KL25 driver for Tango Control System

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Aug 25 12:00:15 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "WIZnetInterface.h"
+#include "GY80.h"
+#include "tsi_sensor.h"
+#include "main.h"
+int main()                                              /// Main Function:
+    pc.attach(&SerialInterHandler, Serial::RxIrq);      ///     - configures serial port interrupts & choose handler
+    menu_prop();                                        ///     - shows 5 sec menu
+    pc.attach(NULL, Serial::RxIrq);                     ///     - disables serial port interrupts after 5s
+    tick1.attach_us(&read_data, 10000);                 ///     - reads data from sensors in 10ms intervals
+    if(init_eth() == 1) {                               ///     - initializes ethernet communication
+            wait(0.001);                                // wait
+            eth_comm();                                 ///     - and tcp/ip server if no error occured
+    } else {                                            //
+        return -1;                                      ///     - or returns an error
+    }                                                   ///
+    while(1);                                           // infinit loop
+int init_eth()
+    /**
+    * Initializes ethernet communication by configuring WIZ550io via SPI interface.
+    * DHCP or Static IP configuration could be used.
+    * Use of them is user configurable via serial port.
+    */
+    int ret;                                            // error code variable
+    // MAC Adress setting:
+    mac[0] = 0x00;
+    mac[1] = 0x08;
+    mac[2] = 0xDC;
+    mac[3] = 0x1D;
+    mac[4] = 0x2E;
+    mac[5] = 0x74;
+    pc.printf("\r \n Ethernet Initialization \n");
+    if (USE_DHCP){
+        ret = eth.init(mac);                                   // Use DHCP
+    }
+    else{
+        ret = eth.init(mac, IP_Addr, IP_Subnet, IP_Gateway);    // static configuration
+    }
+    if (!ret) {                                                 // if error don't happen
+        pc.printf("\r \n Initialized, MAC: %s\n", eth.getMACAddress());
+    } else {                                                    // else show error code
+        pc.printf("\r \n Error eth.init() - ret = %d\n", ret);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ret = eth.connect();
+    if (!ret) {
+        pc.printf("\r \nIP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s\n",
+                  eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway());
+    } else {
+        pc.printf("\r \n Error eth.connect() - ret = %d\n", ret);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 1;
+void eth_comm()
+    /**
+    * Creates server and waits for client to connect.
+    * Sends reveiced buffer with commands to comm_handler.
+    * And sends reply created by comm_handler to client.
+    */
+    TCPSocketServer server;                                             // TCP/IP server object
+    server.bind(ECHO_SERVER_PORT);                                      // binding listen port
+    server.listen();                                                    // start listening
+    while (true) {                                                      // infinit loop
+        pc.printf("\n \r Wait for new connection...\n");                // pc info
+        TCPSocketConnection client;                                     // TCP/IP client object
+        server.accept(client);                                          // accept connection
+        client.set_blocking(false, 1500);                               // no blocking connections, timeout after (1.5)s
+        pc.printf("\n \r Connection from: %s\n", client.get_address()); // pc info
+        char buffer[256];                                               // Data buffer
+        while (true) {                                                  // loop
+            for(int i =0; i < 256; i++) buffer[i] = '\0';               // clear buffer
+            int n = client.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer));             // receive data & save it to buffer
+            if (n <= 0) break;                                          // break if buffer is empty or error occured
+            comm_handler(buffer);                                       // send received command to communication handler
+            n = strlen(buffer);                                         // check buffer length
+            pc.printf("\n \r BUFF: %s, strlen: %d, size: %d, n: %d", buffer, strlen(buffer), sizeof(buffer), n);    // pc info, just for debug
+            client.send(buffer, n);                                     // send reply
+            for(int i =0; i < 256; i++) buffer[i] = '\0';               // clear buffer  
+            if (n <= 0) break;                                          // if error occured send break
+        }                                                               //
+        client.close();                                                 // close connection
+    }                                                                   //
+void read_data()
+    /**
+    * Reads sensor data in 10ms intervals.
+    * And saves them.
+    */
+    sensor.Read_Magn(magn);                                             // read magnitude
+    sensor.Read_Accel(accel);                                           // read acceleration
+    sensor.Read_Gyro(gyro);                                             // read gyroscope
+    TSI_pos = tsi.readPercentage();                                     // read percentage position of touch sensor
+void comm_handler(char* command)
+    /** This function gets data buffer with command 
+    * and prepares answer to be sent.  
