Fork of the official mbed C/C SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications. The fork has the documentation converted to Doxygen format

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Data Structures

struct  LPC_I2C_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x I2C-bus controller Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (I2C) More...
struct  LPC_WWDT_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT) Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (WWDT) More...
struct  LPC_USART_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x USART Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (USART) More...
struct  LPC_CTxxBx_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x 32-bitcounter/timers CT32B0/1 Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3. More...
struct  LPC_ADC_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x ADC Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (ADC) More...
struct  LPC_PMU_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x Power Management Unit (PMU) Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (PMU) More...
struct  LPC_FLASHCTRL_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x Flash programming firmware Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (FLASHCTRL) More...
struct  LPC_SSPx_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x SSP/SPI Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (SSP0) More...
struct  LPC_IOCON_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x I/O configuration Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (IOCONFIG) More...
struct  LPC_SYSCON_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x System control block Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (SYSCON) More...
struct  LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x GPIO Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (GPIO_PIN_INT) More...
struct  LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INTx_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x GPIO Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (GPIO_GROUP_INT0) More...
struct  LPC_USB_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x USB2.0device controller Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (USB) More...
struct  LPC_GPIO_Type
 Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x GPIO Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (GPIO_PORT) More...