KSM edits to RA8875

Dependents:   Liz_Test_Code

--- a/Bitmap.h	Sun Jul 31 20:59:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/Bitmap.h	Mon Aug 01 22:31:42 2016 +0000
@@ -23,28 +23,30 @@
 #pragma push
 #pragma pack(2)
+/// Bitmap file header
 typedef struct                    /**** BMP file header structure ****/
-    uint16_t    bfType;           /* Magic number for file */
-    uint32_t    bfSize;           /* Size of file */
-    uint16_t    bfReserved1;      /* Reserved */
-    uint16_t    bfReserved2;      /* ... */
-    uint32_t    bfOffBits;        /* Offset to bitmap data */
+    uint16_t    bfType;           ///< Magic number for file 
+    uint32_t    bfSize;           ///< Size of file 
+    uint16_t    bfReserved1;      ///< reserved placeholder for the structure footprint
+    uint16_t    bfReserved2;      ///< reserved placeholder for the structure footprint
+    uint32_t    bfOffBits;        ///< Offset to bitmap data 
+/// Bitmap information header
 typedef struct                    /**** BMP file info structure ****/
-    uint32_t    biSize;           /* Size of info header */
-    uint32_t    biWidth;          /* Width of image */
-    uint32_t    biHeight;         /* Height of image */
-    uint16_t    biPlanes;         /* Number of color planes */
-    uint16_t    biBitCount;       /* Number of bits per pixel */
-    uint32_t    biCompression;    /* Type of compression to use */
-    uint32_t    biSizeImage;      /* Size of image data */
-    int32_t     biXPelsPerMeter;  /* X pixels per meter */
-    int32_t     biYPelsPerMeter;  /* Y pixels per meter */
-    uint32_t    biClrUsed;        /* Number of colors used */
-    uint32_t    biClrImportant;   /* Number of important colors */
+    uint32_t    biSize;           ///< Size of info header 
+    uint32_t    biWidth;          ///< Width of image 
+    uint32_t    biHeight;         ///< Height of image 
+    uint16_t    biPlanes;         ///< Number of color planes 
+    uint16_t    biBitCount;       ///< Number of bits per pixel 
+    uint32_t    biCompression;    ///< Type of compression to use 
+    uint32_t    biSizeImage;      ///< Size of image data 
+    int32_t     biXPelsPerMeter;  ///< X pixels per meter 
+    int32_t     biYPelsPerMeter;  ///< Y pixels per meter 
+    uint32_t    biClrUsed;        ///< Number of colors used 
+    uint32_t    biClrImportant;   ///< Number of important colors 
 #pragma pop
@@ -59,12 +61,13 @@
 #  define BI_RLE4      2             /* 4-bit run-length compression */
 #  define BI_BITFIELDS 3             /* RGB bitmap with RGB masks */
+/// An RGB Quad data type used by the bitmap driver.
 typedef struct                       /**** Colormap entry structure ****/
-    uint8_t  rgbBlue;          /* Blue value */
-    uint8_t  rgbGreen;         /* Green value */
-    uint8_t  rgbRed;           /* Red value */
-    uint8_t  rgbReserved;      /* Reserved */
+    uint8_t  rgbBlue;          ///< Blue value 
+    uint8_t  rgbGreen;         ///< Green value 
+    uint8_t  rgbRed;           ///< Red value 
+    uint8_t  rgbReserved;      ///< Reserved 
     } RGBQUAD;
 //typedef struct                       /**** Bitmap information structure ****/
@@ -77,23 +80,25 @@
 #pragma push
 #pragma pack(2)
+/// Icon file type file header.
 typedef struct                  /**** ICO file header structure ****/
-    uint16_t    Reserved_zero;  // Always zero
-    uint16_t    icType;         // 1 for .ico, 2 for .cur
-    uint16_t    icImageCount;   // number of images in the file    
+    uint16_t    Reserved_zero;  ///< Always zero
+    uint16_t    icType;         ///< 1 for .ico, 2 for .cur
+    uint16_t    icImageCount;   ///< number of images in the file    
+/// Icon file type directory entry structure
 typedef struct                  /**** ICO file Directory Entry structure (1 or more) ****/
-    uint8_t     biWidth;          /* Width of image */
-    uint8_t     biHeight;         /* Height of image */
-    uint8_t     biClrUsed;        /* Number of colors used */
-    uint8_t     Reserved_zero;
-    uint16_t    biPlanes;         /* Number of color planes (ICO should be 0 or 1, CUR horz hotspot */
-    uint16_t    biBitCount;       /* Number of bits per pixel (ICO bits per pixel, CUR vert hotspot */
-    uint32_t    biSizeImage;      /* Size of image data */
-    uint32_t    bfOffBits;        /* Offset into file for the bitmap data */
+    uint8_t     biWidth;        ///< Width of image 
+    uint8_t     biHeight;       ///< Height of image 
+    uint8_t     biClrUsed;      ///< Number of colors used 
+    uint8_t     Reserved_zero;  ///< reserved placeholder for the structure footprint
+    uint16_t    biPlanes;       ///< Number of color planes (ICO should be 0 or 1, CUR horz hotspot 
+    uint16_t    biBitCount;     ///< Number of bits per pixel (ICO bits per pixel, CUR vert hotspot 
+    uint32_t    biSizeImage;    ///< Size of image data 
+    uint32_t    bfOffBits;      ///< Offset into file for the bitmap data 
 #pragma pop