Generate up to 8 different digital waeforms from serial port

Dependencies:   mbed

Sat Feb 12 16:41:07 2011 +0000
jmPulse Command Line Interface Module

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
jm 0:374d47623fab 1 /**
jm 0:374d47623fab 2 * @file jmPulse.c
jm 0:374d47623fab 3 * @version 1.0
jm 0:374d47623fab 4 * @date Feb 12, 2011
jm 0:374d47623fab 5 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 6
jm 0:374d47623fab 7 #include "jmPulse.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 8 #include "jmRingBuffer.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 9 #include "LPC17xx.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 10 #include "main.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 11 #include "jmCommands.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 12 #include "jmMessages.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 13 #include "jmRingBuffer.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 14 #include "stdio.h"
jm 0:374d47623fab 15
jm 0:374d47623fab 16 #ifndef nonStop
jm 0:374d47623fab 17 #define nonStop 65535 // for continuous mode operation
jm 0:374d47623fab 18 #endif
jm 0:374d47623fab 19
jm 0:374d47623fab 20 // output defenitions
jm 0:374d47623fab 21 #define Low 0
jm 0:374d47623fab 22 #define High 1
jm 0:374d47623fab 23 #define StatusOffset 3
jm 0:374d47623fab 24
jm 0:374d47623fab 25 // State definitions
jm 0:374d47623fab 26 #define puNotInit 0
jm 0:374d47623fab 27 #define puStopped 2
jm 0:374d47623fab 28 #define Pulse 1
jm 0:374d47623fab 29
jm 0:374d47623fab 30 struct StructPulse sPulse[pulseQty]; // static creation
jm 0:374d47623fab 31
jm 0:374d47623fab 32 /** Module Data Structure Initialization
jm 0:374d47623fab 33 * @brief All State Machines put to sleep.
jm 0:374d47623fab 34 * @param[in] none
jm 0:374d47623fab 35 * @returns none
jm 0:374d47623fab 36 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 37 void PulseInit(void){
jm 0:374d47623fab 38 int i;
jm 0:374d47623fab 39 for(i=0;i<pulseQty;i++){
jm 0:374d47623fab 40 sPulse[i].state = puNotInit;
jm 0:374d47623fab 41 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 42 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 43
jm 0:374d47623fab 44 /**
jm 0:374d47623fab 45 * @brief Stop one or all pulse Machines
jm 0:374d47623fab 46 * @param[in] Extracted from command line (Pulse Number)0..7 255 for all
jm 0:374d47623fab 47 * @returns Return Message: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 48 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 49 void cli_PulseStop(void){
jm 0:374d47623fab 50 unsigned int id,i;
jm 0:374d47623fab 51
jm 0:374d47623fab 52 if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&id,0,255)){ // extract pulseNumber
jm 0:374d47623fab 53 // put id pulse machine to sleep
jm 0:374d47623fab 54 if(id < pulseQty){
jm 0:374d47623fab 55 sPulse[id].cycles = 0;
jm 0:374d47623fab 56 sPulse[id].state = puStopped;
jm 0:374d47623fab 57 rGPPP0(id);
jm 0:374d47623fab 58 return;
jm 0:374d47623fab 59 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 60
jm 0:374d47623fab 61 if(id == 255){
jm 0:374d47623fab 62 // stop all controllers
jm 0:374d47623fab 63 for(i=0;i<pulseQty;i++){
jm 0:374d47623fab 64 sPulse[i].cycles = 0;
jm 0:374d47623fab 65 sPulse[i].state = puStopped;
jm 0:374d47623fab 66 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 67 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 68
jm 0:374d47623fab 69 cli_GPPP0(); // Return 8 Messages: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 70 return;
jm 0:374d47623fab 71 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 72 if(Help)printf("pulseStop (Pulse number)0..%d \n",pulseQty-1);
jm 0:374d47623fab 73 // Ignore pending command line
jm 0:374d47623fab 74 NextCommand(nl,pLine);
jm 0:374d47623fab 75 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 76
jm 0:374d47623fab 77
jm 0:374d47623fab 78 /** Module Pulse Command Line Interface
jm 0:374d47623fab 79 * @brief Command Line Interface to control PWM/Pulse on output pins.
