Data logger: Sensors -> Barometer & temperature (BMP180), Humidity & temp. (RHT03), Sunshine (Cds): Display -> 20 chracters x 4 lines: Strage -> EEPROM (AT24C1024): Special functions -> Enter sleep mode to save current, reading the logging data via serial line

Dependencies:   AT24C1024 BMP180 M41T62 RHT03 TextLCD WakeUp mbed

Fork of LPC1114_barometer_with_data_logging by Kenji Arai

Please refer following Notebook.

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Jun 13 07:45:15 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jun 13 10:41:42 2014 +0000
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#define DEBUG       1           // 1=Debug, 0=Normal
+#define DEBUG_L1       1        // 1=Debug, 0=Normal
+#define DEBUG_L2       1        // 1=Debug, 0=Normal
 #define VREF_VOLT   2.482       // TA76431F Vref real measued data
 #define R_FIX       9930        // 10K ohm <- real measued data
@@ -36,16 +37,170 @@
 typedef enum {CDS = 0, VREF, VOL} ADC_Select;
+//  ADC
 float av_cds, av_vref, av_vol, cal_vcc;
 float r_cds, lux;
 uint32_t nor_vol;
+//  LCD
+extern unsigned char contrast;
+char buf[16];
+//  Barometer
+extern uint32_t baro_pressure_ave_data; // Temperature /normalized
+extern int16_t  baro_temp_ave_data;
+extern uint32_t baro_pres_data;         // Barometer /normalized
+extern int16_t  baro_temp_data;
 // Cds GL5528 (Dark Resistance 1 Mohm type) SENBA OPTICAL & ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.
 //      Table value referrence:
 const float lux_cds[CDS_TBL_SIZE][2] =
+#if DEBUG_L2
+char *const imsg0 = "-->Control Reg.";
+char *const imsg1 = "-->Status Reg.";
+char *const imsg2 = "-->Data Reg.";
+char *const imsg3 = "-->Clock control Reg.";
+static char *const io_port_name0 = "PIO0_";
+static char *const iomsg0 = "Func->select ";
+static char *const iomsg1 = "IO";
+static char *const iomsg2 = "Reserved";
+static char *const iomsg3 = "Std/F-md I2C";
+#endif  // DEBUG_L2
+// Functions
+//      Barometer
+void baro_st_conv_temp( void );         // Start Conversion
+void baro_st_conv_press( void );        // Start Conversion
+void baro_rd_temp( void );              // Receive Press. & Temp.
+void baro_rd_press( void );             // Receive Press. & Temp.
+void baro_rd_coefficient( void );       // Receive Coefficient data
+void baro_rd_id( void );                // Receive Chip ID 
+void cal_pressure( void );              // Calculate Pressure
+//      LCD
+void lcd_init();                        // Initialize LCD
+void lcd_printStr(const char *s);       // Put strings
+void lcd_setCursor(unsigned char x,unsigned char y);    // Set cursor position
+void setContrast(unsigned char c);      // Set contrast
+//  Control Program
+#if DEBUG_L2
+//  Put \r\n
+void put_rn ( void ){
+    pc.putc('\r');
+    pc.putc('\n');
+//  Put \r
+void put_r ( void ){
+    pc.putc('\r');
+// Put ", "
+void put_lin ( void ){
+    pc.printf(", ");
+void debug_port_check( void ){
+uint32_t r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7;
+    // Show registers
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "------- Show Registers -------" );
+    put_rn(); 
+    pc.printf( "**** P0_4,P0_5 Port usage ****" );
+    put_rn();
+    // P0_4
+    r0 = LPC_IOCON->PIO0_4;
+    pc.printf( "%s4(dp27)",io_port_name0 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r0 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( iomsg0 );
+    switch ( r0 & 0x7 ){
+    case 0:        pc.printf( iomsg1 );     break;
