WIZwikiREST-io exercise code for WIZnet Academy

Dependencies:   MbedJSONValue_v102 WIZnetInterface mbed

Fork of WIZwiki-REST-io_v103 by Lawrence Lee

diff -r 60d99da6eeb2 -r f7d5a168a693 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Sep 05 06:29:55 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Oct 06 04:13:57 2016 +0000
@@ -3,149 +3,56 @@
 #include "RequestHandler.h"
 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
 #include "MbedJSONValue.h"
+#include "DHT.h"
 #define SERVER_PORT 80
 //#define DHCP
-//#define DEBUG
-//-- I2C OLED --
-#include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
-class I2CPreInit : public I2C
-    I2CPreInit(PinName sda, PinName scl) : I2C(sda, scl)
-    {
-        frequency(100000);
-        start();
-    };
-//-- I2C OLED --
-I2CPreInit gI2C(PA_10,PA_9);
-Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c gOled(gI2C,NC,0x78,64,128);
-//-- PWM DC --
-PwmOut DC(D6);
 //-- GPIO LED --
-DigitalInOut GP05(D5);
-DigitalInOut GP04(D4);
-DigitalInOut GP03(D3);
+// GPIO Pin 선언 
 //-- ADC --
-AnalogIn   ain(A0);
+// Anlog Pin 선언 
+//-- DHT --
+// DHT Class 선언 
 EthernetInterface eth;
 HTTPServer WIZwikiWebSvr;
 MbedJSONValue WIZwikiREST;
+GetRequestHandler  myGetReq;
+//PostRequestHandler myPostReq;
+PutRequestHandler  myPutReq;
 // Enter a MAC address for your controller below.
 uint8_t mac_addr[6] = {0x00, 0x08, 0xDC, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFE};
 char mac_str[20];
 char ip_addr[]      = "";
 char subnet_mask[]  = "";
 char gateway_addr[] = "";
-float ain_value;
-GetRequestHandler  myGetReq;
-//PostRequestHandler myPostReq;
-PutRequestHandler  myPutReq;
-//-- I2C OLED --
-bool oled_set(void* param)
-    char * oled;
-    if(!param) return false;
-    oled = (char*) param;
-    gOled.clearDisplay();
-    gOled.setTextCursor(0,0);
-    gOled.printf("%s",oled);
-    gOled.display();    
-    return true;
-//-- PWM DC --
-bool pwm_set(void* param)
-    if(!param) return false;
-    DC.write((float)(*(int*)param)/100.0);
-    return true;
+//-- Callback 함수 구현
 //-- GPIO --
-bool p5_set(void* param)
-    if(!param) return false;
-    GP05.write(*(int*)param);
-    return true;
-bool p4_set(void* param)
-    if(!param) return false;
-    GP04.write(*(int*)param);
-    return true;
-bool p3_set(void* param)
-    if(!param) return false;
-    GP03.write(*(int*)param);
-    return true;
 //-- ADC --
-bool ain_read(void* param)
-    ((MbedJSONValue*)param)->_value.asDouble = ain.read();
-    return true;
-void debug_info()
-    printf("SP:0x%X\r\n",__current_sp());
-    __heapstats((__heapprt)fprintf,stderr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    __heapvalid((__heapprt)fprintf,stderr, 1);
-    printf("\r\n");
+//-- DHT --
 void WIZwiki_REST_init();
 int main(void)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    debug_info();
     sprintf(mac_str, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",mac_addr[0],mac_addr[1],mac_addr[2],mac_addr[3],mac_addr[4],mac_addr[5]);
-    // OLED init
-    gOled.begin();
-    gOled.clearDisplay();
-    // PWM init
-    DC.period_ms(1);
-    DC.write(0);
-    //GPIO set & init
-    GP05.output();
-    GP05.write(1);
-    //ADC init
-    printf("START \r\n");    
-    printf("sizeof(MbedJSONValue)=%d\r\n",sizeof(MbedJSONValue));
-    printf("sizeof(vector)=%d\r\n",sizeof(std::vector<string*>));
-    printf("sizeof(string)=%d\r\n",sizeof(std::string));
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    debug_info();
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    debug_info();
     // Serialize it into a JSON string
     printf("---------------------WIZwikiREST-------------------- \r\n");
@@ -184,9 +91,6 @@
     printf("Link up\r\n");
     printf("IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    debug_info();
@@ -203,11 +107,8 @@
 void WIZwiki_REST_init(void)
     //Fill the object
-    WIZwikiREST["Name"] = "WIZwikiREST-io ver1.01";
+    WIZwikiREST["Name"] = "WIZwikiREST-io WIZnet Academy";
     WIZwikiREST["Name"].accessible = false;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    debug_info();
     WIZwikiREST["Network"]["MAC"] = mac_str;
@@ -217,34 +118,15 @@
     WIZwikiREST["Network"]["SN"].accessible = true;  
     WIZwikiREST["Network"]["GW"] = gateway_addr;
     WIZwikiREST["Network"]["GW"].accessible = true;
-    // I2C OLED
-    WIZwikiREST["I2C"]["OLED"] = "none";
-    WIZwikiREST["I2C"]["OLED"].accessible = true;
-    WIZwikiREST["I2C"]["OLED"].cb_action = oled_set;
-    // PWM DC
-    WIZwikiREST["PWM"]["DC"] = DC.read();
-    WIZwikiREST["PWM"]["DC"].accessible = true;
-    WIZwikiREST["PWM"]["DC"].cb_action = pwm_set;
+    //Object 생성 
+    // GPIO
-    // GPIO
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P03"] = GP03.read();
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P03"].accessible = true;
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P03"].cb_action = p3_set;
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P04"] = GP04.read();
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P04"].accessible = true;
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P04"].cb_action = p4_set;\
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P05"] = GP05.read();
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P05"].accessible = true;
-    WIZwikiREST["GPIOs"]["P05"].cb_action = p5_set;
     // ADC
-    WIZwikiREST["ADC"]["A0"] = ain.read();
-    WIZwikiREST["ADC"]["A0"].accessible = false;
-    WIZwikiREST["ADC"]["A0"].cb_action = ain_read;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    debug_info();
+    // DHT11