Program for receiving XBee packets and controlling the MoboRobo.

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat May 05 04:07:13 2012 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

MODSERIAL.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 04e850e5bb86 MODSERIAL.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MODSERIAL.lib	Sat May 05 04:07:13 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 04e850e5bb86 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat May 05 04:07:13 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+// Serial Communication with XBee, iRobot, and PC
+MODSERIAL xbee_receive(p9, p10);    // tx, rx
+Serial irobot(p13, p14);         // tx, rx
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+// LEDs for wireless communication status
+DigitalOut l1(LED1);
+DigitalOut l2(LED2);
+// PWM channels for arm motor speed control
+PwmOut m1s(p21);    // shoulder 
+PwmOut m2s(p22);    // elbow
+PwmOut m3s(p23);    // gripper
+PwmOut m4s(p24);    // wrist
+// Digial channels for arm motor direction control
+DigitalOut m1d1(p19);    // shoulder 
+DigitalOut m1d2(p20);
+DigitalOut m2d1(p27);    // elbow
+DigitalOut m2d2(p28);
+DigitalOut m3d1(p29);   // gripper
+DigitalOut m3d2(p30);
+DigitalOut m4d1(p25);   // wrist
+DigitalOut m4d2(p26);
+// Create Command
+const char Start = 128;
+const char FullMode = 132;
+const char DriveDirect = 145;          // 4:   [Right Hi] [Right Low] [Left Hi] [Left Low]
+const char SensorStream = 148;
+const char PlaySong = 141;
+const char Song = 140;
+const char BumpsandDrops = 7;
+/* Global variables with sensor packet info */
+char Sensor_byte_count = 0;
+char Sensor_Data_Byte = 0;
+char Sensor_ID = 0;
+char Sensor_Num_Bytes = 0;
+char Sensor_Checksum = 0;
+short mode;
+void start();
+void stop();
+void autonomous();
+void receive_sensor();
+void findBomb();
+void diffuseBomb();
+void returnHome();
+void turn_right();
+void turn_left();
+void returnHome();
+void playsong();
+typedef struct {
+    short xAxis;
+    short yAxis;
+    short grip;
+    short left_velocity;
+    short right_velocity;
+    short wrist;
+    short elbow;
+    short mode;
+} xbee_packet;
+xbee_packet packet;
+char packetFound = 0;
+void receive_xbee_packet() {
+    char tmp;
+    packetFound = 0;
+    char cs = 0;
+    char data[16];
+    l1 = 0;
+    l2 = 0;
+    if (xbee_receive.rxBufferGetCount() < 20) {
+        l1 = 1;
+        return;
+    }
+    while (xbee_receive.rxBufferGetCount() > 19) {
+        tmp = xbee_receive.getc();
+        if (tmp == 0xF1) {
+            tmp = xbee_receive.getc();
+            if (tmp == 0xE2) {
+                packetFound = 1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (packetFound == 1) {
+        l2 = 1;
+        tmp = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs = tmp;
+        data[0] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[0];
+        data[1] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[1];
+        data[2] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[2];
+        data[3] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[3];
+        data[4] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[4];
+        data[5] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[5];
+        data[6] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[6];
+        data[7] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[7];
+        data[8] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[8];
+        data[9] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[9];
+         data[10] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[10];
+         data[11] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[11];
+         data[12] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[12];
+         data[13] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[13];
+        data[14] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[14];
+        data[15] = xbee_receive.getc();
+        cs ^= data[15];
+        tmp = xbee_receive.getc();
+        if (cs == tmp) {
+            memcpy(&packet, data, 16);
+        }
+    }
+void receive_sensor() {
+    char start_character;
+    Sensor_Data_Byte = 0;
+    // Loop just in case more than one character is in UART's receive FIFO buffer
+    while (irobot.readable()) {
