FRDM-K64F, Avnet M14A2A, Grove Shield, to create smart home system. In use with AT&Ts M2x & Flow.

Dependencies:   mbed FXOS8700CQ MODSERIAL

--- a/config_me.h	Mon Dec 11 21:51:32 2017 +0000
+++ b/config_me.h	Wed Mar 06 21:11:49 2019 +0000
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
 // This is the server's base URL name.  Example ""
 // Note that when you Fork a FLOW, it will typically assign  either
 // "" or "", so be sure to check this.
-static const char * MY_SERVER_URL       = "";
+static const char * MY_SERVER_URL       = "";
 // These are FLOW fields from the Endpoints tab:
-#define FLOW_BASE_URL                   "/1e464b19cdcde/774c88d68202/86694923d5bf28a/in/flow"
+#define FLOW_BASE_URL                   "/1db396b70642a/8adb4b37155f/87d33464a15ce69/in/flow"
 #define FLOW_INPUT_NAME                 "/climate"
 // Unless you want to use a different protocol, this field should be left as is: