project for 2035

Dependencies:   mbed wave_player 4DGL-uLCD-SE MMA8452



File content as of revision 22:33f1a0dff46c:

// Copyright 2020 Georgia Tech.  All rights reserved.
// The materials provided by the instructor in this course are for
// the use of the students currently enrolled in the course.
// Copyrighted course materials may not be further disseminated.
// This file must not be made publicly available anywhere.

#include "graphics.h"

#include "globals.h"

void draw_nothing(int u, int v)
    uLCD.filled_rectangle(u, v, u+10, v+10, BLACK);

void draw_img(int u, int v, const char* img)
    int colors[11*11];
    for (int i = 0; i < 11*11; i++)
        if (img[i] == 'R') colors[i] = RED;
        else if (img[i] == 'Y') colors[i] = 0xFFFF00; // Yellow
        else if (img[i] == 'G') colors[i] = GREEN;
        else if (img[i] == 'D') colors[i] = 0xD2691E; // "Dirt"
        else if (img[i] == '5') colors[i] = LGREY; // 50% grey
        else if (img[i] == '3') colors[i] = DGREY;
        else colors[i] = BLACK;
    uLCD.BLIT(u, v, 11, 11, colors);
    wait_us(250); // Recovery time!

void draw_wall(int u, int v)
    uLCD.filled_rectangle(u, v, u+10, v+10, BLACK);

void draw_plant(int u, int v)
    uLCD.filled_rectangle(u, v, u+10, v+10, GREEN);

void draw_goodie(int u, int v)
    uLCD.filled_rectangle(u, v, u+10, v+10, GREEN);

void draw_snake_body(int u, int v)
    uLCD.filled_rectangle(u, v, u+10, v+10, WHITE);
    uLCD.line(u+2, v, u+2, v+11, RED);

void draw_snake_head(int u, int v)
     //May need to design a snake head sprite
     //Tile still need to be designed on paper

    uLCD.filled_rectangle(u, v, u+10, v+10, BLUE);
    uLCD.pixel(u+8, v+2, RED);
    uLCD.line(u+4, v+8, u+12, v+8, RED);

void draw_snake_tail(int u, int v)
     //May need to design a snake tail sprite
     //Tile still need to be designed on paper
    uLCD.filled_rectangle(u, v, u+10, v+10, BLUE);