We are going to win! wohoo

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Kalman/Kalman.cpp	Wed Nov 07 14:37:35 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+//Kalman Filter implementation
+#include "Kalman.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "RFSRF05.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "motors.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "geometryfuncs.h"
+#include <tvmet/Matrix.h>
+#include <tvmet/Vector.h>
+using namespace tvmet;
+Kalman::Kalman(Motors &motorsin,
+               UI &uiin,
+               PinName Sonar_Trig,
+               PinName Sonar_Echo0,
+               PinName Sonar_Echo1,
+               PinName Sonar_Echo2,
+               PinName Sonar_Echo3,
+               PinName Sonar_Echo4,
+               PinName Sonar_Echo5,
+               PinName Sonar_SDI,
+               PinName Sonar_SDO,
+               PinName Sonar_SCK,
+               PinName Sonar_NCS,
+               PinName Sonar_NIRQ) :
+        ir(*this),
+        sonararray(Sonar_Trig,
+                   Sonar_Echo0,
+                   Sonar_Echo1,
+                   Sonar_Echo2,
+                   Sonar_Echo3,
+                   Sonar_Echo4,
+                   Sonar_Echo5,
+                   Sonar_SDI,
+                   Sonar_SDO,
+                   Sonar_SCK,
+                   Sonar_NCS,
+                   Sonar_NIRQ),
+        motors(motorsin),
+        ui(uiin),
+        predictthread(predictloopwrapper, this, osPriorityNormal, 512),
+        predictticker( SIGTICKARGS(predictthread, 0x1) ),
+//        sonarthread(sonarloopwrapper, this, osPriorityNormal, 256),
+//        sonarticker( SIGTICKARGS(sonarthread, 0x1) ),
+        updatethread(updateloopwrapper, this, osPriorityNormal, 512) {
+    //Initilising offsets
+    InitLock.lock();
+    IR_Offset = 0;
+    Sonar_Offset = 0;
+    InitLock.unlock();
+    //Initilising matrices
+    // X = x, y, theta;
+    if (Colour)
+        X = 0.5, 0, 0;
+    else
+        X = 2.5, 0, PI;
+    P = 1, 0, 0,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        0, 0, 0.04;
+    //measurment variance R is provided by each sensor when calling runupdate
+    //attach callback
+    sonararray.callbackobj = (DummyCT*)this;
+    sonararray.mcallbackfunc = (void (DummyCT::*)(int beaconnum, float distance, float variance)) &Kalman::runupdate;
+    predictticker.start(20);
+//    sonarticker.start(50);
+//Note: this init function assumes that the robot faces east, theta=0, in the +x direction
+void Kalman::KalmanInit() {
+    motors.stop();
+    float SonarMeasuresx1000[3];
+    float IRMeasuresloc[3];
+    int beacon_cnt = 0;
+// doesn't work since they break the ISR
+    /*
+    #ifdef ROBOT_PRIMARY
+        LPC_UART3->FCR = LPC_UART3->FCR | 0x06;       // Flush the serial FIFO buffer / OR with FCR
+    #else
+        LPC_UART1->FCR = LPC_UART1->FCR | 0x06;       // Flush the serial FIFO buffer / OR with FCR
+    #endif
+    */
+    // zeros the measurements
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        SonarMeasures[i] = 0;
+        IRMeasures[i] = 0;
+    }
+    InitLock.lock();
+    //zeros offsets
+    IR_Offset = 0;
+    Sonar_Offset = 0;
+    InitLock.unlock();
+    // attaches ir interrup
+    ir.attachisr();
+    //wating untill the IR has reved up and picked up some valid data
