work fine

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Microduino_MatrixBase.cpp	Tue May 31 15:32:03 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// 本作品采用知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0 未本地化版本 许可协议进行许可
+// 访问 查看该许可协议
+// ==============
+// 版权所有:
+// @老潘orz
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+// Kejia Pan
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+// Weibo:
+// @老潘orz
+#include "Microduino_MatrixBase.h"
+#include "MicroduinoPinNames.h"
+//extern const uint8_t alphabetBitmap[95][FONE_SIZE_X + 1];
+uint8_t MatrixCount = 0;                                     // the total number of attached keys
+I2C g_i2c(SDA, SCL);
+uint8_t pgm_read_byte(uint8_t *p)
+    return *p;
+    if ( MatrixCount < 64) {
+        this->matrixIndex = MatrixCount++;                    // assign a key index to this instance
+        this->Devices_addr = 64 - MatrixCount;
+    } else {
+        this->matrixIndex = 255 ;  // too many keys
+    }
+    this->Fast_mode = false;
+    this->Font_mode = true;
+    clearColor();
+uint8_t LedControl::getDeviceAddr()
+    return (this->Devices_addr + 1);
+void LedControl::setDeviceAddr(uint8_t _addr)
+    this->Devices_addr = _addr - 1;
+void LedControl::clearFastMode()
+    this->Fast_mode = false;
+void LedControl::setFastMode()
+    this->Fast_mode = true;
+void LedControl::setFontMode(bool _Mode)
+    this->Font_mode = _Mode;
+void LedControl::clearColor()
+    this->value_color[0] = 255;
+    this->value_color[1] = 255;
+    this->value_color[2] = 255;
+void LedControl::setColor(uint8_t value_r, uint8_t value_g, uint8_t value_b)
+    this->value_color[0] = value_r;
+    this->value_color[1] = value_g;
+    this->value_color[2] = value_b;
+void LedControl::clearDisplay()
+#if 0
+    Wire.beginTransmission(this->Devices_addr + 1); // transmit to device #4
+    Wire.write(0x60);       // sends five bytes
+    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting
+    char cmd = 0x60;
+    g_i2c.write((int)(this->Devices_addr + 1), &cmd, 1);
+void LedControl::setLedColor(uint8_t _row, uint8_t _col, uint8_t _value_r, uint8_t _value_g, uint8_t _value_b)
+    if (_row < 0 || _row > 7 || _col < 0 || _col > 7 || _value_r > 255 || _value_r < 0 || _value_g > 255 || _value_g < 0 || _value_b > 255 || _value_b < 0)
+        return;
+    uint8_t temp[4];
+    temp[0] = 0x80 | (_row << 3) | _col;
+    temp[1] = _value_b / 8;
+    temp[2] = 0x20 | _value_g / 8;
+    temp[3] = 0x40 | _value_r / 8;
+#if 0
+    Wire.beginTransmission(this->Devices_addr + 1); // transmit to device #4
+    Wire.write(temp, 4);       // sends five bytes
+    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting
+    g_i2c.write(this->Devices_addr + 1, (char*)temp, 4);
+void LedControl::setLedColorFast(uint8_t _row, uint8_t _col, uint8_t _value_r, uint8_t _value_g, uint8_t _value_b)
+    if (_row < 0 || _row > 7 || _col < 0 || _col > 7 || _value_r > 255 || _value_r < 0 || _value_g > 255 || _value_g < 0 || _value_b > 255 || _value_b < 0)
+        return;
+    uint8_t temp[2];
+    temp[0] = 0xC0 | (_row << 3) | _col;
+    temp[1] = ((_value_b / 64) << 4) | ((_value_g / 64) << 2) | (_value_r / 64);
+#if 0
+    Wire.beginTransmission(this->Devices_addr + 1); // transmit to device #4
+    Wire.write(temp, 2);       // sends five bytes
+    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting
+    g_i2c.write(this->Devices_addr + 1, (char*)temp, 2);
+void LedControl::setLed(uint8_t _row, uint8_t _col, bool _state)
+    if (_row < 0 || _row > 7 || _col < 0 || _col > 7)
+        return;
+    if (_state) {
+        if (this->Fast_mode)
+            this->setLedColorFast(_row, _col, this->value_color[0], this->value_color[1], this->value_color[2]);
+        else
+            this->setLedColor(_row, _col, this->value_color[0], this->value_color[1], this->value_color[2]);
+    } else
+        this->setLedColorFast(_row, _col, 0, 0, 0);
+void LedControl::setRow(uint8_t _row, uint8_t _value)
+    if (_row < 0 || _row > 7)
+        return;
+    uint8_t val;
+    for (uint8_t _col = 0; _col < 8; _col++) {
+        val = _value >> (_col);
+        val = val & 0x01;
+        this->setLed(_row, _col, val);
+    }
+void LedControl::setColumn(uint8_t _col, uint8_t _value)
+    if (_col > 7)
+        return;
+    uint8_t val;
+    for (uint8_t _row = 0; _row < 8; _row++) {
+        //val = _value >> (7 - _row);
+        val = _value >> (_row);
+        val = val & 0x01;
+        this->setLed(_row, _col, val);
+    }
+void LedControl::writeString(int _time, char * _displayString)
+    int16_t _leng = 0;
+    int16_t _wight = 0;
+    while (_displayString[_leng] != NULL) {
+        _wight += 1 + pgm_read_byte((uint8_t*)alphabetBitmap[CharToInt(_displayString[_leng++])] + FONE_SIZE_X);
+    }
+//  Serial.println(_wight);
+    for (int16_t a = 8; a > -_wight; a--) {
+        setCursor(a, 0);
+        print(_displayString);
+        //delay(_time);
+        wait_ms(_time);
+    }
+void LedControl::setCursor(int16_t _x, int16_t _y)
+    this->cursor_x = _x;
+    this->cursor_y = _y;
+size_t LedControl::write(uint8_t c)
+    if (CharToInt(c) > 94 || CharToInt(c) < 0)
+        return 0;
+    this->displayChar((this->cursor_x), (this->cursor_y), c);
+    if (this->Font_mode)
+        this->cursor_x += 1 + pgm_read_byte((uint8_t*)(alphabetBitmap[CharToInt(c)] + FONE_SIZE_X));
+    else
+        this->cursor_y += 1 + FONE_SIZE_Y;
+    return 1;
+void LedControl::displayChar(int8_t row, int8_t col, char _charIndex)
+    if (row < 0 - 8 || row > 7 + 8 || col < 0 - 8 || col > 7 + 8 || CharToInt(_charIndex) > 94 || CharToInt(_charIndex) < 0)
+        return;
+    uint8_t n = CharToInt(_charIndex);
+    uint8_t m = (this->Font_mode ? FONE_SIZE_X - pgm_read_byte((uint8_t*)alphabetBitmap[n] + FONE_SIZE_X) : 0);
+    uint8_t val;
+    for (int8_t i = m; i < FONE_SIZE_X + 1; i++) {
+        for (int8_t _col = col; col < 0 ? _col < 8 + col : _col < 8; _col++) {
+            if (i - m + row < 0 || i - m + row > 7)
+                break;
+            if (i != FONE_SIZE_X)
+                val = pgm_read_byte((uint8_t*)alphabetBitmap[n] + i) >> (_col - col);
+            else
+                val = 0x00 >> (_col - col);
+            val = val & 0x01;
+            this->setLed(i - m + row, _col, val);
+        }
+    }