ms2s,STM32 Private

Fork of WakeUp by Erik -



File content as of revision 10:c41bc9154a7c:

#include "mbed.h"

 * Class to make wake up a microcontroller from deepsleep using a low-power timer. 
 * @code
 * // Depending on the LED connections either the LED is off the 2 seconds
 * // the target spends in deepsleep(), and on for the other second. Or it is inverted 
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "WakeUp.h"
 * DigitalOut myled(LED1);
 * int main() {
 *     wait(5);
 *     //The low-power oscillator can be quite inaccurate on some targets
 *     //this function calibrates it against the main clock
 *     WakeUp::calibrate();
 *     while(1) {
 *         //Set LED to zero
 *         myled = 0;
 *         //Set wakeup time for 2 seconds
 *         WakeUp::set_ms(2000);
 *         //Enter deepsleep, the program won't go beyond this point until it is woken up
 *         deepsleep();
 *         //Set LED for 1 second to one
 *         myled = 1;
 *         wait(1);
 *     }
 * }
 * @endcode
class WakeUp
    * Set the timeout
    * @param s required time in seconds
    static void set(uint32_t s) {
        set_ms(1000 * s);
    * Set the timeout
    * @param ms required time in milliseconds
    static void set_ms(uint32_t ms);
    * Attach a function to be called after timeout
    * This is optional, if you just want to wake up you 
    * do not need to attach a function.
    * Important: Many targets will run the wake-up routine
    * at reduced clock speed, afterwards clock speed is restored.
    * This means that clock speed dependent functions, such as printf
    * might end up distorted.
    * Also supports normal way to attach member functions
    * (not documented for simplicity)
    * @param *function function to call
    static void attach(void (*function)(void)) {

    template<typename T>
    static void attach(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
        callback.attach(object, member);
    * Calibrate the timer
    * Some of the low-power timers have very bad accuracy.
    * This function calibrates it against the main timer.
    * Warning: Blocks for 100ms!
    static void calibrate(void);

    static FunctionPointer callback;
    static void irq_handler(void);
    static float cycles_per_ms;