+    case 1:        pc.printf("SCL");        break;
+    }
+    put_lin();
+    switch ( ( r0 >> 8 ) & 0x3 ){
+    case 0:        pc.printf( iomsg3 );     break;
+    case 1:        pc.printf( iomsg1);      break;
+    case 2:        pc.printf("Fast md");    break;
+    case 3:        pc.printf( iomsg2 );     break;
+    }
+    put_rn();
+    // P0_5
+    r0 = LPC_IOCON->PIO0_5;
+    pc.printf( "%s5(dp5)",io_port_name0 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r0 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( iomsg0 );
+    switch ( r0 & 0x7 ){
+    case 0:        pc.printf( iomsg1 );     break;
+    case 1:        pc.printf("SDA");        break;
+    }
+    put_lin();
+    switch ( ( r0 >> 8 ) & 0x3 ){
+    case 0:        pc.printf( iomsg3 );     break;
+    case 1:        pc.printf( iomsg1 );     break;
+    case 2:        pc.printf("Fast md");    break;
+    case 3:        pc.printf( iomsg2 );     break;
+    }
+    put_rn();
+    // I2C Control register
+    r0 = LPC_I2C->CONSET;
+    r1 = LPC_I2C->STAT;
+    r2 = LPC_I2C->DAT;
+    r3 = LPC_I2C->SCLH;
+    r4 = LPC_I2C->SCLL;
+    r5 = LPC_I2C->CONCLR;
+    r6 = LPC_I2C->MMCTRL;
+    r7 = LPC_I2C->DATA_BUFFER;
+    pc.printf( "**** Show I2C Registers ****" );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "CONSET" );
+    pc.printf( imsg0 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r0 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "STAT" );
+    pc.printf( imsg1 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r1 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "DAT" );
+    pc.printf( imsg2 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r2 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "ADR0--Not support" );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "SCLH" );
+    pc.printf( imsg0 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r3 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "SCLL" );
+    pc.printf( imsg0 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r4 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "CONCLR" );
+    pc.printf( imsg0 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r5 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "MMCTRL" );
+    pc.printf( imsg0 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r6 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "ADR1,2,3--Not support" );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "DATA_BUFFER" );
+    pc.printf( imsg3 );
+    pc.printf( " 0x%08x", r7 );
+    put_rn();
+    pc.printf( "MASK0,1,2,3--Not support" );
+    put_rn();
+#endif  // DEBUG_L2
 void adc_normalize( ADC_Select n ){
 int i;
 float x1,y1,dx;
@@ -62,23 +217,35 @@
-#if DEBUG
-        pc.printf("i=%d, ", i);
+#if DEBUG_L1
+        pc.printf( "i=%d, ", i );
+#endif  // DEBUG_L1
         if (i == 0){
             lux = lux_cds[0][1];
+#if DEBUG_L1
+            pc.printf( "range over!\r\n" );
+#endif // DEBUG_L1
         } else if ( i == CDS_TBL_SIZE ){
-            if ( r_cds <= lux_cds[i][0]){
+            if ( r_cds <= lux_cds[i][0] ){
                 lux = lux_cds[i-1][1];
         } else {
+            if ( i == CDS_TBL_SIZE ){
+                if ( r_cds <= lux_cds[i][0] ){
+                    lux = lux_cds[i-1][1];
+#if DEBUG_L1
+                    pc.printf("range over!\r\n");
+#endif // DEBUG_L1
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
             y1 = lux_cds[i-1][1] - lux_cds[i][1];
             x1 = lux_cds[i][0] - lux_cds[i-1][0];
