Simple training demonstration to show the use of union and structure

Dependencies:   USBDevice mbed

Fork of OddExample2 by Jon Fuge

diff -r d9da28105bef -r db81cad8cb64 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Nov 25 14:26:04 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Nov 25 15:09:03 2013 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
-* This program demonstrates how to read a switch and toggle a LED.             *
-* Connect LED and resistor between to DIP36 (P0_21) and DIP1 (0V).             *
-* Connect switch between DIP5 (P0_9) and DIP1 (0V).                            *
+* This program demonstrates how to read a string from the USB serial device    *
+* and write a string back to the USB serial device                             *
 *                                                                              *
 * Jon Fuge                                                                     *
-* V1.0 12/11/2013 First issue of code                                          *
+* V1.0 25/11/2013 First issue of code                                          *
-#include "mbed.h" // has prototypes for DigitalIn and DigitalOut
-DigitalIn  mybutton(P0_9); // mybutton reads bit  9 of port 0 (DIP5).
-DigitalOut myled(P0_21);   // myled controls bit 21 of port 0 (DIP36).
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+//Virtual serial port over USB. Use Teraterm as the interface
+USBSerial serial;
 int main() {
-   mybutton.mode(PullUp); // Configure pin to be a pull‐up input
-   for(;;) { //Create infinite loop to keep program running.
-      if (mybutton == 0) { // if mybutton = 0, then it has been pressed
-         myled = !myled; // myled will now become !myled (! means NOT).
-         wait(0.1); // Wait for 0.1 seconds to "debounce" the switch.
-         while (mybutton == 0) {} // Wait for my button to be released.
-      } // End of if (mybutton == 0)
-   } // End of for(;;)
-} // end of int main()
\ No newline at end of file
+   char buf[128]; // A char array is also a string!
+   wait (10); // Wait 10 seconds to connect port
+   // Need to type a key, then enter to get a response.
+   serial.printf("What is your name?\n\r");
+   serial.scanf("%s", buf);
+   serial.printf("What are you doing %s?\n\r", buf);
+   for(;;) {} // Loop forever