Template class to implement a list with a fixed maximum number of elements (i.e. number of elements in the list is dynamic but cannot exceed the initially defined value)

Dependents:   FixedLengthListTest XBeeApi

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FixedLengthList.hpp	Sat Jan 18 16:04:07 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+   @file
+   @brief Template class ( FixedLengthList ) to implement a list with 
+          a limited number of elements.
+   @author John Bailey 
+   @copyright Copyright 2013 John Bailey
+   @section LICENSE
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include <cstddef> // for size_t, NULL
+#include <cstring> // For memset()
+#include <algorithm> // for min()
+/** Emulation of C++11's static_assert */
+#define STATIC_ASSERT( condition, name ) typedef char assert_failed_ ## name [ (condition) ? 1 : -1 ]
+   Template class to implement a list with a fixed maximum
+   number of elements (i.e. the number of elements in the list
+   is variable but cannot exceed a defined maximum).
+   While stl::list may be suitable for many
+   occasions, it invariably makes use of dynamic memory
+   allocation which can either be undesirable or overkill
+   in some situations.  Of course, the down side of this
+   class is that the memory required to store all items
+   in the list is allocated for the duration of the 
+   instantiation.
+   The implementation is based around a singly linked list
+   with a stack of free elements.  Adding an item to the list
+   causes one of the free elements to be popped, populated
+   then inserted into the linked list of used elements.  For
+   convenience both a head and tail pointer of the used list
+   are maintained.
+   Note that the class currently is not thread safe.
+   Example:
+   \code
+          #define LIST_LEN (20U)
+          FixedLengthList<int,  LIST_LEN > list;
+          int main( void ) {
+             int i;
+             // List is empty
+             list.queue( 111 );
+             // List now contains 111
+             list.queue( 222 );
+             // List now contains 111, 222
+             list.push( 333 );
+             // List now contains 333, 111, 222
+             list.pop( &i );
+             // i == 333
+             // List now contains 111, 222
+             return 0;    
+          }
+    \endcode
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > class FixedLengthList
+    /* Pointless to have a queue with no space in it, so the various methods
+       shouldn't have to deal with this situation */
+    STATIC_ASSERT( queueMax > 0, Queue_must_have_a_non_zero_length );
+    private:
+        /**
+           Each item in the FixedLengthList is wrapped in a
+           FixedLengthListItem which provides the actual item and
+           infrastructure support for the list */
+        template < class L > class FixedLengthListItem
+        {
+            public:
+                /** Pointer to the next item in the list */
+                FixedLengthListItem<L>* m_forward;
+                /** The content/value of the item itself */
+                L                       m_item;
+        };
+        /** Pool of list items */
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>  m_items[ queueMax ];
+        /** Pointer to the start of the queue of free list slots.  Will be NULL
+            in the case that there none are available */
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* m_freeHead;
+        /** Pointer to the first item in the list of utilised item slots.  Will
+            be NULL in the case that there are none */
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* m_usedHead;
+        /** Pointer to the last item in the list of utilised item slots.  Will
+            be NULL in the case that there are none */
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* m_usedTail;
+        /** Keep count of the number of used items on the list.  Ranges between
+            0 and queueMax */
+        size_t                  m_usedCount;
+    public:
+        /** Constructor for FixedLengthList */
+        FixedLengthList( void );
+        /** Initialising constructor for FixedLengthList.  Parameters will be
+            used to initialise the list
+            \param p_items An array of items used to initialise the list.  They
+                           will be added in the order in which they appear in
+                           p_items
+            \param p_count The number of items in p_items.  Only up to queueMax
+                           items will be used - any additional items will be
+                           ignored */
+        FixedLengthList( const T* const p_items, size_t p_count );
+        /**
+           push an item onto the front of the list
+           \param p_item The item to be added to the list
+           \returns true in the case that the item was added
+                    false in the case that the item was not added (no space) */
+        bool push( const T p_item );
+        /**
+           pop an item from the front of the list (item is removed and returned
+           \param p_item Pointer to be populated with the value of the item
+           \returns true in the case that an item was returned
+                    false in the case that an item was not returned (list empty)
+        */
+        bool pop( T* const p_item );
+        /**
+           queue an item onto the end of the list
+           \param p_item The item to be added to the list
+           \returns true in the case that the item was added
+                    false in the case that the item was not added (no space) */
+        bool queue( const T p_item );
+        /**
+           dequeue an item from the end of the list (item is removed and
+           returned
+           \param p_item Pointer to be populated with the value of the item
+           \returns true in the case that an item was returned
+                    false in the case that an item was not returned (list empty)
+        */
+        bool dequeue( T* const p_item );
+        /** Used to find out how many items are in the list
+            \returns Number of used items, ranging from 0 to queueMax */
+        size_t used() const;
+        /** Used to find out how many slots are still available in the list
+            \returns Number of available slots, ranging from 0 to queueMax */
+        size_t available() const;
+        /** Determine whether or not a particular item is in the list
+            \param p_val Item to be matched against
+            \returns true in the case that the item is found in the list
+                     false in the case that it is not found in the list
+        */
+        bool inList( const T p_val ) const;