+    //Thread::wait(1000);
+    wait(2);
+    //temporaraly disable IR updates
+    ir.detachisr();
+    //lock the state throughout the computation, as we will override the state at the end
+    InitLock.lock();
+    statelock.lock();
+    SonarMeasuresx1000[0] = SonarMeasures[0]*1000.0f;
+    SonarMeasuresx1000[1] = SonarMeasures[1]*1000.0f;
+    SonarMeasuresx1000[2] = SonarMeasures[2]*1000.0f;
+    IRMeasuresloc[0] = IRMeasures[0];
+    IRMeasuresloc[1] = IRMeasures[1];
+    IRMeasuresloc[2] = IRMeasures[2];
+    //printf("0: %0.4f, 1: %0.4f, 2: %0.4f \n\r", IRMeasuresloc[0]*180/PI, IRMeasuresloc[1]*180/PI, IRMeasuresloc[2]*180/PI);
+    float d = beaconpos[2].y - beaconpos[1].y;
+    float i = beaconpos[0].y - beaconpos[1].y;
+    float j = beaconpos[0].x - beaconpos[1].x;
+    float origin_x = beaconpos[1].x;
+    float y_coor = (SonarMeasuresx1000[1]*SonarMeasuresx1000[1]- SonarMeasuresx1000[2]*SonarMeasuresx1000[2] + d*d) / (2*d);
+    float x_coor = origin_x + (SonarMeasuresx1000[1]*SonarMeasuresx1000[1] - SonarMeasuresx1000[0]*SonarMeasuresx1000[0] + i*i + j*j)/(2*j) - i*y_coor/j;
+    //debug for trilateration
+    printf("Cal at x: %0.4f, y: %0.4f \r\n",x_coor,y_coor );
+    float Dist_Exp[3];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        //Compute sonar offset
+        Dist_Exp[i] = hypot(beaconpos[i].y - y_coor,beaconpos[i].x - x_coor);
+        Sonar_Offset += (SonarMeasuresx1000[i]-Dist_Exp[i])/3000.0f;
+        //Compute IR offset
+        float angle_est = atan2(beaconpos[i].y - y_coor,beaconpos[i].x - x_coor);
+        if (!Colour)
+        angle_est -= PI;
+        //printf("Angle %d : %f \n\r",i,angle_est*180/PI );
+        // take average offset angle from valid readings
+        if (IRMeasuresloc[i] != 0) {
+            beacon_cnt ++;
+            // changed to current angle - estimated angle
+            float angle_temp = IRMeasuresloc[i] - angle_est;
+            angle_temp -= (floor(angle_temp/(2*PI)))*2*PI;
+            IR_Offset += angle_temp;
+        }
+    }
+    IR_Offset /= float(beacon_cnt);
+    //debug
+    printf("Offsets IR: %0.4f, Sonar: %0.4f \r\n",IR_Offset*180/PI,Sonar_Offset*1000 );
+    //statelock already locked
+    X(0) = x_coor/1000.0f;
+    X(1) = y_coor/1000.0f;
+    if (Colour)
+        X(2) = 0;
+    else
+        X(2) = PI;
+    // unlocks mutexes
+    InitLock.unlock();
+    statelock.unlock();
+    //reattach the IR processing
+    ir.attachisr();
+void Kalman::predictloop() {
+    OLED4 = !ui.regid(0, 3);
+    OLED4 = !ui.regid(1, 4);
+    float lastleft = 0;
+    float lastright = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        Thread::signal_wait(0x1);
+        OLED1 = !OLED1;
+        int leftenc = motors.getEncoder1();
+        int rightenc = motors.getEncoder2();
+        float dleft = motors.encoderToDistance(leftenc-lastleft)/1000.0f;
+        float dright = motors.encoderToDistance(rightenc-lastright)/1000.0f;
+        lastleft = leftenc;
+        lastright = rightenc;
+        //The below calculation are in body frame (where +x is forward)
+        float dxp, dyp,d,r;
+        float thetap = (dright - dleft)*PI / (float(robotCircumference)/1000.0f);
+        if (abs(thetap) < 0.02) { //if the rotation through the integration step is small, approximate with a straight line to avoid numerical error
