Josh Bam
Template for working forward
- Committer:
- reedas
- Date:
- 2021-10-16
- Revision:
- 2:ad262f2c84ca
- Parent:
- 1:402b32a1025f
- Child:
- 3:a14b2aa7546e
File content as of revision 2:ad262f2c84ca:
/* Hello World! for the Emwin TFT Library */ #include "mbed.h" #include "GUI.h" #include "cy8ckit_028_tft.h" #include "PinDetect.h" PinDetect pb1(SWITCH2); uint8 counter = 0; AnalogIn lightLevel(P10_0); // Callback routine is interrupt activated by a debounced pb1 hit void pb1_hit_callback (void) { counter = 0; } int readLightLevel() { int lightPercent; lightPercent = (lightLevel.read_u16()*100)/65535; return lightPercent; } void Display_Init(void) { /* Set font size, foreground and background Colours */ GUI_SetFont(GUI_FONT_16B_1); GUI_SetColor(GUI_WHITE); GUI_SetBkColor(GUI_BLACK); /* Clear screen and print splash screen */ GUI_Clear(); GUI_SetTextAlign(GUI_TA_HCENTER); GUI_DispStringAt("TFT Demo", 160, 20); } int main() { /* Initialise EmWin driver*/ GUI_Init(); /* Initialise display */ Display_Init(); pb1.mode(PullUp); // Delay for initial pullup to take effect ThisThread::sleep_for(10); // Setup Interrupt callback functions for a pb hit pb1.attach_deasserted(&pb1_hit_callback); // Start sampling pb inputs using interrupts pb1.setSampleFrequency(); GUI_SetFont(GUI_FONT_8X16X2X2); GUI_SetTextAlign(GUI_TA_HCENTER); GUI_DispStringAt("Hello World!", 160, 200); while(1) { GUI_SetTextAlign(GUI_TA_HCENTER); GUI_DispHexAt(counter, 160, 70, 2); GUI_SetTextAlign(GUI_TA_HCENTER); GUI_DispDecAt(counter, 160, 130, 3); GUI_SetTextAlign(GUI_TA_HCENTER); GUI_DispBinAt(counter++, 160, 100, 8); GUI_DispStringAt("Light is: ", 10, 160); GUI_DispDec(readLightLevel(), 3); GUI_DispString("%"); ThisThread::sleep_for(500); } }