check program for EPSON RX-8025NB and STM M41T62 external RTC library

Dependencies:   RX8025NB M41T62

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00001 /*
00002  * mbed Application program
00003  *      External RTC test program for EPSON RX-8025NB and STM M41T62
00004  *
00005  * Copyright (c) 2020 Kenji Arai / JH1PJL
00006  *
00007  *
00008  *      Created: August     7th, 2020
00009  *      Revised: August     7th, 2020
00010  */
00012 // tested on Nucleo-L476RG board
00014 //  Select target RTC ----------------------------------------------------------
00015 //#define CHECK_RX8025
00016 #define CHECK_M41T62
00018 //  Include --------------------------------------------------------------------
00019 #include "mbed.h"
00020 #include "redirect_stdio.h"
00021 #if defined(CHECK_RX8025)
00022 #   include    "RX8025NB.h"
00023 #   define      RTC_NO  0
00024 #elif  defined(CHECK_M41T62)
00025 #   include    "m41t62_rtc.h"
00026 #   define      RTC_NO  1
00027 #endif
00030 //  Definition -----------------------------------------------------------------
00031 #define PUSHED_SW       0           // Active low
00033 #define SLEEP_TIME      2           // 2 minuts(minimum setting)
00035 //  Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00036 DigitalIn userSW(USER_BUTTON);
00037 DigitalOut myled(LED1);             // Indicate the sampling period
00038 I2C i2c(D14, D15);
00039 #if defined(CHECK_RX8025)
00040 RX8025  ex_rtc(i2c);                // EPSON RX-8025NB
00041 DigitalIn rtc_irq(A5, PullUp);      // will change to InterruptIn
00042 #elif  defined(CHECK_M41T62)
00043 M41T62  ex_rtc(i2c);                // STMicro M41T62
00044 DigitalIn rtc_irq(A4, PullUp);      // will change to InterruptIn
00045 #endif
00047 //  RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00049 //  ROM / Constant data --------------------------------------------------------
00050 const char *const msg0 = "Is a time correct? If no, please hit any key. ";
00051 const char *const msg1 = "<Push USER SW then enter the Deep Sleep mode> ";
00052 const char *const rtc_name[2]  = {"RX-8025NB", "M41T62"};
00054 //  Function prototypes --------------------------------------------------------
00055 static void w_check_rtc_time(void);
00056 static void time_enter_mode(void);
00057 static void chk_and_set_time(char *ptr);
00058 static int32_t xatoi(char **str, int32_t *res);
00059 static void get_line(char *buff, int32_t len);
00060 static void rtc_interrut(void);
00062 extern void print_revision(void);
00064 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00065 //  Control Program
00066 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00067 int main()
00068 {
00069     char buf[64];
00070     time_t seconds;
00071     uint8_t wait_counter = 0;
00073     puts("\r\n\r\nTest Nucleo RTC Function.");
00074     printf("External RTC is %s\r\n", rtc_name[RTC_NO]);
00075     print_revision();
00076     myled = !myled;
00077     ThisThread::sleep_for(100ms);
00078     myled = !myled;
00079     ThisThread::sleep_for(100ms);
00080     // RTC related preparation
00081     //ex_rtc.set_sq_wave(RTC_SQW_NONE);
00082     ex_rtc.clear_IRQ();
00083     w_check_rtc_time();
00084     while(true) {
00085         seconds = time(NULL);
00086         strftime(buf, 50, " %B %d,'%y, %H:%M:%S\r\n", localtime(&seconds));
00087         printf("[Time] %s", buf);
00088         printf("%s", msg0);
00089         printf("%s", msg1);
00090         puts("\r");
00091         wait_counter = 0;
00092         while (seconds == time(NULL)) {
00093             if (readable() == 1) {      // Enter time from PC console
00094                 getc(); // dummy read
00095                 time_enter_mode();
