto in float, (CALCOLI EVITABILE SE INSTANZIASSI LE VARIABILI SUBITO COME FLOAT)
+    float a_y=float(ay)/FS_a - accBias[1];
+    float a_z=float(az)/FS_a;
+    float g_x=float(gx)/FS_g - gyroBias[0];
+    float g_y=float(gy)/FS_g - gyroBias[1];
+    float g_z=float(gz)/FS_g - gyroBias[2]; 
+    if(abs(g_x) > 100.0){
+        pitch_vel = 0;
+    }else{
+        pitch_vel =  g_x;         
+    }
+    /*g_x_old = g_x;*/
+    //pitch_vel =  g_x;  
+    pitch_integrated = g_x * dtImu;  // Angle around the X-axis     // Integrate the gyro data(deg/s) over time to get angle, usato g_x perchè movimento attorno all'asse x
+    roll_integrated  =  g_y * dtImu;  // Angle around the Y-axis    //uso g_y perchè ho il rollio ruotando atttorno all'asse y
+    pitchAcc = atan2f(a_y, sqrt(a_z*a_z + a_x*a_x))*180/M_PI;         //considerare formule paper, calcolo i contrubiti dovuti dall'accelerometro
+    rollAcc  = -atan2f(a_x, sqrt(a_y*a_y + a_z*a_z))*180/M_PI;        //
+    if ( abs( pitchAcc - pitchAcc_p ) > 10){
+        pitchAcc = pitch;
+        }
+    if ( abs( rollAcc - rollAcc_p ) > 10){
+        rollAcc = roll;
+        }   
+    // Apply Complementary Filter 
+    pitch = 0.95f*( pitch + pitch_integrated) + 0.05f*pitchAcc;
+    roll  = 0.95f*( roll + roll_integrated)  + 0.05f*(rollAcc);
+    pitchAcc_p = pitchAcc;
+    rollAcc_p = rollAcc;
+void Rover::calibrateImu()
+    //Imu variables
+    int16_t ax = 0;
+    int16_t ay = 0;
+    int16_t az = 0;
+    int16_t gx = 0;
+    int16_t gy = 0;
+    int16_t gz = 0;
+    float a_x,a_y,a_z;
+    float g_x, g_y, g_z;
+    const int CALIBRATION = 500;
+    for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
+    {
+         mpu->getMotion6(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz);  
+    }
+    printf(" START CALIBRATION \r\n");
+    for(int i=0;i<CALIBRATION;i++)
+    {
+         mpu->getMotion6(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz);       //acquisisco i dati dal sensore   
+         a_x=(float)ax/FS_a;                                  //li converto in float, (CALCOLI EVITABILE SE INSTANZIASSI LE VARIABILI SUBITO COME FLOAT)
+         a_y=(float)ay/FS_a;
+       //a_z=(float)az/FS_a;
+         g_x=(float)gx/FS_g;
+         g_y=(float)gy/FS_g;;
+         g_z=(float)gz/FS_g;;
+         accBias[0] += a_x;
+         accBias[1] += a_y;
+         gyroBias[0] += g_x; 
+         gyroBias[1] += g_y; 
+         gyroBias[2] += g_z;   
+    }
+        //BIAS   
+         accBias[0]  = accBias[0]/CALIBRATION;
+         accBias[1]  = accBias[1]/CALIBRATION;
+         gyroBias[0] = gyroBias[0]/CALIBRATION; 
+         gyroBias[1] = gyroBias[1]/CALIBRATION; 
+         gyroBias[2] = gyroBias[2]/CALIBRATION;   
+    printf(" END CALIBRATION \r\n");
+    //printf("%f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t \r\n", accBias[0], accBias[1], gyroBias[0],gyroBias[1],gyroBias[2]);   //stampo le misure
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Rover.h	Mon Oct 04 12:52:17 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#ifndef ROVER_H
+#define ROVER_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "controlDefineVariables.h"
+#include "IONMcMotors.h"
+#include "MPU6050.h"