+        switch (Sensor_byte_count) {
+            // Wait for Sensor Data Packet Header of 19
+            case 0: {
+                start_character = irobot.getc();
+                if (start_character == 19) Sensor_byte_count++;
+                break;
+            }
+            // Number of Packet Bytes
+            case 1: {
+                Sensor_Num_Bytes = irobot.getc();
+                Sensor_byte_count++;
+                break;
+            }
+            // Sensor ID of next data value
+            case 2: {
+                Sensor_ID = irobot.getc();
+                Sensor_byte_count++;
+                break;
+            }
+            // Sensor data value
+            case 3: {
+                Sensor_Data_Byte = irobot.getc();
+                irobot.getc();
+                Sensor_byte_count = 0;
+                return;
+            }
+            // Read Checksum and update LEDs with sensor data
+            case 4: {
+                Sensor_Checksum = irobot.getc();
+                // Could add code here to check the checksum and ignore a bad data packet
+                Sensor_byte_count = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+void actuate() {
+    short right = packet.right_velocity;
+    short left = packet.left_velocity;
+    short xAxis = packet.xAxis;
+    short yAxis = packet.yAxis;
+    short grip = packet.grip;
+    short wrist = packet.wrist;
+    short elbow = packet.elbow;
+    if (right || left){
+        irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char((right >> 8) & 0xFF), char(right & 0xFF), char((left >> 8) & 0xFF), char(left & 0xFF));
+        return;
+    }
+    stop();
+    if (xAxis < 0) {
+        irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char(((-xAxis * 5) >> 8) & 0xFF), char(-xAxis * 5 & 0xFF), char(((xAxis * 5) >> 8) & 0xFF), char((xAxis * 5) & 0xFF));
+        return;
+    } else if (xAxis > 0) {
+        irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char(((-xAxis * 5) >> 8) & 0xFF), char(-xAxis * 5 & 0xFF), char(((xAxis * 5) >> 8) & 0xFF), char((xAxis * 5) & 0xFF));
+        return;
+    }
+    stop();
+    if (yAxis < 0) {
+        m1d1 = 1;
+        m1d2 = 0;
+        m1s.write((float) (-yAxis)/50);
+    } else if (yAxis > 0) {
+        m1d1 = 0;
+        m1d2 = 1;
+        m1s.write((float) yAxis/50);
+    } else {
+        m1d1 = 0;
+        m1d2 = 0;
+        m1s = 0;
+    }
+    if (elbow < 0) {
+    //    pc.printf("elbow\r\n");
+        m2d1 = 1;
+        m2d2 = 0;
+        m2s.write((float) (-elbow)/50);
+    } else if (elbow > 0) {
+        m2d1 = 0;
+        m2d2 = 1;
+        m2s.write((float) elbow/50);
+    } else {
+        m2d1 = 0;
+        m2d2 = 0;
+        m2s.write(0);
+    }
+    if (wrist < 0) {
+        m4d1 = 1;
+        m4d2 = 0;
+        m4s.write((float) 0.2);
+    } else if (wrist > 0) {
+    //    pc.printf("wrist\r\n");
+        m4d1 = 0;
+        m4d2 = 1;
+        m4s.write((float) 0.2);
+    } else {
+        m4d1 = 0;
+        m4d2 = 0;
+        m4s.write(0);
+    }
+    if (grip == -1) {
+    //    pc.printf("gripper\r\n");
+        m3d1 = 1;
+        m3d2 = 0;
+        m3s.write((float) 0.2);
+    } else if (grip == 1) {
+        m3d1 = 0;
+        m3d2 = 1;
+        m3s.write((float) 0.2);
+    } else {
+        m3d1 = 0;
+        m3d2 = 0;
+        m3s.write(0);
+    }
+int main() {
+    int count = 0;
+    wait(5);              // wait for Create to power up to accept serial commands
+    irobot.baud(57600);   // set baud rate for Create factory default
+    start();
+    wait(.5);
+    while (1) {
+        receive_xbee_packet();
+        mode = packet.mode;
+        if (packetFound == 1 && !mode) {
+            //pc.printf("X: %d\tY: %d\tF: %d\tL: %d\tR: %d\tE: %d\tW: %d\r\n", packet.xAxis, packet.yAxis, packet.grip, packet.left_velocity, packet.right_velocity, packet.elbow, packet.wrist);
+            actuate();
+        } else if (packetFound && mode && !count) {
+            autonomous();
+        }
+        else if (packetFound && mode && count) {
+            stop();
+        }
+    }
+void autonomous(){
+    char bnd;
+    stop();
+    /*
+    findBomb();
+    diffuseBomb();
+    findBomb();
+    diffuseBomb();
+    returnHome();
+    //pc.printf("BND: %X\r\n", Sensor_Data_Byte);
+    wait(0.5);
+    */