+            d = (dright + dleft)/2.0f;
+            dxp = d*cos(thetap/2.0f);
+            dyp = d*sin(thetap/2.0f);
+        } else { //calculate circle arc
+            //float r = (right + left) / (4.0f * PI * thetap);
+            r = (dright + dleft) / (2.0f*thetap);
+            dxp = abs(r)*sin(thetap);
+            dyp = r - r*cos(thetap);
+        }
+        statelock.lock();
+        float tempX2 = X(2);
+        //rotating to cartesian frame and updating state
+        X(0) += dxp * cos(X(2)) - dyp * sin(X(2));
+        X(1) += dxp * sin(X(2)) + dyp * cos(X(2));
+        X(2) = rectifyAng(X(2) + thetap);
+        //Linearising F around X
+        float avgX2 = (X(2) + tempX2)/2.0f;
+        Matrix<float, 3, 3> F;
+        F = 1, 0, (dxp * -sin(avgX2) - dyp * cos(avgX2)),
+            0, 1, (dxp * cos(avgX2) - dyp * sin(avgX2)),
+            0, 0, 1;
+        //Generating forward and rotational variance
+        float varfwd = fwdvarperunit * abs(dright + dleft) / 2.0f;
+        float varang = varperang * abs(thetap);
+        float varxydt = xyvarpertime * PREDICTPERIOD/1000.0f;
+        float varangdt = angvarpertime * PREDICTPERIOD/1000.0f;
+        //Rotating into cartesian frame
+        Matrix<float, 2, 2> Qsub,Qsubrot,Qrot;
+        Qsub = varfwd + varxydt, 0,
+               0, varxydt;
+        Qrot = Rotmatrix(X(2));
+        Qsubrot = Qrot * Qsub * trans(Qrot);
+        //Generate Q
+        Matrix<float, 3, 3> Q;//(Qsubrot);
+        Q = Qsubrot(0,0), Qsubrot(0,1), 0,
+            Qsubrot(1,0), Qsubrot(1,1), 0,
+            0, 0, varang + varangdt;
+        P = F * P * trans(F) + Q;
+        //Update UI
+        float statecpy[] = {X(0), X(1), X(2)};
+        ui.updateval(0, statecpy, 3);
+        float Pcpy[] = {P(0,0), P(0,1), P(1,0), P(1,1)};
+        ui.updateval(1, Pcpy, 4);
+        statelock.unlock();
+    }
+//void Kalman::sonarloop() {
+//    while (1) {
+//        Thread::signal_wait(0x1);
+//        sonararray.startRange();
+//    }
+void Kalman::runupdate(measurement_t type, float value, float variance) {
+    //printf("beacon %d dist %f\r\n", sonarid, dist);
+    //led2 = !led2;
+    measurmentdata* measured = (measurmentdata*)measureMQ.alloc();
+    if (measured) {
+        measured->mtype = type;
+        measured->value = value;
+        measured->variance = variance;
+        osStatus putret = measureMQ.put(measured);
+        if (putret)
+            OLED4 = 1;
+        //    printf("putting in MQ error code %#x\r\n", putret);
+    } else {
+        OLED4 = 1;
+        //printf("MQalloc returned NULL ptr\r\n");
+    }
+void Kalman::updateloop() {
+    //sonar Y chanels
+    ui.regid(2, 1);
+    ui.regid(3, 1);
+    ui.regid(4, 1);
+    //IR Y chanels
+    ui.regid(5, 1);
+    ui.regid(6, 1);
+    ui.regid(7, 1);
+    measurement_t type;
+    float value,variance,rbx,rby,expecdist,Y;
+    float dhdx,dhdy;
+    bool aborton2stddev = false;
+    Matrix<float, 1, 3> H;
+    float S;
+    Matrix<float, 3, 3> I3( identity< Matrix<float, 3, 3> >() );
+    while (1) {
+        OLED2 = !OLED2;
+        osEvent evt = measureMQ.get();
+        if (evt.status == osEventMail) {
+            measurmentdata &measured = *(measurmentdata*)evt.value.p;
+            type = measured.mtype; //Note, may support more measurment types than sonar in the future!