+#include "TOFs.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "Core.h"
+#include <Eigen/Dense.h>
+#include "platform/PlatformMutex.h"
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 4> Matrix4f;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3> Matrix3f;
+class Rover
+    Rover();    
+    void setRoverVelocity(float forward_speed, float stabilization_speed, float asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius, float maxWheelAcceleration);
+    void getRoverVelocity(float &forward_speed, float &stabilization_speed, float &asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius);
+    void getMotorsTorque(float &torM1, float &torM2, float &torM3, float &torM4);
+    void getMotorsSpeed(float &speedM1, float &speedM2, float &speedM3, float &speedM4);
+    void setParameters(Eigen::VectorXd roverParameters);
+    void getRoverWheelsVelocity(float &front_dx, float &front_sx, float &retro_dx, float &retro_sx);
+    void setCentralJointsAngle(float act1, float act2);
+    void calcImuAngles(float& pitch, float& pitch_vel, float& roll, float dtImu);    
+    void computeCentralJointsFromTofs(float &roverLaserFrontDx,float &roverLaserFrontSx,float &roverLaserRetroDx,float &roverLaserRetroSx);    
+    float computeStabilizationVel(float pitch_d, float pitch, float pitch_vel, float Kp, float Kd);
+    void initializeImu();
+    void initializeTofs();
+    void acquireTofs(float &roverLaserFrontDx, float &roverLaserFrontSx, float &roverLaserRetroDx, float &roverLaserRetroSx, float &roverFrontDistance, float &roverRetroDistance);
+    IONMcMotors *ionMcFront;
+    IONMcMotors *ionMcRetro;
+    Servo *frontActuonix;
+    Servo *retroActuonix;
+    MPU6050 *mpu;
+    TOFs *tofs;
+    float r_frontWheel;
+    float r_retroWheel;
+    float pipeCurve_I;
+    float pipeCurve_E;
+    float pipeCurve_M;
+    float retroFrontCentralDistance;
+    float wheelsCntactPointDistanceFromPipeCenter;
+    //Imu variables
+    float accBias[3];
+    float gyroBias[3];   
+    int pitch_d;
+    float pitch;
+    float g_x_old;
+    int forward_vel;
+    int jointFront;
+    int jointRetro;
+    int enableStab;
+    int enableCurv;    
+    float time;
+    float vels_a;
+    float vels_m;
+    int pipeDir;
+    Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 3> S;    
+    Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 4> S_inv;    
+    float frontPos;
+    float retroPos;
+    //private functions
+    float deg2rad(float deg);
+    float centralJoint2actuonix(float jointAngle);
+    void calibrateImu();
+    void updateRoverKin(float pipe_radius, int pipeDir);
+    void setState(int state);
+    int get_forward_vel();
+    //PlatformMutex eth_mutex;
+    float roverFrontDistance;
+    float roverRetroDistance;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/old/Rover_omni_cpp.txt	Mon Oct 04 12:52:17 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+#include "Rover.h"
+    ionMcBoudRate = 460800;
+    meccanumBoardAddress = 128;
+    meccanumMotorGearBoxRatio = 103;
+    meccanumEncoderPulse = 512;
+    meccanumKt = 0.00667;
+    meccanumTransmissionRatio = 1.0;
+    omniTransmissionRatio = 1.0;
+    omniBoardAddress = 129;
+    omniMotorGearBoxRatio = 103;