+    irobot.printf("%c%c", 136, char(1));
+    while(1){
+        receive_xbee_packet();
+        mode = packet.mode;
+        if (!mode){
+            start();
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+void start() {
+    irobot.putc(Start);
+    irobot.putc(FullMode);
+    wait(.5);
+void stop() {
+    irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char(0),  char(0),  char(0),  char(0));
+// Reverse - reverse drive motors
+void reverse() {
+    int speed_right = 200;
+    int speed_left = 200;
+    irobot.putc(DriveDirect);
+    irobot.putc(char(((-speed_right)>>8)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char((-speed_right)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char(((-speed_left)>>8)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char((-speed_left)&0xFF));
+    wait(.85);
+// Left - drive motors set to rotate to left
+void turn_left() {
+    int speed_right = 200;
+    int speed_left = 200;
+    irobot.putc(DriveDirect);
+    irobot.putc(char(((speed_right)>>8)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char((speed_right)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char(((-speed_left)>>8)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char((-speed_left)&0xFF));
+    wait(.85);
+// Right - drive motors set to rotate to right
+void turn_right() {
+    int speed_right = 200;
+    int speed_left = 200;
+    irobot.putc(DriveDirect);
+    irobot.putc(char(((-speed_right)>>8)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char((-speed_right)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char(((speed_left)>>8)&0xFF));
+    irobot.putc(char((speed_left)&0xFF));
+    wait(.85);
+// Play Song  - define and play a song
+void playsong() { // Send out notes & duration to define song and then play song
+    irobot.putc(Song);
+    irobot.putc(char(0));
+    irobot.putc(char(2));
+    irobot.putc(char(64));
+    irobot.putc(char(24));    
+    irobot.putc(char(36));
+    irobot.putc(char(36));
+    wait(0.2);
+    irobot.putc(PlaySong);
+    irobot.putc(char(0));
+void findBomb(){    
+    int right = 400;
+    int left = 400;
+    int c = 0;
+    Sensor_Data_Byte = 0;
+    printf("before while loop: %X\r\n", Sensor_Data_Byte);
+    while((Sensor_Data_Byte != 3) && (Sensor_Data_Byte != 2) && (Sensor_Data_Byte != 1)){
+        irobot.putc(SensorStream);
+        irobot.putc(1);
+        irobot.putc(BumpsandDrops);  
+        receive_sensor();
+        printf("bnd: %X\r\n", Sensor_Data_Byte);
+        irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char((right >> 8) & 0xFF), char(right & 0xFF), char((left >> 8) & 0xFF), char(left & 0xFF));
+        if (!c) {
+            wait(1);
+        }
+        c = 1;
+    }
+    Sensor_Data_Byte = 0;
+    playsong(); 
+    pc.printf("bomb found\r\n");   
+void diffuseBomb(){
+    // diffuse the bomb --- motor values here
+    //pc.printf("X: %d\tY: %d\tF: %d\tL: %d\tR: %d\tE: %d\tW: %d\r\n", packet.xAxis, packet.yAxis, packet.grip, packet.left_velocity, packet.right_velocity, packet.elbow, packet.wrist);
+    Sensor_Data_Byte = 0;
+    int right;
+    int left;
+    pc.printf("diffusing bomb\r\n");
+    stop();
+    wait(10);
+    right = -100;
+    left = -100;
+    irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char((right >> 8) & 0xFF), char(right & 0xFF), char((left >> 8) & 0xFF), char(left & 0xFF));
+    wait(0.25);
+    stop();
+    pc.printf("bomb diffused, turning right\r\n");
+    // turn right
+    turn_right();
+    pc.printf("turned right, going home/diffusing next bomb\r\n");
+    Sensor_Data_Byte = 0;
+void returnHome(){
+    // move the robot for some time
+    int right = 200;
+    int left = 200;
+    irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char((right >> 8) & 0xFF), char(right & 0xFF), char((left >> 8) & 0xFF), char(left & 0xFF));
+    wait(8);
+    // turn right
+    turn_right();
+    // move the robot for some time
+    irobot.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", DriveDirect, char((right >> 8) & 0xFF), char(right & 0xFF), char((left >> 8) & 0xFF), char(left & 0xFF));
+    wait(3);
+    stop();
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 04e850e5bb86 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat May 05 04:07:13 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@