html version for mbed os V5.2

Dependents:   scooter_mbed_correction_mbed_os

Fork of html by philippe laurent

diff -r 000000000000 -r 539b0fc9d536 html.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/html.h	Tue Aug 11 15:00:40 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* (C) 2000 by BECK IPC GmbH
+*  Garbenheimerstr. 38
+*  D-35578 Wetzlar
+*  Phone : (49)-6441-905-240
+*  Fax   : (49)-6441-905-245
+* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Module        : HTML.H
+* Function      : contains prototypes and definitions for html.c
+* Author        : Stoidner
+* Date          : 30.08.00
+* Version       : V1.00
+* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* History       :
+*  Vx.yy        Author  Changes
+*  V1.00          cs    Create
+#ifndef _HTML_H_
+#define _HTML_H_
+//* definitions
+#define CMD_HTML_SIGN       '^'      /* Command sign which significates a
+                                       command start in the HTML code */
+#define FILL_STR( str, length )   while ( strlen(str) < length ) strcat(str, " ")
+                                    /* useful macro to fill a string to a specified
+                                       length with NULL Chars */ 
+//* type definitions
+typedef struct {
+//                      int pos;    // pos of the VarDef relativ to the Page beginning
+                  char *ptr;  // pointer to beginning of VarDef definition
+                  int length; // length of the variable field
+               } var_field_t;
+typedef var_field_t *vf_ptr;
+//* prototypes
+char *Gen_HtmlCode_From_File( char *Path, var_field_t *var_field, int max_vardef );
+char *load_HtmlCode_From_File( char *Path,long * size);
+void Html_Patch ( var_field_t *pTab_Balise,int index, char * pChaine ) ;