+    omniEncoderPulse = 512;
+    omniKt = 0.00667;
+    r_meccanumWheel = 0.03;
+    r_omniWheel = 0.019;
+    pipeCurve_I = 0.165;
+    pipeCurve_E = 0.2925;
+    pipeCurve_M = 0.228;
+    pipeDir = 0;
+    omniMeccanumCentralDistance = 0.25;
+    wheelsCntactPointDistanceFromPipeCenter = 0.08; 
+    eth_time_out = 2.0;
+    S = Eigen::Matrix3f::Zero();       
+    ionMcMeccanum = new IONMcMotors(meccanumBoardAddress,ionMcBoudRate, PG_14, PG_9, meccanumMotorGearBoxRatio, meccanumEncoderPulse, meccanumKt, meccanumKt);
+    ionMcOmni = new IONMcMotors(omniBoardAddress,ionMcBoudRate, PB_9, PB_8, omniMotorGearBoxRatio, omniEncoderPulse, omniKt, omniKt);
+    meccanumActuonix = new Servo(PE_11);
+    omniActuonix = new Servo(PE_9);
+    mpu = new MPU6050(PF_15, PF_14);
+    eth_tcp = new Eth_tcp(3154, 500); 
+    distance_sensors = new distanceSensors(); 
+    eth_state = -1;
+    eth_status = false;
+void Rover::initializeTofs(){
+    distance_sensors->TOFs_init();
+    distance_sensors->TOFs_offset(); 
+void Rover::acquireTofs(float &frontDistance, float &retroDistance){
+     distance_sensors->TOFs_acquireFiltr();
+     frontDistance = distance_sensors->getFrontDistance();
+     retroDistance = distance_sensors->getRetroDistance();
+void Rover::computeCentralJointsFromTofs(){
+     float frontDistance;
+     float retroDistance;   
+     acquireTofs(frontDistance, retroDistance);
+     float frontVel = 0.05*frontDistance;
+     float retroVel = -0.04*retroDistance;
+     if(enableCurv==1){
+         frontPos = frontPos + frontVel*0.005;
+         retroPos = retroPos + retroVel*0.005;
+     }else{
+         frontPos = 0.0;
+         retroPos = 0.0;
+         }
+     if(frontPos > 0.5) frontPos=0.5;
+     if(frontPos < -0.5) frontPos=-0.5;
+     if(retroPos > 0.5) retroPos=0.5;
+     if(retroPos < -0.5) retroPos=-0.5;
+     setCentralJointsAngle(frontPos,retroPos);
+void Rover::initializeImu(){
+    printf("Initialize IMU \r\n");
+    //IMU
+    FS_a = 8192;    //per avere letture in g, sarebbe 32768/4         perchè 4g è il fondo scala
+    FS_g = 131.072;    //per avere letture in gradi/s, sarebbe 32768/250 perchè 250 è il fondo scala
+    accBias[0] = 0.0;
+    accBias[1] = 0.0;
+    accBias[2] = 0.0;
+    gyroBias[0] = 0.0;   
+    gyroBias[1] = 0.0;  
+    gyroBias[2] = 0.0;         
+    pitchAcc = 0.0;
+    rollAcc = 0.0;
+    pitch_integrated = 0.0;
+    roll_integrated = 0.0; 
+    mpu->initialize();
+    bool mpu6050TestResult = mpu->testConnection();
+    if(mpu6050TestResult) {
+        printf("MPU6050 test passed \r\n");
+    } else {
+        printf("MPU6050 test failed \r\n");
+    }    
+    calibrateImu();
+void Rover::setWheelsVelocity(float forward_speed, float stabilization_speed, float asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius, float maxWheelAcceleration){
+    Eigen::Vector3f cartesianSpeed;
+    Eigen::Vector3f wheelsSpeed;
+    updateRoverKin(pipe_radius, pipeDir);
+    cartesianSpeed << forward_speed, stabilization_speed, asset_correction_speed;
+    wheelsSpeed = S*cartesianSpeed;  
+    ionMcMeccanum->setSpeed(1, wheelsSpeed[0],maxWheelAcceleration);
+    ionMcMeccanum->setSpeed(2, wheelsSpeed[1],maxWheelAcceleration);
