Command all jmCLIG modules from serial port



File content as of revision 0:9112e09912db:

 * @file    jmMotor.c                 
 * @version 1.0
 * @date    Feb 12, 2011

#include "jmMotor.h"
#include "LPC17xx.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "jmCommands.h"
#include "jmMessages.h"
#include "jmRingBuffer.h"
#include "stdio.h"

#ifndef nonStop
  #define nonStop 65535  // for continuous mode operation

#define mtNotInit 0
#define mtRunningCW 1
#define mtRunningCCW 2
#define mtStopped 3

// Module Data Structure
struct StructMotor sMotor[motorQty]; // static creation

/** Module Data Structure Initialization
 * @brief   All State Machines non initialized
 * @param[in]    none
 * @returns none
void MotorInit(void){
   int i;
     sMotor[i].active = mtNotInit;

/** Speed control for motors (1 or up to 4)
 * @brief motorSpeed Command Line Interface.
 * Format: command name (arg info)min..max values 
 * motorSpeed (Motor IDs ORed)1..15 (tOn Value)0..255 (tOff Value)0..255
 * @param[in] Extracted from command line (Motor IDs ORed)1..15 (tOn Value)0..255 (tOff Value)0..255 
 * @returns Message: motorSpeed ids tOn tOff
void cli_MotorSpeed(void){
   unsigned int id, i, tOn,tOff;
   if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&id,1,15)){          //extract id
      if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&tOn,0,255)){      //extract tOn
         if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&tOff,0,255)){ //extract tOff
              for(i=0;i<motorQty;i++){              // check each motor
                  if(id & 1<<i){                 // motor included ?     
                      if(sMotor[i].active){         // motor initialized ?

                         if(tOn==0){             // 0% ?
                            sMotor[i].drivePort->FIOPIN &= ~sMotor[i].driveBitValue;    // output pin low 
                          if(tOff==0){              // 100% ?            
                            sMotor[i].drivePort->FIOPIN |= sMotor[i].driveBitValue;    // output pin high
                          if(tOn!=0 && tOff!=0){   // PWM ?
                             // change motor tOn and tOff values
                          // report to gui

      if(Feedback)printf("MotorSpeed ID %d tOn %d tOff %d\n",id,tOn, tOff);
   if(Help)printf("motorSpeed (Motor IDs ORed)1..15 (tOn Value)1..255 (tOff Value)1..255\n");
   // Ignore pending command line

 * @brief    Module State Machine.  
 * Enable different motor control concurrently.
 * @param none
 * @returns Message at end of cycles: GPPMT id dirPin drivePinB tOn tOff status
void MotorSM(void){
  int i;
   for(i=0;i<motorQty;i++){ // for each SM define by pins
     // SM active ?
     if(!sMotor[i].active) continue;
     if(sMotor[i].cycles!=0){  // Cycles to DO ?

         // pulse is low
         case  0: if(sMotor[i].eggTimer==0){             // time to change ?     
                     sMotor[i].drivePort->FIOPIN |= sMotor[i].driveBitValue;  // set pin High         
                     sMotor[i].eggTimer=sMotor[i].tOn;   // load timer with tOn   
                     sMotor[i].state=1;                  // next state 

         // pulse is High
         case  1: if(sMotor[i].eggTimer==0){                    // time to change ?
                     sMotor[i].drivePort->FIOPIN &= ~sMotor[i].driveBitValue;    // reset pin low      
                     sMotor[i].eggTimer=sMotor[i].tOff;  // load timer with tOff  
                     if(sMotor[i].cycles != nonStop){    // continuous mode ?
                        if(--sMotor[i].cycles == 0)      // decrease qty if not continuous mode
                           rGPPMT(i);   // Message: GPPMT id dirPin drivePinB tOn tOff status
                     sMotor[i].state=0;                  // state 0

