Sample code for AT&T IoT Services DevLab with IoT StarterKit.

Dependencies:   FXOS8700CQ M2XStreamClient-JMF WNCInterface jsonlite mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of WNCInterface_M2Xdemo by Avnet

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Apr 05 17:46:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 06 03:39:06 2017 +0000
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "WNCInterface.h"
+#include "IOTSMS.h"
@@ -13,18 +14,15 @@
 #include "M2XStreamClient.h"
 #include "sensors.h"
+#include "config_me.h"
 #define CRLF "\n\r"
-char deviceId[] = "9fc504277536c2450ad5fa2cb4e2b478"; // Device you want to post to
-char m2xKey[]   = "8ec6719c0ccbd8049494b7404af762f8"; // Your M2X API Key or Master API Key
-const char *hstreamName = "humidity";
-const char *tstreamName = "temp";
-const char *accelstreamNames[] = { "accelX", "accelY", "accelZ" };
+//startup SMS, disabled by default
+//#define STARTUP_SMS
 WNCInterface eth;
+WNCSms sms;
 Client client;
 M2XStreamClient m2xClient(&client, m2xKey);
 TimeService timeService(&m2xClient);
@@ -36,6 +34,7 @@
 DigitalOut led_blue(LED_BLUE);
 K64F_Sensors_t  SENSOR_DATA = {};
+bool bStop = false;
 //* Set the RGB LED's Color
@@ -95,6 +94,11 @@
+        case 'S':
+        { //Stop
+            bStop = true;
+            break;
+        }  
             return false;
@@ -114,21 +118,30 @@
 void on_command_found(const char* id, const char* name, int index, void *context) {
-    pc.printf(">>Found a command, index: %d" CRLF, index);
-    pc.printf(">>ID: %s" CRLF ">>Name: %s" CRLF, id, name);
+    pc.printf("\t|Found a command, index: %d" CRLF, index);
+    pc.printf("\t|ID: %s" CRLF "\t|Name: %s" CRLF, id, name);
     m2xClient.markCommandProcessed(deviceId, id, on_fill_data, NULL);
-    pc.printf(">>Command confirmed" CRLF, id, name);
+    pc.printf("\t|Command confirmed" CRLF, id, name);
+void on_msg_rcvd( WNCSmsMsg& msg ) {
+  pc.printf(YEL "SMS received from %s" CRLF, msg.number.c_str());
+  pc.printf("|Timestamp: %s %s" CRLF,, msg.time.c_str());
+  pc.printf("|Text: '%s'" CRLF, msg.msg.c_str());
+  pc.printf(WHT);
+  ExecuteCommand(msg.msg.c_str());
 int main() {
     char timestamp[25];
     int length = 25;
     int response;
-    pc.baud(115200);
-    pc.printf("M2X StarterKit demo: initializng the network" CRLF);
+    ExecuteCommand("Red");
+    pc.baud(115200);    
+    pc.printf("M2X StarterKit demo: initializing the network" CRLF);
     response = eth.init();                     
     pc.printf("WNC Module %s initialized (%02X)." CRLF, response?"IS":"IS NOT", response);
     if( !response ) {
@@ -136,14 +149,22 @@
+    response = sms.init(1, on_msg_rcvd);
+    pc.printf("SMS interface %s initialized (%02X)." CRLF, response?"IS NOT":"IS", response);    
+    if (!response) {
+        pc.printf("SMS number is %s" CRLF , sms.getSMSNbr());
+    };
     response = eth.connect();                 
     pc.printf("IP Address: %s " CRLF CRLF, eth.getIPAddress());
+    ExecuteCommand("Yellow");
     pc.printf("Initialize the sensors" CRLF);    
     pc.printf(WHT "initialize the M2X time service" CRLF);
     if (!m2x_status_is_success(timeService.init())) 
         pc.printf("Cannot initialize time service!" CRLF);
@@ -152,41 +173,58 @@
         pc.printf("Current timestamp: %s" CRLF, timestamp);
-    pc.printf("Query for possible commands using this device..." CRLF);
+    ExecuteCommand("Green");    
+#ifdef STARTUP_SMS    
+    response = sms.send("5277", "IoT StarterKit is now running!");
+    pc.printf("Startup SMS %s sent." CRLF, response ? "was" : "NOT");
+    pc.printf("Query for pending commands ..." CRLF);
     response = m2xClient.listCommands(deviceId, on_command_found, NULL, "status=pending");
     pc.printf("listCommands response code: %d" CRLF, response);  
-    while (true) {
+    while (!bStop) {
         // read sensor values 
         // post the humidity value
-        pc.printf("Post updateStreamValue (humidity = %f)..." CRLF, SENSOR_DATA.Humidity);
-        response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, hstreamName, SENSOR_DATA.Humidity);
+        pc.printf("Post updateStreamValue (humidity = %.2f)..." CRLF, SENSOR_DATA.Humidity);
+        response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, hStreamName, SENSOR_DATA.Humidity);
         pc.printf("Post response code: %d" CRLF, response);
         // post the temp value
-        pc.printf("Post updateStreamValue (temp = %f)..." CRLF, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature);
-        response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, tstreamName, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature);
+        pc.printf("Post updateStreamValue (temp = %.2f)..." CRLF, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature);
+        response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, tStreamName, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature);
         pc.printf("Post response code: %d" CRLF, response);
+        // post accelerometer values
         pc.printf("Post postDeviceUpdate (accelerometer)..." CRLF, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature);
-        response = m2xClient.postDeviceUpdate(deviceId, 3, accelstreamNames, (float []){SENSOR_DATA.AccelX, SENSOR_DATA.AccelY, SENSOR_DATA.AccelZ});
+        response = m2xClient.postDeviceUpdate(deviceId, 3, accelStreamNames, (float []){SENSOR_DATA.AccelX, SENSOR_DATA.AccelY, SENSOR_DATA.AccelZ});
         pc.printf("Post response code: %d" CRLF, response);
         timeService.getTimestamp(timestamp, &length);
-        pc.printf("%s waiting for 60 seconds... " CRLF CRLF CRLF, timestamp);
+        pc.printf("%s waiting for %d seconds... " CRLF , timestamp, commandDelay * commandPolls);
-        for (short idx=0; idx < 6; idx++) {
-            // wait 10 seconds
-            delay(10 * 1000);
+        // now poll for pending commands
+        for (short idx=0; idx < commandPolls; idx++) {
+            // wait commandDelay seconds
+            delay(commandDelay * 1000);
-            // and then query fo commands
-            pc.printf("Query for possible commands using this device..." CRLF);
+            // and then query for commands
+            pc.printf("\tQuery for pending commands ..." CRLF);
             response = m2xClient.listCommands(deviceId, on_command_found, NULL, "status=pending");
-            pc.printf("listCommands response code: %d" CRLF, response);              
+            pc.printf("\tlistCommands response code: %d" CRLF, response);              
-    }
+    };
+    pc.printf("Done sending data. Still accepting SMS commands." CRLF);
+    bStop = false;
+    while (!bStop) {
+        delay(1000);
+    };        
+    pc.printf("- - - - - - - THE END - - - - - - - " CRLF);    
+    NVIC_SystemReset();