The KPN SenML library helps you create and parse senml documents in both json and cbor format. The library can be used for sending sensor data and receiving actuator commands.

Fork of kpn_senml by KPN IoT

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cbor.h	Sat May 19 17:35:20 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+/*  _  __  ____    _   _ 
+ * | |/ / |  _ \  | \ | |
+ * | ' /  | |_) | |  \| |
+ * | . \  |  __/  | |\  |
+ * |_|\_\ |_|     |_| \_|
+ * 
+ * (c) 2018 KPN
+ * License: MIT License.
+ * Author: Jan Bogaerts
+ * 
+ * cbor parsing and rendering header
+ */
+#ifndef SENMLCBOR
+#define SENMLCBOR
+#include <Stream.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#define SENML_BVER_LABEL    -1
+#define SENML_CBOR_BS_LABEL -16
+#define SENML_CBOR_N_LABEL   0
+#define SENML_CBOR_U_LABEL   1
+#define SENML_CBOR_V_LABEL   2
+#define SENML_CBOR_S_LABEL   5
+#define SENML_CBOR_T_LABEL   6
+#define CBOR_TYPE_MASK          0xE0    /* top 3 bits */
+#define CBOR_INFO_MASK          0x1F    /* low 5 bits */
+/* Major types (cf. section 2.1) */
+/* Major type 0: Unsigned integers */
+#define CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS      24      /* 0x18 */
+#define CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS     25      /* 0x19 */
+#define CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS     26      /* 0x1a */
+#define CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS     27      /* 0x1b */
+#define CBOR_BYTE_FOLLOWS       24      /* indicator that the next byte is part of this item */
+/* Jump Table for Initial Byte (cf. table 5) */
+#define CBOR_UINT       0x00            /* type 0 */
+#define CBOR_NEGINT     0x20            /* type 1 */
+#define CBOR_BYTES      0x40            /* type 2 */
+#define CBOR_TEXT       0x60            /* type 3 */
+#define CBOR_ARRAY      0x80            /* type 4 */
+#define CBOR_MAP        0xA0            /* type 5 */
+#define CBOR_TAG        0xC0            /* type 6 */
+#define CBOR_7          0xE0            /* type 7 (float and other types) */
+#define CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS        31      /* 0x1f */
+/* Major type 6: Semantic tagging */
+/* Major type 7: Float and other types */
+#define CBOR_FALSE      (CBOR_7 | 20)
+#define CBOR_TRUE       (CBOR_7 | 21)
+#define CBOR_NULL       (CBOR_7 | 22)
+#define CBOR_UNDEFINED  (CBOR_7 | 23)
+/* CBOR_BYTE_FOLLOWS == 24 */
+#define CBOR_FLOAT16    (CBOR_7 | 25)
+#define CBOR_FLOAT32    (CBOR_7 | 26)
+#define CBOR_FLOAT64    (CBOR_7 | 27)
+#define CBOR_BREAK      (CBOR_7 | 31)
+#define CBOR_TYPE (peekChar() & CBOR_TYPE_MASK)
+ * @brief Serialize array of length @p array_length
+ *
+ * Basic usage:
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.c}
+ * cbor_serialize_array(2); // array of length 2 follows
+ * cbor_serialize_int(1)); // write item 1
+ * cbor_serialize_int(2)); // write item 2
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * @note You have to make sure to serialize the correct amount of items.
+ * If you exceed the length @p array_length, items will just be appened as normal
+ *
+ * @param[in]  array_length Length of the array of items which follows
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to stream @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_serialize_array(size_t array_length);
+ * @brief Serialize map of length @p map_length
+ *
+ * Basic usage:
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.c}
+ * cbor_serialize_map(2); // map of length 2 follows
+ * cbor_serialize_int(1)); // write key 1
+ * cbor_serialize_byte_string("1")); // write value 1
+ * cbor_serialize_int(2)); // write key 2
+ * cbor_serialize_byte_string("2")); // write value 2
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * @param map_length Length of the map of items which follows
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to stream @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_serialize_map(size_t map_length);
+ * @brief Serializes an integer
+ *
+ * @param[in] val       The integer to serialize
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to stream @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_serialize_int(int val);
+ * @brief Serializes a unicode string.
+ *
+ *                      string
+ * @param[out] val      The zero-terminated unicode string to serialize.
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to stream @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_serialize_unicode_string(const char *val);
+ * @brief Serializes a double precision floating point value
+ *
+ * @param[in] val       The double to serialize
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to stream @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_serialize_double(double val);
+ * @brief Serializes a boolean value
+ *
+ * @param[in] val       The boolean value to serialize
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to stream @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_serialize_bool(bool val);
+ * @brief Serializes a signed 64 bit value
+ *
+ * @param[in] val       The 64 bit integer to serialize
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes written to stream @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_serialize_byte_string(const char *val, int length);
+//read integer
+size_t decode_int(uint64_t *val);
+ * @brief Deserialize signed 64 bit values from stream to @p val
+ *
+ * @param[out] val   Pointer to destination array
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes read from @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_deserialize_int64_t(int64_t *val);
+ * @brief Deserialize unsigned 64 bit values from @p stream to @p val
+ * @param[out] val   Pointer to destination array
+ *
+ * @return Number of bytes read from @p stream
+ */
+size_t cbor_deserialize_uint64_t(uint64_t *val);
+ *  @brief check that the char at the current position is a break char
+ * 
+ * @return 1 if all ok, 0 if no break char was found.
+ */
+size_t cbor_at_break();
+size_t cbor_deserialize_float_half(float *val);
+size_t cbor_deserialize_float(float *val);
+size_t cbor_deserialize_double(double *val);
+#endif // SENMLCBOR