jm 0:374d47623fab 80 * @param[in] Extracted from command line (Pulse Controller Number)0..7 (Pin id)0..432 (tOn)0..255 (tOff)0..255) (cycles)1..65535
jm 0:374d47623fab 81 * @returns none
jm 0:374d47623fab 82 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 83 void cli_Pulse(void){
jm 0:374d47623fab 84 unsigned int pulseNum, pinNumber,tOn,tOff,cycles;
jm 0:374d47623fab 85 if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&pulseNum,0,pulseQty-1)){ // extract pulseNumber
jm 0:374d47623fab 86 if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&pinNumber,0,432)){ // extract pin id
jm 0:374d47623fab 87 if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&tOn,0,255)){ // extract tOn
jm 0:374d47623fab 88 if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&tOff,0,255)){ // extract tOff
jm 0:374d47623fab 89 // extract cycles and test for nonStop mode
jm 0:374d47623fab 90 if(!ExtractUInteger(pLine,&cycles,1,65535))cycles = nonStop;
jm 0:374d47623fab 91
jm 0:374d47623fab 92 SetPulseParam(pulseNum, pinNumber, tOn, tOff, cycles);
jm 0:374d47623fab 93 if(Feedback)printf("pulse %d Pin%d tOn:%d tOff:%d Cycles:%d\n",pulseNum,pinNumber,tOn,tOff,cycles);
jm 0:374d47623fab 94 return;
jm 0:374d47623fab 95 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 96 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 97 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 98 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 99 if(Help)printf("pulse (Pulse number)0..%d (Pin id)0..432 (tOn)0..255 (tOff)0..255 (Cycles)[1..0xFFFF]\n",pulseQty-1);
jm 0:374d47623fab 100 // Ignore pending command line
jm 0:374d47623fab 101 NextCommand(nl,pLine);
jm 0:374d47623fab 102 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 103
jm 0:374d47623fab 104 /** Module Parameter Setting Function
jm 0:374d47623fab 105 * @brief Enables PWM/pulse State Machine,
jm 0:374d47623fab 106 * Also sets mbed pin as outputs.
jm 0:374d47623fab 107 * @param[in] num pulse controller number (value)0..7
jm 0:374d47623fab 108 * @param[in] pin pin id (value)0..432
jm 0:374d47623fab 109 * @param[in] tOn on time interval in ticks (tOn)0..255
jm 0:374d47623fab 110 * @param[in] tOff off time interval in ticks (tOff)0..255
jm 0:374d47623fab 111 * @param[in] cycles repetition number of tOn-tOff cycles
jm 0:374d47623fab 112 * @param[in] state set state: inactive, pulse, high, low
jm 0:374d47623fab 113 * @returns Return Message: GPPP0 id pin state
jm 0:374d47623fab 114 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 115 void SetPulseParam(uint8_t num, uint16_t pin, uint8_t tOn, uint8_t tOff, uint16_t cycles){
jm 0:374d47623fab 116 // Get port and bit for that pin
jm 0:374d47623fab 117 uint32_t bitValue;
jm 0:374d47623fab 118 uint8_t port;
jm 0:374d47623fab 119
jm 0:374d47623fab 120 // Get port, bit and bit value
jm 0:374d47623fab 121 port = pin/100;
jm 0:374d47623fab 122 bitValue = 1<<(pin%100);
jm 0:374d47623fab 123
jm 0:374d47623fab 124 sPulse[num].port = jmGPIO[port];
jm 0:374d47623fab 125 sPulse[num].pin = (uint8_t)pin;
jm 0:374d47623fab 126 sPulse[num].bitValue = bitValue;
jm 0:374d47623fab 127
jm 0:374d47623fab 128 // set mbed pin direction as output
jm 0:374d47623fab 129 jmGPIO[port]->FIODIR |= bitValue;
jm 0:374d47623fab 130 // make sure FIOMASK bit is enable
jm 0:374d47623fab 131 jmGPIO[port]->FIOMASK &= ~bitValue;
jm 0:374d47623fab 132
jm 0:374d47623fab 133
jm 0:374d47623fab 134 // Low State
jm 0:374d47623fab 135 if(tOn == 0 && tOff != 0)
jm 0:374d47623fab 136 {
jm 0:374d47623fab 137 jmGPIO[port]->FIOPIN &= ~bitValue; // reset pin low
jm 0:374d47623fab 138 sPulse[num].output = Low;
jm 0:374d47623fab 139 sPulse[num].state = puStopped;
jm 0:374d47623fab 140 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 141 // High State
jm 0:374d47623fab 142 if(tOn != 0 && tOff == 0)
jm 0:374d47623fab 143 {
jm 0:374d47623fab 144 jmGPIO[port]->FIOPIN |= bitValue; // set pin High
jm 0:374d47623fab 145 sPulse[num].output = High;
jm 0:374d47623fab 146 sPulse[num].state = puStopped;
jm 0:374d47623fab 147 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 148 // Toggle output
jm 0:374d47623fab 149 if(tOn == 0 && tOff == 0)
jm 0:374d47623fab 150 {
jm 0:374d47623fab 151 jmGPIO[port]->FIOPIN ^= bitValue; // toggle pin
jm 0:374d47623fab 152 // Toggle state
jm 0:374d47623fab 153 if(sPulse[num].output == High)sPulse[num].output = Low;
jm 0:374d47623fab 154 else sPulse[num].output = High;
jm 0:374d47623fab 155 sPulse[num].state = puStopped;
jm 0:374d47623fab 156 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 157 // Start Pulse controller
jm 0:374d47623fab 158 if(tOn != 0 && tOff != 0 && cycles !=0){
jm 0:374d47623fab 159 sPulse[num].state = Pulse;
jm 0:374d47623fab 160 sPulse[num].tOn = (uint8_t)tOn;
jm 0:374d47623fab 161 sPulse[num].tOff = (uint8_t)tOff;
jm 0:374d47623fab 162 sPulse[num].cycles = (uint16_t)cycles;
jm 0:374d47623fab 163 sPulse[num].eggTimer = 0;
jm 0:374d47623fab 164 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 165 // Stop Pulse controller
jm 0:374d47623fab 166 if(tOn != 0 && tOff != 0 && cycles ==0){
jm 0:374d47623fab 167 sPulse[num].cycles = 0;
jm 0:374d47623fab 168 sPulse[num].state = puStopped;
jm 0:374d47623fab 169 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 170
jm 0:374d47623fab 171 // Report process modification
jm 0:374d47623fab 172 rGPPP0(num); //Return Message: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 173 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 174
jm 0:374d47623fab 175 /***********************************************************************
jm 0:374d47623fab 176 * @brief Module State Machine.