+        /** Remove the entire contents of the list and return it back to
+            an empty state */
+        void clear( void );
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::FixedLengthList( void )
+    clear();
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::FixedLengthList( const T* const p_items, size_t p_count ) {
+    const T* src = p_items;
+    /* Can only populate up to queueMax items */
+    size_t init_count = std::min( queueMax, p_count );
+    FixedLengthListItem<T>* prev = NULL;
+    m_usedHead = NULL;
+    m_usedTail = NULL;
+    /* Initialise the list from p_items, building the forward links */
+    for( size_t i = 0;
+         i < init_count;
+         i++ )
+    {
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* current = &(m_items[i]);
+        current->m_forward = NULL;
+        current->m_item = *(src++);
+        /* If there was a previous item in the list, set up its forward pointer,
+           otherwise set up the list head */
+        if( prev != NULL ) {
+            prev->m_forward = current;
+        } else {
+            m_usedHead = current;
+        }
+        m_usedTail = current;
+        prev = current;
+    }
+    m_usedCount = init_count;
+    m_freeHead = NULL;
+    /* Any remaining items get moved into the free stack */
+    prev = NULL;
+    for( size_t i = init_count;
+         i < queueMax;
+         i++ )
+    {
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* current = &(m_items[i]);
+        current->m_forward = NULL;
+        if( prev != NULL ) {
+            prev->m_forward = current;
+        } else {
+            m_freeHead = current;
+        }
+        prev = current;
+    }
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+void FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::clear( void )
+    FixedLengthListItem<T>* p;
+    size_t i;
+    m_usedHead = NULL;
+    m_usedTail = NULL;
+    m_freeHead = m_items;
+    /* Move all items into the free stack, setting up the forward links */
+    for( p = m_items, i = (queueMax-1);
+         i > 0 ;
+         i-- )
+    {
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* next = p+1;
+        p->m_forward = next;
+        p = next;
+    }
+    p->m_forward = NULL;
+    m_usedCount = 0U;
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+bool FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::push( const T p_item )
+    bool ret_val = false;
+    /* Check that there's space in the list */
+    if( m_freeHead != NULL )
+    {
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* new_item = m_freeHead;
+        /* Move the head pointer to the next free item in the list */
+        m_freeHead = new_item->m_forward;
+        new_item->m_forward = m_usedHead;
+        new_item->m_item = p_item;
+        m_usedHead = new_item;
+        if( m_usedTail == NULL )
+        {
+            m_usedTail = new_item;
+        }
+        m_usedCount++;
+        /* Indicate success */
+        ret_val = true;
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+bool FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::queue( const T p_item )
+    bool ret_val = false;
+    /* Check that there's space in the list */
+    if( m_freeHead != NULL )
+    {
+        /* Grab a free item */
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* new_item = m_freeHead;
+        /* Move the head pointer to the next free item in the list */
+        m_freeHead = m_freeHead->m_forward;
+        /* Item is going at end of list - no forward link */
+        new_item->m_forward = NULL;
+        new_item->m_item = p_item;
+        /* Update the current tail item, if exists */
+        if( m_usedTail != NULL )
+        {
+            m_usedTail->m_forward = new_item;
+        }
+        m_usedTail = new_item;
+        if( m_usedHead == NULL )
+        {
+            m_usedHead = new_item;
+        }
+        m_usedCount++;
+        /* Indicate success */
+        ret_val = true;
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+bool FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::pop( T* const p_item )
+    bool ret_val = false;
+    if( m_usedHead != NULL )
+    {
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* old_item = m_usedHead;
+        *p_item = old_item->m_item;
+        m_usedHead = old_item->m_forward;
+        if( m_usedTail == old_item )
+        {
+            m_usedTail = NULL;
+        }
+        old_item->m_forward = m_freeHead;
+        m_freeHead = old_item;
+        m_usedCount--;
+        /* Indicate success */
+        ret_val = true;
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+template < class T, size_t queueMax >
+bool FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::dequeue( T* const p_item )
+    bool ret_val = false;
+    if( m_usedTail != NULL )
+    {
+        FixedLengthListItem<T>* old_item = m_usedTail;
+        *p_item = old_item->m_item;
+        /* Item removed was only item in the list? */
+        if( m_usedHead == old_item )
+        {
+            m_usedHead = NULL;
+            m_usedTail = NULL;
+        } else {
+            FixedLengthListItem<T>* p = m_usedHead;
+            /* Need to update the forward pointer of the
+               item preceding the one which we've just removed.
+               That item also becomes the new tail
+               Iterate the list and find it */
+            while( p != NULL )
+            {
+                if( p->m_forward == old_item )
+                {
+                    p->m_forward = NULL;
+                    m_usedTail = p;
+                    break;
+                } else {
+                    p = p->m_forward;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Move item to free list */
+        old_item->m_forward = m_freeHead;
+        m_freeHead = old_item;
+        m_usedCount--;
+        /* Indicate success */
+        ret_val = true;
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+size_t FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::used() const
+    return m_usedCount;
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+size_t FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::available() const
+    return queueMax - m_usedCount;
+template < class T, size_t queueMax > 
+bool FixedLengthList< T, queueMax >::inList( const T p_val ) const
+    bool ret_val = false;
+    FixedLengthListItem<T>* p = m_usedHead;
+    /* Ordered iteration of the list checking for specified item */
+    while( p != NULL )
+    {
+        if( p->m_item == p_val ) {
+            /* Item found - flag and break out */
+            ret_val = true;
+            break;
+        } else {
+            p = p->m_forward;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret_val;