+    */
+    pc.printf("\n \r %s \n \r", command);                               // send received command to pc (DEBUG)
+    if(strcmp(command,"read_sensor")==0) {                              // data read from sensor
+       sprintf(command, "Sensor data: %10f,%10f,%10f,%10f,%10f,%10f,%10f,%10f,%10f, %10f", magn[0], magn[1], magn[2], accel[0], accel[1], accel[2], gyro[0], gyro[1], gyro[2], TSI_pos);         // enter data to buffer
+        wait(0.001);                                                    // wait
+        pc.printf("\n \r sending sensor data!");                        // pc info (debug)
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"check_ports")==0) {                      // check I/O ports current values 
+        sprintf(command, "Ports values: P1: %d, P2: %d, P3: %d, P4: %d, P5: %d, P6: %d", P1.read(), P2.read(), P3.read(), P4.read(), P5.read(), P6.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"get_P1")==0) {                           // get P1 value
+        sprintf(command, "P1 value: %d", P1.read());                    //
+    } else if(strcmp(command,"set_P1_o")==0) {                          // set P1 as output
+        P1.output();                                                    //
+        sprintf(command, "P1 is now set as output");                    //
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P1_i")==0) {                         // set P1 as input
+        P1.input();                                                     //
+        sprintf(command, "P1 is now set as input");                     //
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P1_1")==0) {                         // set P1 as 1
+        P1.output();                                                    // set to output
+        P1.write(1);                                                    // write 1 to P1
+        sprintf(command, "P1 value is now: %d ", P1.read());            // reply with current value to check
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P1_0")==0) {                         // set P1 as 0
+        P1.output();                                                    //
+        P1.write(0);
+        sprintf(command, "P1 value is now: %d ", P1.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"get_P2")==0) {
+        sprintf(command, "P2 value: %d", P2.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P2_o")==0) {
+        P2.output();
+        sprintf(command, "P2 is now set as output");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P2_i")==0) {
+        P2.input();
+        sprintf (command, "P2 is now set as input");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P2_1")==0) {
+        P2.output();
+        P2.write(1);
+        sprintf(command, "P2 value is now: %d ", P2.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P2_0")==0) {
+        P2.output();
+        P2.write(0);
+        sprintf(command, "P2 value is now: %d ", P2.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"get_P3")==0) {
+        sprintf(command, "P3 value: %d", P3.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P3_o")==0) {
+        P3.output();
+        sprintf(command, "P3 is now set as output");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P3_i")==0) {
+        P3.input();
+        sprintf (command, "P3 is now set as input");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P3_1")==0) {
+        P3.output();
+        P3.write(1);
+        sprintf(command, "P3 value is now: %d ", P3.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P3_0")==0) {
+        P3.output();
+        P3.write(0);
+        sprintf(command, "P3 value is now: %d ", P3.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"get_P4")==0) {
+        sprintf(command, "P4 value: %d", P4.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P4_o")==0) {
+        P4.output();
+        sprintf(command, "P4 is now set as output");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P4_i")==0) {
+        P4.input();
+        sprintf (command, "P4 is now set as input");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P4_1")==0) {
+        P4.output();
+        P4.write(1);
+        sprintf(command, "P4 value is now: %d ", P4.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P4_0")==0) {
+        P4.output();
+        P4.write(0);
+        sprintf(command, "P4 value is now: %d ", P4.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"get_P5")==0) {
+        sprintf(command, "P5 value: %d", P5.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P5_o")==0) {
+        P5.output();
+        sprintf(command, "P5 is now set as output");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P5_i")==0) {
+        P5.input();
+        sprintf (command, "P5 is now set as input");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P5_1")==0) {
+        P5.output();
+        P5.write(1);
+        sprintf(command, "P5 value is now: %d ", P5.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P5_0")==0) {
+        P5.output();
+        P5.write(0);
+        sprintf(command, "P5 value is now: %d ", P5.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"get_P6")==0) {
+        sprintf(command, "P6 value: %d", P6.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P6_o")==0) {
+        P6.output();
+        sprintf(command, "P6 is now set as output");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P6_i")==0) {
+        P6.input();
+        sprintf (command, "P6 is now set as input");
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P6_1")==0) {
+        P6.output();
+        P6.write(1);
+        sprintf(command, "P6 value is now: %d ", P6.read());
+    } else if (strcmp(command,"set_P6_0")==0) {
+        P6.output();
+        P6.write(0);
+        sprintf(command, "P6 value is now: %d ", P6.read());
+    } else sprintf(command, "Unknown Command!");
+void SerialInterHandler()
+    /**
+    Enables to configure Ethernet card via serial port in first 5 seconds from KL25Z startup.
+    */
+    pc.getc();                                  // gets 1 char from buffer and clears it
+    pc.printf("\n \rUse DHCP? \n \ry-yes ");
+    char from_serial;
+     while (true) {       
+        if (pc.readable()) {
+            from_serial= pc.getc();            
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    pc.printf("\n \r%c", from_serial);
+    if (from_serial=='y') { 
+        USE_DHCP = true;
+        pc.printf("\n \rUsing DHCP ");
+        return;
+        }
+    else if (from_serial=='n') { 
+        USE_DHCP = false;
+        pc.printf("\n \rStatic IP configuration ");
+        pc.printf("\n \rCurrent config:");
+        pc.printf("\r \nIP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s\n", IP_Addr, IP_Subnet, IP_Gateway);
+        pc.printf("\n \rDo you want to change it?");
+            if(pc.getc()=='y'){
+                    pc.printf("\n \rIP: \n \r Press 'enter and then backspace' to end and save \r \n Remember to Enter all 15 characters!\n \r");
+                    pc.scanf("%s" ,IP_Addr);
+                    pc.printf("new IP: %s", IP_Addr);
+                    pc.printf("\n \r Enter Subnet Mask:");
+                    pc.scanf("%s", IP_Subnet);
+                    pc.printf("\n \r new Mask: %s", IP_Subnet);
+                    pc.printf("\n \r Enter Gateway:");
+                    pc.scanf("%s", IP_Gateway);
+                    pc.printf("\r \n IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s\n", IP_Addr, IP_Subnet, IP_Gateway);
+                }
+            else return;
+        return;
+    }
+    else pc.printf("\n \rWrong key! Nothing to do");
+void menu_prop()
+    /**
+    Counting down time left to enter menu.
+    */
+    pc.printf("\n \r Press any key to enter menu \n \r 5");
+    wait(1);
+    pc.printf("\n \r 4");
+     wait(1);
+    pc.printf("\n \r 3");
+     wait(1);
+    pc.printf("\n \r 2");
+     wait(1);
+    pc.printf("\n \r 1");
+     wait(1);
+    pc.printf("\n \r 0 \n \r Starting!");
\ No newline at end of file