+    ionMcOmni->setSpeed(1,wheelsSpeed[2],maxWheelAcceleration);
+int Rover::get_forward_vel(){ 
+    int fv;
+    eth_mutex.lock();
+    fv = forward_vel;
+    eth_mutex.unlock();
+    return fv;
+int Rover::get_pitch(){ 
+    int pit;
+    eth_mutex.lock();
+    pit = pitch_d;
+    eth_mutex.unlock();
+    return pit;
+int Rover::get_jointFront(){
+    int jf;
+    eth_mutex.lock();
+    jf = jointFront;
+    eth_mutex.unlock();
+    return jf;
+int Rover::get_jointRetro(){
+    int jr;
+    eth_mutex.lock();
+    jr = jointRetro;
+    eth_mutex.unlock();
+    return jr;
+void Rover::getRoverVelocity(float &forward_speed, float &stabilization_speed, float &asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius){
+    Eigen::Vector3f cartesianSpeed;
+    Eigen::Vector3f wheelsSpeed;
+    float speedM1 = 0.0;
+    float speedM2 = 0.0;
+    float speedM3 = 0.0;  
+    updateRoverKin(pipe_radius, pipeDir);
+    getMotorsSpeed(speedM1, speedM2, speedM3);
+    wheelsSpeed << speedM1, speedM2, speedM3;
+    cartesianSpeed = S_inv*wheelsSpeed;   
+    forward_speed = cartesianSpeed[0];
+    stabilization_speed = cartesianSpeed[1];
+    asset_correction_speed = cartesianSpeed[2];
+void Rover::getRoverWheelsVelocity(float &speed_wheel_dx, float &speed_wheel_sx, float &speed_wheels_retro){
+    Eigen::Vector3f cartesianSpeed;
+    Eigen::Vector3f wheelsSpeed;
+    float speedM1 = 0.0;
+    float speedM2 = 0.0;
+    float speedM3 = 0.0;  
+    getMotorsSpeed(speedM1, speedM2, speedM3);
+    speed_wheel_dx = speedM1;
+    speed_wheel_sx = speedM2;
+    speed_wheels_retro = speedM3;
+void Rover::updateRoverKin(float pipe_radius, int pipeDir){
+    float rm = r_meccanumWheel;
+    float ro = r_omniWheel;
+    float l = omniMeccanumCentralDistance;
+    float L = wheelsCntactPointDistanceFromPipeCenter;
+    float pr = pipe_radius;
+    float R_dx = 0.0;
+    float R_sx = 0.0;
+    float R_m = 0.0;    
+    if(pipeDir ==0){
+        R_dx = 1.0;
+        R_sx = 1.0;
+        R_m = 1.0;
+    }else if(pipeDir == 1){
+        R_dx = pipeCurve_I;
+        R_sx = pipeCurve_E;
+        R_m = pipeCurve_M;
+    }else if(pipeDir == -1){
+        R_dx = pipeCurve_E;
+        R_sx = pipeCurve_I;
+        R_m = pipeCurve_M;        
+    }
+    S <<  -1.0*R_dx/(rm*R_m), pr/rm, -L/rm,
+         1.0*R_sx/(rm*R_m), pr/rm, -L/rm,
+          0,    pr/ro,  l/ro;
+    S_inv <<   -rm/2, rm/2, 0,
+               l*rm/(2*pr*(L+l)),  l*rm/(2*pr*(L+l)), L*ro/(pr*(L+l)),
+               -rm/(2*(L+l)), -rm/(2*(L+l)), ro/(L+l); 
+    }
+void Rover::getMotorsTorque(float &torM1, float &torM2, float &torM3){
+    torM1 = ionMcMeccanum->getMotorTorque(1);
+    torM2 = ionMcMeccanum->getMotorTorque(2);
+    torM3 = ionMcOmni->getMotorTorque(1);
+void  Rover::getMotorsSpeed(float &speedM1, float &speedM2, float &speedM3){
+    speedM1 = ionMcMeccanum->getMotorSpeed(1);
+    speedM2 = ionMcMeccanum->getMotorSpeed(2);
+    speedM3 = ionMcOmni->getMotorSpeed(1);
+void Rover::setCentralJointsAngle(float jointFront, float jointRetro){
+    float LmRestPosFront = (9.0+0.5)/1000; //9
+    float LmRestPosRetro = (9.0-0.5)/1000; //9
+    float maxLenght = 0.02;
+    float LmFront = LmRestPosFront - centralJoint2actuonix(jointFront);