00096             }
00097             if (userSW == PUSHED_SW) {  // goto sleep and wake up by RTC timer
00098                 while (userSW == PUSHED_SW) {
00099                     ThisThread::sleep_for(10ms);
00100                 }
00101                 printf("Please wait %d minutes to wake-up(Reset).", SLEEP_TIME);
00102                 puts(" Entered the deep sleep mode. ");
00103                 ThisThread::sleep_for(1s);
00104                 myled = 0;
00105 #if defined(CHECK_RX8025)
00106                 InterruptIn rtc_irq(A5, PullUp);
00107 #elif  defined(CHECK_M41T62)
00108                 InterruptIn rtc_irq(A4, PullUp);
00109 #endif
00110                 rtc_irq.fall(&rtc_interrut);
00111                 ex_rtc.set_next_IRQ(SLEEP_TIME);
00112                 ThisThread::sleep_for(1s);
00113                 DigitalIn dmy0(LED1);
00114                 DigitalIn dmy1(USBTX);
00115                 DigitalIn dmy2(USBRX);
00116                 ThisThread::sleep_for(10000s);  // sleep long time
00117             }
00118             ThisThread::sleep_for(50ms);
00119             if (++wait_counter > (2000 / 50)) {
00120                 break;
00121             }
00122         }
00123         // delete previous strings
00124         printf("\033[2A");
00125         puts("");   // null
00126         uint8_t n = strlen(msg0) + strlen(msg1);
00127         memset(buf, ' ', 64);
00128         if (n > 64) {
00129             n -= 64;
00130             puts_wo_cr(buf, 64);
00131         }
00132         if (n > 64) {
00133             puts_wo_cr(buf, 64);
00134         } else {
00135             puts_wo_cr(buf, n);
00136         }
00137         printf("\033[G");
00138         myled = !myled;
00139     }
00140 }
00142 //  Check External RTC data
00143 static void w_check_rtc_time(void)
00144 {
00145     time_t seconds_1st, seconds_2nd, diff;
00146     struct tm t;
00148     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00149         ex_rtc.read_rtc_std(&t);   // read External RTC data
00150         printf("Year:%d ",t.tm_year);
00151         printf("Month:%d ",t.tm_mon);
00152         printf("Day:%d ",t.tm_mday);
00153         printf("Hour:%d ",t.tm_hour);
00154         printf("Min:%d ",t.tm_min);
00155         printf("Sec: %d \r\n",t.tm_sec);
00156         seconds_1st = mktime(&t);
00157         ex_rtc.read_rtc_std(&t);   // read External RTC data again (make sure)
00158         seconds_2nd = mktime(&t);
00159         diff = seconds_2nd - seconds_1st;
00160         if ((diff == 0) || (diff == 1)) {
00161             break;
00162         }
00163     }
00164     set_time(seconds_2nd);
00165 }
00167 //  Interrupt for wake up
00168 static void rtc_interrut(void)
00169 {
00170     system_reset(); // restart from RESET condition
00171 }
00173 //  Time adjustment
00174 static void time_enter_mode(void)
00175 {
00176     char *ptr;
00177     char linebuf[64];
00179     puts("Set time into RTC.");
00180     puts(" e.g. >20 8 1 12 34 56 -> August 01,'20, 12:34:56");
00181     puts(" If time is fine, just hit enter key.");
00182     putc('>');
00183     ptr = linebuf;
00184     get_line(ptr, sizeof(linebuf));
00185     puts("\r");
00186     chk_and_set_time(ptr);
00187 }
00189 //  Change string -> integer
00190 static int32_t xatoi(char **str, int32_t *res)
00191 {
00192     uint32_t val;
00193     uint8_t c, radix, s = 0;
00195     while ((c = **str) == ' ') (*str)++;
00196     if (c == '-') {
00197         s = 1;
00198         c = *(++(*str));
00199     }
00200     if (c == '0') {
00201         c = *(++(*str));
00202         if (c <= ' ') {
00203             *res = 0;
00204             return 1;
00205         }
00206         if (c == 'x') {
00207             radix = 16;
