This is the David Smart RA8875 Library with mods for working with FRDM-K64F

--- a/GraphicsDisplay.h	Sun Sep 24 02:09:57 2017 +0000
+++ b/GraphicsDisplay.h	Sat Apr 14 17:48:59 2018 +0000
@@ -309,38 +309,6 @@
     virtual RetCode_t blit(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t w, dim_t h, const int * color);    
-    /// This method returns the width in pixels of the chosen character
-    /// from the previously selected external font.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] c is the character of interest.
-    /// @param[in, out] width is a pointer to where the width will be stored.
-    ///     This parameter is NULL tested and will only be written if not null
-    ///     which is convenient if you only want the height.
-    /// @param[in, out] height is a pointer to where the height will be stored.
-    ///     This parameter is NULL tested and will only be written if not null
-    ///     which is convenient if you only want the width.
-    /// @returns a pointer to the raw character data or NULL if not found.
-    ///
-    virtual const uint8_t * getCharMetrics(const unsigned char c, dim_t * width, dim_t * height);
-    /// This method transfers one character from the external font data
-    /// to the screen.
-    ///
-    /// The font being used has already been set with the SelectUserFont
-    /// API.
-    ///
-    /// @note the font data is in a special format as generate by
-    ///         the mikroe font creator.
-    ///         See
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal pixel coordinate
-    /// @param[in] y is the vertical pixel coordinate
-    /// @param[in] c is the character to render
-    /// @returns how far the cursor should advance to the right in pixels.
-    /// @returns zero if the character could not be rendered.
-    ///
-    virtual int fontblit(loc_t x, loc_t y, const unsigned char c);
     /// This method returns the color value from a palette.
     /// This method accepts a pointer to a Bitmap color palette, which
@@ -455,6 +423,40 @@
     RetCode_t RenderIconFile(loc_t x, loc_t y, const char *Name_ICO);
+    /// This method returns the width in pixels of the chosen character
+    /// from the previously selected external font.
+    ///
+    /// @param[in] c is the character of interest.
+    /// @param[in, out] width is a pointer to where the width will be stored.
+    ///     This parameter is NULL tested and will only be written if not null
+    ///     which is convenient if you only want the height.
+    /// @param[in, out] height is a pointer to where the height will be stored.
+    ///     This parameter is NULL tested and will only be written if not null
+    ///     which is convenient if you only want the width.
+    /// @returns a pointer to the raw character data or NULL if not found.
+    ///
+    virtual const uint8_t * getCharMetrics(const unsigned char c, dim_t * width, dim_t * height);
+    /// This method transfers one character from the external font data
+    /// to the screen.
+    ///
+    /// The font being used has already been set with the SelectUserFont
+    /// API.
+    ///
+    /// @note the font data is in a special format as generate by
+    ///         the mikroe font creator.
+    ///         See
+    ///
+    /// @param[in] x is the horizontal pixel coordinate
+    /// @param[in] y is the vertical pixel coordinate
+    /// @param[in] c is the character to render
+    /// @returns how far the cursor should advance to the right in pixels.
+    /// @returns zero if the character could not be rendered.
+    ///
+    virtual int fontblit(loc_t x, loc_t y, const unsigned char c);
     /// prints one character at the specified coordinates.
     /// This will print the character at the specified pixel coordinates.
@@ -605,13 +607,15 @@
     virtual RetCode_t booleanStream(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t w, dim_t h, const uint8_t * boolStream) = 0;
     const unsigned char * font;     ///< reference to an external font somewhere in memory
     // pixel location
     short _x;                       ///< keeps track of current X location
     short _y;                       ///< keeps track of current Y location
+    uint8_t fontScaleX;             ///< tracks the font scale factor for Soft fonts. Range: 1 .. 4
+    uint8_t fontScaleY;             ///< tracks the font scale factor for soft fonts. Range: 1 .. 4
     rect_t windowrect;              ///< window commands are held here for speed of access 