+    float LmRetro = LmRestPosRetro - centralJoint2actuonix(jointRetro);
+    meccanumActuonix->write(1.0 - LmFront/maxLenght);
+    omniActuonix->write(1.0 - LmRetro/maxLenght);
+    if (jointFront > 3.14*5/180){
+        pipeDir = -1;
+    }else if (jointFront < -3.14*5/180){    
+        pipeDir = 1;
+    }else{
+        pipeDir = 0;
+    }
+float Rover::centralJoint2actuonix(float jointAngle){
+    float alpha = deg2rad(34.4);
+    float L1 = 23.022/1000;
+    float L2 = 62.037/1000;
+    float L3 = 51.013/1000;
+    float L4 = 4.939/1000;     
+    float l1 = L1*sin(alpha + jointAngle);
+    float l2 = L1*cos(alpha + jointAngle); 
+    float h = sqrt( (L2 - l1)*(L2 - l1) + (l2 - L4)*(l2 - L4) );
+    return L3 - h;     
+float Rover::deg2rad(float deg) {
+    return deg * M_PI / 180.0;
+void Rover::calcImuAngles(float& pitch, float& roll, float dtImu)
+         mpu->getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);       //acquisisco i dati dal sensore
+         a_x=float(ax)/FS_a - accBias[0];                                  //li converto in float, (CALCOLI EVITABILE SE INSTANZIASSI LE VARIABILI SUBITO COME FLOAT)
+         a_y=float(ay)/FS_a - accBias[1];
+         a_z=float(az)/FS_a;
+         g_x=float(gx)/FS_g - gyroBias[0];
+         g_y=float(gy)/FS_g - gyroBias[1];
+         g_z=float(gz)/FS_g - gyroBias[2];        
+        pitch_integrated = g_x * dtImu;  // Angle around the X-axis     // Integrate the gyro data(deg/s) over time to get angle, usato g_x perchè movimento attorno all'asse x
+        roll_integrated  =  g_y * dtImu;  // Angle around the Y-axis    //uso g_y perchè ho il rollio ruotando atttorno all'asse y
+        pitchAcc = atan2f(a_y, sqrt(a_z*a_z + a_x*a_x))*180/M_PI;         //considerare formule paper, calcolo i contrubiti dovuti dall'accelerometro
+        rollAcc  = -atan2f(a_x, sqrt(a_y*a_y + a_z*a_z))*180/M_PI;        //
+        if ( abs( pitchAcc - pitchAcc_p ) > 10){
+            pitchAcc = pitch;
+            }
+        if ( abs( rollAcc - rollAcc_p ) > 10){
+            rollAcc = roll;
+            }   
+        // Apply Complementary Filter 
+        pitch = 0.95f*( pitch + pitch_integrated) + 0.05f*pitchAcc;
+        roll  = 0.95f*( roll + roll_integrated)  + 0.05f*(rollAcc);
+        pitchAcc_p = pitchAcc;
+        rollAcc_p = rollAcc;
+void Rover::calibrateImu()
+ const int CALIBRATION = 500;
+         for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
+   {
+         mpu->getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);  
+   }
+   printf(" START CALIBRATION \r\n");
+   for(int i=0;i<CALIBRATION;i++)
+   {
+         mpu->getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);       //acquisisco i dati dal sensore   
+         a_x=(float)ax/FS_a;                                  //li converto in float, (CALCOLI EVITABILE SE INSTANZIASSI LE VARIABILI SUBITO COME FLOAT)
+         a_y=(float)ay/FS_a;
+       //a_z=(float)az/FS_a;
+         g_x=(float)gx/FS_g;
+         g_y=(float)gy/FS_g;;
+         g_z=(float)gz/FS_g;;
+         accBias[0] += a_x;
+         accBias[1] += a_y;
+         gyroBias[0] += g_x; 
+         gyroBias[1] += g_y; 
+         gyroBias[2] += g_z;   
+   }
+        //BIAS   