00208             c = *(++(*str));
00209         } else {
00210             if (c == 'b') {
00211                 radix = 2;
00212                 c = *(++(*str));
00213             } else {
00214                 if ((c >= '0')&&(c <= '9')) {
00215                     radix = 8;
00216                 }   else {
00217                     return 0;
00218                 }
00219             }
00220         }
00221     } else {
00222         if ((c < '1')||(c > '9')) {
00223             return 0;
00224         }
00225         radix = 10;
00226     }
00227     val = 0;
00228     while (c > ' ') {
00229         if (c >= 'a') c -= 0x20;
00230         c -= '0';
00231         if (c >= 17) {
00232             c -= 7;
00233             if (c <= 9) return 0;
00234         }
00235         if (c >= radix) return 0;
00236         val = val * radix + c;
00237         c = *(++(*str));
00238     }
00239     if (s) val = -val;
00240     *res = val;
00241     return 1;
00242 }
00244 //  Get key input data
00245 static void get_line(char *buff, int32_t len)
00246 {
00247     char c;
00248     int32_t idx = 0;
00250     for (;;) {
00251         c = getc();
00252         //printf("0x%x \r\n", c);
00253         if ((c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) {
00254             buff[idx++] = '\r';
00255             break;
00256         }
00257         if ((c == '\b') && idx) {
00258             idx--;
00259             const char bf_bs[] =
00260             {0x1b, '[', '1', 'D', ' ', 0x1b, '[', '1', 'D',0};
00261             for(uint32_t i = 0; bf_bs[i] != 0; i++) {
00262                 putc(bf_bs[i]);
00263             }
00264         }
00265         if (((uint8_t)c >= ' ') && (idx < len - 1)) {
00266             buff[idx++] = c;
00267             putc(c);
00268         }
00269     }
00270     buff[idx] = 0;
00271     putc('\n');
00272 }
00274 //  Check key input strings and set time
00275 static void chk_and_set_time(char *ptr)
00276 {
00277     int32_t p1;
00278     struct tm t;
00279     time_t seconds;
00281     if (xatoi(&ptr, &p1)) {
00282         t.tm_year       = (uint8_t)p1 + 100;
00283         printf("Year:%d ",p1);
00284         xatoi( &ptr, &p1 );
00285         t.tm_mon        = (uint8_t)p1 - 1;
00286         printf("Month:%d ",p1);
00287         xatoi( &ptr, &p1 );
00288         t.tm_mday       = (uint8_t)p1;
00289         printf("Day:%d ",p1);
00290         xatoi( &ptr, &p1 );
00291         t.tm_hour       = (uint8_t)p1;
00292         printf("Hour:%d ",p1);
00293         xatoi( &ptr, &p1 );
00294         t.tm_min        = (uint8_t)p1;
00295         printf("Min:%d ",p1);
00296         xatoi( &ptr, &p1 );
00297         t.tm_sec        = (uint8_t)p1;
00298         printf("Sec: %d \r\n",p1);
00299         seconds = mktime(&t);
00300         set_time(seconds);
00301     } else {
00302         seconds = time(NULL);
00303     }
00304     seconds = time(NULL);
00305     struct tm *time_ajd = localtime(&seconds);
00306     ex_rtc.write_rtc_std(time_ajd);
00307     // Show Time with several example
00308     // ex.1
00309     printf(
00310         "Date: %04d/%02d/%02d, %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n",
00311         t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec
00312     );
00313     char buf[64];
00314     // ex.2
00315     strftime(buf, 40, "%x %X", localtime(&seconds));
00316     printf("Date: %s\r\n", buf);
00317     // ex.3
00318     strftime(buf, 40, "%I:%M:%S %p (%Y/%m/%d)", localtime(&seconds));
00319     printf("Date: %s\r\n", buf);
00320     // ex.4
00321     strftime(buf, 40, "%B %d,'%y, %H:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds));
00322     printf("Date: %s\r\n", buf);
00323 }