+            value = measured.value;
+            variance = measured.variance;
+            // don't forget to free the memory
+            measureMQ.free(&measured);
+            if (type <= maxmeasure) {
+                if (type <= SONAR3) {
+                    InitLock.lock();
+                    float dist = value / 1000.0f - Sonar_Offset; //converting to m from mm,subtract the offset
+                    InitLock.unlock();
+                    int sonarid = type;
+                    aborton2stddev = true;
+                    statelock.lock();
+                    //update the current sonar readings
+                    SonarMeasures[sonarid] = dist;
+                    rbx = X(0) - beaconpos[sonarid].x/1000.0f;
+                    rby = X(1) - beaconpos[sonarid].y/1000.0f;
+                    expecdist = hypot(rbx, rby);//sqrt(rbx*rbx + rby*rby);
+                    Y = dist - expecdist;
+                    //send to ui
+                    ui.updateval(sonarid+2, Y);
+                    dhdx = rbx / expecdist;
+                    dhdy = rby / expecdist;
+                    H = dhdx, dhdy, 0;
+                } else if (type <= IR3) {
+                    aborton2stddev = false;
+                    int IRidx = type-3;
+                    // subtract the IR offset
+                    InitLock.lock();
+                    value -= IR_Offset;
+                    InitLock.unlock();
+                    statelock.lock();
+                    IRMeasures[IRidx] = value;
+                    rbx = X(0) - beaconpos[IRidx].x/1000.0f;
+                    rby = X(1) - beaconpos[IRidx].y/1000.0f;
+                    float expecang = atan2(-rby, -rbx) - X(2);
+                    Y = rectifyAng(value - expecang);
+                    //send to ui
+                    ui.updateval(IRidx + 5, Y);
+                    float dstsq = rbx*rbx + rby*rby;
+                    H = -rby/dstsq, rbx/dstsq, -1;
+                }
+                Matrix<float, 3, 1> PH (P * trans(H));
+                S = (H * PH)(0,0) + variance;
+                if (aborton2stddev && Y*Y > 4 * S) {
+                    statelock.unlock();
+                    continue;
+                }
+                Matrix<float, 3, 1> K (PH * (1/S));
+                //Updating state
+                X += col(K, 0) * Y;
+                X(2) = rectifyAng(X(2));
+                P = (I3 - K * H) * P;
+                statelock.unlock();
+            }
+        } else {
+            OLED4 = 1;
+            //printf("ERROR: in updateloop, code %#x", evt);
+        }
+    }
+// reset kalman states
+void Kalman::KalmanReset() {
+    float SonarMeasuresx1000[3];
+    statelock.lock();
+    SonarMeasuresx1000[0] = SonarMeasures[0]*1000.0f;
+    SonarMeasuresx1000[1] = SonarMeasures[1]*1000.0f;
+    SonarMeasuresx1000[2] = SonarMeasures[2]*1000.0f;
+    //printf("0: %0.4f, 1: %0.4f, 2: %0.4f \n\r", IRMeasuresloc[0]*180/PI, IRMeasuresloc[1]*180/PI, IRMeasuresloc[2]*180/PI);
+    float d = beaconpos[2].y - beaconpos[1].y;
+    float i = beaconpos[0].y - beaconpos[1].y;
+    float j = beaconpos[0].x - beaconpos[1].x;
+    float origin_x = beaconpos[1].x;
+    float y_coor = (SonarMeasuresx1000[1]*SonarMeasuresx1000[1]- SonarMeasuresx1000[2]*SonarMeasuresx1000[2] + d*d) / (2*d);
+    float x_coor = origin_x +(SonarMeasuresx1000[1]*SonarMeasuresx1000[1] - SonarMeasuresx1000[0]*SonarMeasuresx1000[0] + i*i + j*j)/(2*j) - i*y_coor/j;
+    //statelock already locked
+    X(0) = x_coor/1000.0f;
+    X(1) = y_coor/1000.0f;
+/*    if (Colour){
+        X(0) = 0.2;
+        X(1) = 0.2;
+        //X(2) = 0;
+        }
+    else {
+        X(0) = 2.8;
+        X(1) = 0.2;
+        //X(2) = PI;
+    }
+    */
+    P = 0.05, 0, 0,
+        0, 0.05, 0,
+        0, 0, 0.04;
+    // unlocks mutexes
+    statelock.unlock();
\ No newline at end of file