             dx = r_cds - lux_cds[i-1][0];
             lux = lux_cds[i-1][1] - ((dx/x1) * y1);
-#if DEBUG
-            pc.printf("y1:%f, x1:%f, dx:%f, lux_tbl:%f\r\n", y1, x1, dx, lux_cds[i-1][1]);
+#if DEBUG_L1
+            pc.printf( "y1:%f, x1:%f, dx:%f, lux_tbl:%f\r\n", y1, x1, dx, lux_cds[i-1][1] );
+#endif // DEBUG_L1
     case VREF:
@@ -114,27 +281,83 @@
 int main() {
+uint16_t dt;
-    pc.printf("mbed LPC1114FN28 test program by JH1PJL created on "__DATE__"\r\n");
+    pc.printf( "\r\nmbed LPC1114FN28 test program by JH1PJL created on "__DATE__"\r\n" );
+    // Initialize ADC
+    adc_init();
+    // Initialize LCD
+    lcd_init();
+    contrast = 25;
+    setContrast(contrast);
+    //Initial screen shot
+    lcd_setCursor(0, 0);
+    //            12345678
+    lcd_printStr("LPC1114F");
+    lcd_setCursor(0, 1);
+    //            12345678
+    lcd_printStr(" JH1PJL ");
+    // Read BMP180 data / only once
+    baro_rd_id();
+    baro_rd_coefficient();
+    wait(5.0);
     while(1) {
+        // Power on / Analog sensor
         analog_pwr = 1;
         vref_pwr = 1;
-        //analog_pwr = 0;
+        // Power off / Analog sensor
+        analog_pwr = 0;
+        //vref_pwr = 0; 
+        // Normalize
         adc_normalize( CDS );
         adc_normalize( VREF );
-        adc_normalize( VOL );        
+        adc_normalize( VOL );       
         myled0 = 1;
-        myled1 = 1;
         if (sw_chng == 1){  // SW Off
-            pc.printf("CDS:%.0fohm -> %.1flux, Vcc:%.3fV, Vol:%d\r\n", r_cds, lux, cal_vcc, nor_vol);
+            pc.printf( "\r\nCds:%.0fohm -> %.1flux, Vcc:%.3fV, Vol:%d\r\n",
+                r_cds, lux, cal_vcc, nor_vol );
         } else {            // SW On
-            pc.printf("CDS:%f, Vref:%f, Vol:%f\r\n", av_cds, av_vref, av_vol);
+            pc.printf( "\r\nCds:%f, Vref:%f, Vol:%f\r\n", av_cds, av_vref, av_vol );
         myled0 = 0;
+        lcd_setCursor(0, 0);    // 1st line top
+        dt = (uint16_t)(lux * 10);
+        //sprintf( buf,"l: %4.1f ", lux );
+        sprintf( buf,"L:%4d.%01d ", dt / 10, dt % 10 );
+        lcd_printStr(buf);
+        lcd_setCursor(0, 1);    // 2nd line top
+        sprintf( buf,"V: %1.3f ", cal_vcc );
+        lcd_printStr(buf);
+        wait(4.0);
+        baro_st_conv_temp();    // start temprerature measurment
+        wait(0.25);       // wait for convertion
+        baro_rd_temp();         // read it
+        baro_st_conv_press();   // start pressure measurement
+        wait(0.5);       // wait for convertion
+        baro_rd_press();        // read it
+        cal_pressure();         // Calculate baro & temp.
+        lcd_setCursor(0, 0);    // 1st line top
+        sprintf( buf,"P:%4d.%01d  ", baro_pres_data / 100, ( baro_pres_data % 100 ) /10 );
+        lcd_printStr(buf);
+        lcd_setCursor(0, 1);    // 2nd line top
+        if (sw_chng == 0){      // SW ON
+            baro_temp_data = -100;  // Dummy -10.0 degC -> Test printf() minus display
+        }
+        sprintf( buf,"T: %\+-d.%01d ", baro_temp_data / 10, baro_temp_data% 10 );
+        lcd_printStr(buf);
+        myled1 = 1;
+        pc.printf( "Pres:%4d.%01dhPa, Temp:%\+-d.%01ddegC\r\n",
+             baro_pres_data / 100, ( baro_pres_data % 100 ) /10,
+             baro_temp_data / 10, baro_temp_data% 10 );
         myled1 = 0;
-        wait(0.8);     
+        wait(3.0);
+#if DEBUG_L2
+        debug_port_check();
+#endif  // DEBUG_L2
+        wait(1.0);     