jm 0:374d47623fab 177 * Enable different pwm/pulse rates concurrently.
jm 0:374d47623fab 178 * @param none
jm 0:374d47623fab 179 * @returns When cycles Done, Return Message: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 180 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 181 void PulseSM(void){
jm 0:374d47623fab 182 int i;
jm 0:374d47623fab 183 for(i=0;i<pulseQty;i++){ // for each SM define by pins
jm 0:374d47623fab 184
jm 0:374d47623fab 185 if(sPulse[i].state == puStopped) continue; //controller running ?
jm 0:374d47623fab 186
jm 0:374d47623fab 187 if(sPulse[i].cycles!=0){ // Cycles to DO ?
jm 0:374d47623fab 188 switch(sPulse[i].output){
jm 0:374d47623fab 189
jm 0:374d47623fab 190 // output is low
jm 0:374d47623fab 191 case Low: if(sPulse[i].eggTimer==0){ // time to change ?
jm 0:374d47623fab 192 sPulse[i].port->FIOPIN |= sPulse[i].bitValue; // set pin High
jm 0:374d47623fab 193 sPulse[i].eggTimer=sPulse[i].tOn; // load timer with tOn
jm 0:374d47623fab 194 sPulse[i].output=High; // udpate structure
jm 0:374d47623fab 195 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 196 break;
jm 0:374d47623fab 197
jm 0:374d47623fab 198 // output is High
jm 0:374d47623fab 199 case High: if(sPulse[i].eggTimer==0){ // time to change ?
jm 0:374d47623fab 200 sPulse[i].port->FIOPIN &= ~sPulse[i].bitValue; // reset pin low
jm 0:374d47623fab 201 sPulse[i].output=Low; // update structure
jm 0:374d47623fab 202 sPulse[i].eggTimer=sPulse[i].tOff; // load timer with tOff
jm 0:374d47623fab 203 if(sPulse[i].cycles != nonStop){ // continuous mode ?
jm 0:374d47623fab 204 if(--sPulse[i].cycles == 0){ // decrease qty if not continuous mode
jm 0:374d47623fab 205 sPulse[i].state = puStopped; // stop controller
jm 0:374d47623fab 206 // report end of cycles
jm 0:374d47623fab 207 rGPPP0(i); //Message: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 208 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 209 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 210 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 211 break;
jm 0:374d47623fab 212 }//switch
jm 0:374d47623fab 213 }//if cycles
jm 0:374d47623fab 214 }//for
jm 0:374d47623fab 215 }//PulseSM
jm 0:374d47623fab 216
jm 0:374d47623fab 217 /** Module Get Module Process Properties Command Line Interface
jm 0:374d47623fab 218 * @brief Command Line Interface to Get Module Public Process Properties
jm 0:374d47623fab 219 * @param[in] Extracted from command line GPPP0 id
jm 0:374d47623fab 220 * @returns Message: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 221 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 222 void cli_GPPP0(void)
jm 0:374d47623fab 223 { unsigned int id;
jm 0:374d47623fab 224 if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&id,0,7)){ // extract pulse id Number
jm 0:374d47623fab 225 rGPPP0(id); //Message: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 226 return;
jm 0:374d47623fab 227 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 228
jm 0:374d47623fab 229 if(Help)printf("GPPP0 (Pulse id)0..%d\n",pulseQty-1);
jm 0:374d47623fab 230 // Ignore pending command line
jm 0:374d47623fab 231 NextCommand(nl,pLine);
jm 0:374d47623fab 232 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 233
jm 0:374d47623fab 234 /** Public Properties Message
jm 0:374d47623fab 235 * @brief Send Process Properties to update GUI
jm 0:374d47623fab 236 * @param[in] id Process identification
jm 0:374d47623fab 237 * @returns Message: GPPP0 id pin tOn tOff status
jm 0:374d47623fab 238 */
jm 0:374d47623fab 239 void rGPPP0(unsigned int id ){
jm 0:374d47623fab 240 int status;
jm 0:374d47623fab 241 if(id < pulseQty){
jm 0:374d47623fab 242 if( sPulse[id].state == puStopped)status = sPulse[id].output +StatusOffset;
jm 0:374d47623fab 243 else status = sPulse[id].state;
jm 0:374d47623fab 244 printf("GPPP0 %d %d %d %d %d\n",id,sPulse[id].pin,sPulse[id].tOn,sPulse[id].tOff,status);
jm 0:374d47623fab 245
jm 0:374d47623fab 246 }
jm 0:374d47623fab 247 }