Seed can implementation

Fork of SEEED_CAN by Sophie Dexter

--- a/seeed_can.cpp	Wed Nov 06 20:16:11 2013 +0000
+++ b/seeed_can.cpp	Tue Nov 12 20:54:16 2013 +0000
@@ -20,21 +20,37 @@
 SEEED_CAN::SEEED_CAN(PinName ncs, PinName irq, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk, int spiBitrate) :
     _spi(mosi, miso, clk),
-    _can(_spi, ncs, irq)
+    _can(_spi, ncs, irq),
+    _irqpin(irq)
     // Make sure CS is high
     _can.ncs = 1;
     // Set up the spi interface
     _can.spi.format(8, 3);
-    _can.irq.fall(this, &SEEED_CAN::call_irq);
+//    _can.irq.fall(this, &SEEED_CAN::call_irq);
+    _irqpin.fall(this, &SEEED_CAN::call_irq);
 /** Open initialises the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS Shield.
-int SEEED_CAN::open(int canBitrate)
+int SEEED_CAN::open(int canBitrate, Mode mode)
+    return mcpInit(&_can, (uint32_t) canBitrate, (CANMode)mode);
+/** Puts or removes the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS shield into or from silent monitoring mode
+ */
+void SEEED_CAN::monitor(bool silent)
-    return mcpInit(&_can, (uint32_t) canBitrate);
+    mcpMonitor(&_can, silent);
+/** Change the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS shield CAN operation mode
+ */
+int SEEED_CAN::mode(Mode mode)
+    return mcpMode(&_can, (CANMode)mode);
 /** Set the CAN bus frequency (Bit Rate)
@@ -42,7 +58,7 @@
 int SEEED_CAN::frequency(int canBitRate)
 //    return mcpSetBitRate(&_can, (uint32_t) canBitRate);
-    return mcpInit(&_can, (uint32_t) canBitRate);
+    return mcpInit(&_can, (uint32_t) canBitRate, (CANMode)Normal);
 /** Read a CAN bus message from the MCP2515 (if one has been received)
@@ -89,36 +105,49 @@
 /** Check if any type of error has been detected on the CAN bus
-int SEEED_CAN::errors(void)
+int SEEED_CAN::errors(ErrorType type)
-    return (mcpRead(&_can, MCP_EFLG) & MCP_EFLG_ERRORMASK) ? 1 : 0;
+    return mcpErrorType(&_can, (CANFlags)type);
-/** Puts or removes the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS shield into or from silent monitoring mode
+/** Returns the contents of the MCP2515's Error Flag register
-void SEEED_CAN::monitor(bool silent)
-    mcpMonitor(&_can, silent);
-/** Change the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS shield CAN operation mode
- */
-int SEEED_CAN::mode(Mode mode)
-    return mcpMode(&_can, (CANMode)mode);
+ unsigned char SEEED_CAN::errorFlags(void)
+ {
+    return mcpErrorFlags(&_can);
+ }
 /** Attach a function to call whenever a CAN frame received interrupt is generated.
-void SEEED_CAN::attach(void (*fptr)(void), IrqType type)
+void SEEED_CAN::attach(void (*fptr)(void), IrqType event)
+    if (fptr) {
+        _callback_irq.attach(fptr);
+        mcpSetInterrupts(&_can, (CANIrqs)event);
+//        _irq[(CanIrqType)type].attach(fptr);
+//        can_irq_set(&_can, (CanIrqType)type, 1);
+    } else {
+        mcpSetInterrupts(&_can, (CANIrqs)SEEED_CAN::None);
+//        can_irq_set(&_can, (CanIrqType)type, 0);
+    }
+void SEEED_CAN::call_irq(void)
-    _callback_irq.attach(fptr);
-    mcpWrite(&_can, MCP_CANINTE, MCP_RX0IF | MCP_RX1IF);                // RX buffers can generate a interrupt
-//    _can.irq.fall(fptr);
-    /*    if (fptr) {
-            _irq[(CanIrqType)type].attach(fptr);
-            can_irq_set(&_can, (CanIrqType)type, 1);
-        } else {
-            can_irq_set(&_can, (CanIrqType)type, 0);
-        }*/
+/** Check if the specified interrupt event has occurred
+ */
+int SEEED_CAN::interrupts(IrqType type)
+    return mcpInterruptType(&_can, (CANIrqs)type);
+/** Returns the contents of the MCP2515's Interrupt Flag register
+ */
+ unsigned char SEEED_CAN::interruptFlags(void)
+ {
+    return mcpInterruptFlags(&_can);
+ }