KSM edits to RA8875

Dependents:   Liz_Test_Code

Wed Feb 13 04:20:12 2019 +0000
Add ability to PrintScreen as an 8-bit bitmap, as an alternate to the default of 24-bit.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 1 //
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 2 // Windows BMP file definitions.
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 3 //
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 4 // Adapted from code written by Michael Sweet from Paul Bourke's
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 5 // web site: http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/bmp/
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 6 //
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 7
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 8 #ifndef _BITMAP_H_
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 9 #define _BITMAP_H_
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 10
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 11 #include <mbed.h>
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 12
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 13 // BITMAPFILEHEADER
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 14 // BITMAPINFOHEADER
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 15 // Optional Palette
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 16 // Raw Data
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 17
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 18 //
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 19 // Bitmap file data structures
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 20 //
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 21 // must align to 2-byte boundaries so it doesn't alter the memory image when
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 22 // bytes are read from the file system into this footprint.
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 23 #pragma push
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 24 #pragma pack(2)
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 25
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 26 /// Bitmap file header
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 27 typedef struct /**** BMP file header structure ****/
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 28 {
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 29 uint16_t bfType; ///< Magic number for file
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 30 uint32_t bfSize; ///< Size of file
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 31 uint16_t bfReserved1; ///< reserved placeholder for the structure footprint
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 32 uint16_t bfReserved2; ///< reserved placeholder for the structure footprint
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 33 uint32_t bfOffBits; ///< Offset to bitmap data
WiredHome 163:17526689a3ed 34 } BITMAPFILEHEADER; // Size: 14B
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 35
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 36 /// Bitmap information header
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 37 typedef struct /**** BMP file info structure ****/
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 38 {
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 39 uint32_t biSize; ///< Size of info header
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 40 uint32_t biWidth; ///< Width of image
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 41 uint32_t biHeight; ///< Height of image
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 42 uint16_t biPlanes; ///< Number of color planes
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 43 uint16_t biBitCount; ///< Number of bits per pixel
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 44 uint32_t biCompression; ///< Type of compression to use
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 45 uint32_t biSizeImage; ///< Size of image data
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 46 int32_t biXPelsPerMeter; ///< X pixels per meter
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 47 int32_t biYPelsPerMeter; ///< Y pixels per meter
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 48 uint32_t biClrUsed; ///< Number of colors used
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 49 uint32_t biClrImportant; ///< Number of important colors
WiredHome 163:17526689a3ed 50 } BITMAPINFOHEADER; // Size: 40B
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 51 #pragma pop
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 52
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 53 #define BF_TYPE 0x4D42 /* "MB" */
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 54
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 55 /*
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 56 * Constants for the biCompression field...
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 57 */
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 58
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 59 # define BI_RGB 0 /* No compression - straight BGR data */
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 60 # define BI_RLE8 1 /* 8-bit run-length compression */
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 61 # define BI_RLE4 2 /* 4-bit run-length compression */
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 62 # define BI_BITFIELDS 3 /* RGB bitmap with RGB masks */
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 63
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 64 /// An RGB Quad data type used by the bitmap driver.
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 65 typedef struct /**** Colormap entry structure ****/
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 66 {
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 67 uint8_t rgbBlue; ///< Blue value
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 68 uint8_t rgbGreen; ///< Green value
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 69 uint8_t rgbRed; ///< Red value
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 70 uint8_t rgbReserved; ///< Reserved
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 71 } RGBQUAD;
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 72
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 73 //typedef struct /**** Bitmap information structure ****/
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 74 // {
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 75 // BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; /* Image header */
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 76 // RGBQUAD bmiColors[256]; /* Image colormap */
WiredHome 32:0e4f2ae512e2 77 // } BITMAPINFO;
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 78
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 79
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 80 #pragma push
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 81 #pragma pack(2)
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 82
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 83 /// Icon file type file header.
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 84 typedef struct /**** ICO file header structure ****/
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 85 {
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 86 uint16_t Reserved_zero; ///< Always zero
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 87 uint16_t icType; ///< 1 for .ico, 2 for .cur
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 88 uint16_t icImageCount; ///< number of images in the file
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 89 } ICOFILEHEADER;
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 90
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 91 /// Icon file type directory entry structure
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 92 typedef struct /**** ICO file Directory Entry structure (1 or more) ****/
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 93 {
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 94 uint8_t biWidth; ///< Width of image
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 95 uint8_t biHeight; ///< Height of image
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 96 uint8_t biClrUsed; ///< Number of colors used
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 97 uint8_t Reserved_zero; ///< reserved placeholder for the structure footprint
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 98 uint16_t biPlanes; ///< Number of color planes (ICO should be 0 or 1, CUR horz hotspot
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 99 uint16_t biBitCount; ///< Number of bits per pixel (ICO bits per pixel, CUR vert hotspot
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 100 uint32_t biSizeImage; ///< Size of image data
WiredHome 125:7a0b70f56550 101 uint32_t bfOffBits; ///< Offset into file for the bitmap data
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 102 } ICODIRENTRY;
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 103 #pragma pop
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 104
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 105 #define IC_TYPE 0x0001 /* 1 = ICO (icon), 2 = CUR (cursor) */
WiredHome 42:7cbdfd2bbfc5 106
WiredHome 31:c72e12cd5c67 107 #endif // _BITMAP_H_