+         accBias[0]  = accBias[0]/CALIBRATION;
+         accBias[1]  = accBias[1]/CALIBRATION;
+         gyroBias[0] = gyroBias[0]/CALIBRATION; 
+         gyroBias[1] = gyroBias[1]/CALIBRATION; 
+         gyroBias[2] = gyroBias[2]/CALIBRATION;   
+   printf(" END CALIBRATION \r\n");
+   //printf("%f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t \r\n", accBias[0], accBias[1], gyroBias[0],gyroBias[1],gyroBias[2]);   //stampo le misure
+void Rover::startEthComunication(){
+    printf("Avvio la comunicazione ethernet \r\n");
+    comunicationTimer.start(); 
+    eth_tcp->connect();
+    setState(1);
+void Rover::ethComunicationUpdate(float _time, float _pitch, float _vels_a, float _vels_m, float _velf_a, float _velf_m) {
+        if( eth_tcp->is_connected()){
+            setState(2);
+            printf("ETH: connected!\r\n");
+            sock_open = true;
+        }else{
+            setState(1);
+        }
+        eth_status = eth_tcp->recv_pkt(cmd, recv_vec, n_of_int);
+        eth_time = comunicationTimer.read();
+        //printf("%f\r\n", (double)(eth_time - eth_time_sample_received));
+        if(eth_status){  
+            eth_time_sample_received = comunicationTimer.read();  
+            if(cmd == 's'){            
+                if(n_of_int == 4){
+                    eth_mutex.lock();
+                    forward_vel = recv_vec.get();
+                    pitch_d = recv_vec.get();
+                    //jointFront = recv_vec.get();
+                    //jointRetro = recv_vec.get();
+                    enableStab = recv_vec.get();
+                    enableCurv= recv_vec.get();
+                    eth_mutex.unlock();
+                }
+                eth_mutex.lock();
+                vec_to_send.put(_time*1000);
+                vec_to_send.put(_pitch*1000);
+                vec_to_send.put(_vels_a*1000);
+                vec_to_send.put(_vels_m*1000);
+                vec_to_send.put(_velf_a*1000);
+                vec_to_send.put(_velf_m*1000);       
+                eth_mutex.unlock();
+                eth_tcp->send_vec_of_int(vec_to_send);
+                vec_to_send.clear();
+                cmd = ' ';
+            } 
+        }  
+        if((double)(eth_time - eth_time_sample_received)>eth_time_out && sock_open == true){
+            eth_tcp->reset_connection();
+            sock_open = false;
+            eth_mutex.lock();
+            forward_vel = 0.0;
+            pitch_d = 0.0;
+            //jointFront = 0.0;
+            //jointRetro = 0.0;
+            enableCurv = 0;
+            eth_mutex.unlock();
+        }
+int Rover::getEthState(){
+    int state;
+    eth_mutex.lock();
+    state = eth_state;
+    eth_mutex.unlock();
+    return state;
+void Rover::setState(int state){
+    eth_mutex.lock();
+    eth_state = state;
+    eth_mutex.unlock();    
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/old/Rover_omni_h.txt	Mon Oct 04 12:52:17 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#ifndef ROVER_H
+#define ROVER_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "IONMcMotors.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "Core.h"
+#include "MPU6050.h"
+#include "platform/PlatformMutex.h"
+#include "TOFs.h"
