A system to help you ride your bike better than you do right now.

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE SDFileSystem mbed LSM9DS1_Library_cal

diff -r 26e0c0d7984f -r 1928bf053958 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Dec 04 21:42:06 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Dec 04 23:03:37 2016 +0000
@@ -7,10 +7,23 @@
 #define START_S 1480719111
+#define LEFT  0xA
+#define RIGHT 0xB
+#define STOP  0xC
+#define GO    0xD
+int lightState;
 DigitalOut led(LED1);
 SDFileSystem sd(p11, p12, p13, p14, "sd");  //mosi -> DI, miso <- DO, slck -> sclck, CS -> CS
 uLCD_4DGL lcd(p28, p27, p29);
+// speed sensor
+InterruptIn hallSensor(p8);
+Timer hallT;
+int stopped;
 float miles = 0;
 float speed = 0;
 float maxSpeed = 0;
@@ -18,31 +31,42 @@
 void store_trip();
 void recall_trips();
+int get_state();
+void pass();
-int main() {
-    set_time(START_S);  // Set RTC time
+int main() {    
     // open the file for reading and appending records
     // recall last trip
-    wait(5);
+    wait(10);
     // normal operation loop here
-    bool going = true;
+    int going = 1; // cyclist is moving
+    set_time(START_S);  // Set RTC time
+    hallSensor.fall(&pass);
+    hallT.start();     // start the hall sensor timer
     while(going) {
         seconds = time(NULL) - START_S; // return the seconds passed since start
+        if (hallT.read() > 6.0 && !stopped) {
+            speed = 0.0;
+            stopped = 1;
+        }
+        going = (hallT.read() > 20.0 && stopped) ? 0 : 1;
+        maxSpeed = (speed > maxSpeed) ? speed : maxSpeed;
-        led = 1;
-        wait(0.5);
-        led = 0;
-    // check current speed
-    // check curret distance
-    // check time so far
-    // display this on the screen
-    // check if braking, turning left or right
-    // show that on the screen
+        lcd.locate(0, 1);
+        lcd.printf("Distance : %3.1f\n\n", miles);
+        lcd.printf("Top speed : %2.1f\n\n", speed);
+        lcd.printf("Time : %1.1f\n\n", (float)seconds / 3600);
+        // light states code
+        lightstates = get_state();
     // store this trip
@@ -135,4 +159,14 @@
+void pass(void) {
+    // interrupt, performed when the hallsensor passes the magnet
+    stopped = 0; // reset the global
+    hallT.stop();
+    speed = 0.00136364 / (t.read() / 3600); // current speed
+    miles += 0.00136364; // circumference of the tire in miles
+    t.reset();
+    t.start();
\ No newline at end of file