/** @brief motor Command Line Interface
 * Command Line Interface to control Motor on mbed pins DIP5 to 30.
 * Format: command name (arg info)min..max values 
 * Command Line Format: motor (Motor ID)0..3 (Direction Pin)0..432 (Drive Pin)0..432 (Direction)0..1 (tOn)0..255 (tOff)0..255 (Cycles)[1..65535]
 * @param[in]    Extracted from command line ((Motor ID)0..3 (Direction Pin)0..432 (Drive Pin)0..432 (Direction)0..1 (tOn)1..255 (tOff)1..255 (Cycles)[1..65535]
 * @returns    Message: GPPMT id dirPin drivePinB tOn tOff status
void cli_Motor(void){
   unsigned int id,dirPin,drivePin, dir, tOn,tOff,cycles;

   if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&id,0,motorQty-1)){         // extract motor id
      if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&dirPin,0,432)){            // extract direction    pin
         if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&drivePin,0,432)){       // extract drive pin
            if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&dir,0,1)){            // extract direction
                if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&tOn,0,255)){       // extract tOn
                   if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&tOff,0,255)){   // extract tOff
                       // extract cycles and test for nonStop mode
                       if(!ExtractUInteger(pLine,&cycles,1,nonStop))cycles = nonStop;
                       sMotor[id].dirBitValue = 1<<(dirPin%100);
                       sMotor[id].driveBitValue = 1<<(drivePin%100);;
                       sMotor[id].drivePort = jmGPIO[drivePin/100];
                       sMotor[id].dirPort = jmGPIO[dirPin/100];
                       sMotor[id].active = 1;
                       // Port.Pin set to outputs
                       sMotor[id].dirPort->FIODIR |= sMotor[id].dirBitValue;
                       sMotor[id].drivePort->FIODIR |= sMotor[id].driveBitValue;
                       sMotor[id].direction = dir;
                       sMotor[id].tOn = (uint8_t)tOn;
                       sMotor[id].tOff = (uint8_t)tOff;
                       sMotor[id].cycles = (uint16_t)cycles;
                       sMotor[id].state = 0;
                       sMotor[id].eggTimer = 0;
                       sMotor[id].dirPin = dirPin;
                       sMotor[id].drivePin = drivePin;
                      // set output direction bit according to given direction
                      if(dir) sMotor[id].dirPort->FIOPIN |=    sMotor[id].dirBitValue;
                      else sMotor[id].dirPort->FIOPIN &=    ~sMotor[id].dirBitValue;
                      // 100%
                         sMotor[id].drivePort->FIOPIN |= sMotor[id].driveBitValue;
                         // SM off
                         sMotor[id].cycles = 0;
                      // 0%
                         sMotor[id].drivePort->FIOPIN &= ~sMotor[id].driveBitValue;
                         // SM off
                         sMotor[id].cycles = 0;
                      rGPPMT(id);   // Message: GPPMT id dirPin drivePinB tOn tOff status
                      if(Feedback)printf("Motor %d DirPin %d DrivePin %d Dir %d tOn %d tOff %d Cycles %d\n",id,
                                         dirPin, drivePin, dir,tOn,tOff,cycles); 
    // Ignore pending command line

   if(Help)printf("motor (Motor ID)0..%d (Direction Pin)0..432 (Drive Pin)0..432 (Direction)0..1 (tOn)0..255 (tOff)0..255 (Cycles)[1..65535]\n",motorQty-1);  
   // Ignore pending command line

/** Module Get Module Process Properties Command Line Interface
 * @brief        Command Line Interface to Get Module Public Process Properties
 * @param[in]    id Extracted from command line
 * @returns    Message: GPPMT id dirPin drivePinB tOn tOff status
void cli_GPPMT(void)
{    unsigned int id;
   if(ExtractUInteger(pLine,&id,0,motorQty-1)){  // extract id
       rGPPMT(id);   // Message: GPPMT id dirPin drivePinB tOn tOff status

    if(Help)printf("GPPST (Motor id)0..%d\n",motorQty-1);  
    // Ignore pending command line

/** Public Properties Message
 * @brief    Send Process Properties to update GUI
 * @param[in] id Process identification
 * @returns   Message: GPPMT id dirPin drivePinB tOn tOff status
void rGPPMT(unsigned int id ){
    int status;
    if( sMotor[id].active )
    {   if(sMotor[id].cycles == 0)status = mtStopped;
         if( sMotor[id].direction) status = mtRunningCW;
         else status = mtRunningCCW;
    else  status = mtNotInit;                     
    printf("GPPMT %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",id,sMotor[id].dirPin,sMotor[id].drivePin,sMotor[id].tOn,sMotor[id].tOff,status);