+#include "Eth_tcp.h"
+class Rover
+    Rover();    
+    void setWheelsVelocity(float forward_speed, float stabilization_speed, float asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius, float maxWheelAcceleration);
+    void getRoverVelocity(float &forward_speed, float &stabilization_speed, float &asset_correction_speed, float pipe_radius);
+    void getMotorsTorque(float &torM1, float &torM2, float &torM3);
+    void getMotorsSpeed(float &speedM1, float &speedM2, float &speedM3);
+    void getRoverWheelsVelocity(float &speed_wheel_dx, float &speed_wheel_sx, float &speed_wheels_retro);
+    void setCentralJointsAngle(float act1, float act2);
+    void calcImuAngles(float& pitch, float& roll, float dtImu);
+    int get_forward_vel();
+    int get_pitch();
+    int get_jointFront();
+    int get_jointRetro();
+    void ethComunicationUpdate(float _time, float _pitch, float _vels_a, float _vels_m, float _velf_a, float _velf_m) ;
+    int getEthState(void);
+    void startEthComunication();
+    void initializeImu();
+    void initializeTofs();
+    void acquireTofs(float &frontDistance, float &retroDistance);
+    void computeCentralJointsFromTofs();
+    IONMcMotors *ionMcMeccanum;
+    IONMcMotors *ionMcOmni;
+    Servo *meccanumActuonix;
+    Servo *omniActuonix;
+    MPU6050 *mpu;
+    Eth_tcp *eth_tcp;
+    Thread EthThread;   
+    distanceSensors *distance_sensors;
+    int ionMcBoudRate;
+    int meccanumMotorGearBoxRatio;
+    int omniMotorGearBoxRatio;
+    int meccanumBoardAddress;
+    int omniBoardAddress;
+    float meccanumTransmissionRatio;
+    float omniTransmissionRatio;
+    int meccanumEncoderPulse;
+    int omniEncoderPulse;
+    float meccanumKt;
+    float omniKt;
+    float r_meccanumWheel;
+    float r_omniWheel;
+    float wheelsCntactPointDistanceFromPipeCenter;
+    float omniMeccanumCentralDistance;
+    //Imu variables
+    int16_t ax, ay, az;
+    int16_t gx, gy, gz;
+    float a_x,a_y,a_z;
+    float g_x, g_y, g_z;
+    int16_t FS_a;   
+    float FS_g;    
+    PlatformMutex eth_mutex;
+    float accBias[3];
+    float gyroBias[3];   
+    float pitchAcc;
+    float rollAcc;
+    float pitchAcc_p;
+    float rollAcc_p;
+    float pitch_integrated;
+    float roll_integrated;
+    int forward_vel;
+    int pitch_d;
+    int jointFront;
+    int jointRetro;
+    int enableStab;
+    int enableCurv;    
+    float time;
+    float pitch;
+    float vels_a;
+    float vels_m;
+    float pipeCurve_I;
+    float pipeCurve_E;
+    float pipeCurve_M;    
+    int pipeDir;
+    double eth_time_out; //ms
+    int eth_state;
+    double eth_time;    
+    double eth_time_sample_received;
+    Eigen::Matrix3f S;    
+    Eigen::Matrix3f S_inv;    
+    //private functions
+    float deg2rad(float deg);
+    float centralJoint2actuonix(float jointAngle);
+    void calibrateImu();
+    void updateRoverKin(float pipe_radius, int pipeDir);
+    void setState(int state);
+    Timer comunicationTimer;  
+    char cmd;
+    MyBuffer <int> vec_to_send;
+    MyBuffer <int> recv_vec;
+    double t_p;
+    double t;
+    int n_of_int;
+    bool eth_status;
+    bool sock_open;
+    float frontPos;
+    float retroPos;
\ No newline at end of file