BLE example with Environmental Sensing service.

Dependencies:   BSP_B-L475E-IOT01

Hello IoT BLE

This project uses Environmental Sensing Service and its characteristics:

Characteristic values can be read or they might be observed with notifications enabled.

Please note that this example uses slightly modified Environmental service.

Also there have been some opened issues regarding value types Issue 1 and Issue 2.

Note that this application was developed as a part of a larger project Hello IoT, but can be used as a standalone.

(Source files can be found at the end of this page.)

Running the application

The sample application can be seen on any BLE scanner on a smartphone. If you don't have a scanner on your phone, please install:

Hardware requirements are in the main readme.

Building instructions

Building with mbed CLI

If you'd like to use mbed CLI to build this, then you should refer to the main readme. The instructions here relate to using the Mbed Online Compiler.

Building with Mbed Online Compiler

In order to build this example in the Mbed Online Compiler, first import the example using the Import button on the right hand side.

Next, select a platform to build for. This must either be a platform that supports BLE, for example the NRF51-DK, or one of the following:

List of platforms supporting Bluetooth Low Energy.

Or you must also add a piece of hardware and the supporting library that includes a Bluetooth Low Energy driver for that hardware, for example the K64F or NUCLEO_F401RE with the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1

List of components supporting Bluetooth Low Energy.

Once you have selected your platform, compile the example and drag and drop the resulting binary onto your board.

Note: This example was tested with DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A (ref B-L475E-IOT01A), so when using onboard sensors instead of simulated ones, make sure you select this board.

For general instructions on using the Mbed Online Compiler, please see the mbed Handbook.

Checking for success

Note: Screen captures depicted below show what is expected from this example if the scanner used is nRF Connect. If you encounter any difficulties consider trying another scanner or another version of nRF Connect. Alternative scanners may require reference to their manuals.

  • Build the application and install it on your board as explained in the building instructions.
  • Open the BLE scanner on your phone.
  • Start a scan and connect to a device named IoT_SENSOR.

nRF Scan

  • Discover the services and the characteristics on the device. The Environmental Sensing service has the UUID 0x181A with characteristics Temperature 0x2A6E, Humidity 0x2A6F and Pressure 0x2A6D.

nRF Service

  • At this point you can read or register for notifications. In figure below, all characteristics have been registered for notification and their values should change every second.

nRF Notif



File content as of revision 0:0681ebb27b3c:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include "ble/BLE.h"
//#include "debug.h"

* @note
*   Modified service (refer to EnvironmentalService.h): 
*   - notifications added
*   - conversion to temperature, humidity and pressure integer values done in main.cpp 
*   - updateTemperature() input argument type changed from float to TemperatureType_t

* @class EnvironmentalService
* @brief BLE Environmental Service. This service provides temperature, humidity and pressure measurement.
* Service:
* Temperature:
* Humidity:
* Pressure:
class EnvironmentalService {
    typedef int16_t  TemperatureType_t;
    typedef uint16_t HumidityType_t;
    typedef uint32_t PressureType_t;

     * @brief   EnvironmentalService constructor.
     * @param   ble Reference to BLE device.
     * @param   temperature_en Enable this characteristic.
     * @param   humidity_en Enable this characteristic.
     * @param   pressure_en Enable this characteristic.
    EnvironmentalService(BLE& _ble) :
        temperatureCharacteristic(GattCharacteristic::UUID_TEMPERATURE_CHAR, &temperature, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),
        humidityCharacteristic(GattCharacteristic::UUID_HUMIDITY_CHAR, &humidity, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),
        pressureCharacteristic(GattCharacteristic::UUID_PRESSURE_CHAR, &pressure, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY)
        static bool serviceAdded = false; /* We should only ever need to add the information service once. */
        if (serviceAdded) {

        GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = { &temperatureCharacteristic,
                                            &pressureCharacteristic };

        GattService environmentalService(GattService::UUID_ENVIRONMENTAL_SERVICE, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));

        serviceAdded = true;

     * @brief   Update temperature characteristic.
     * @param   newTemperatureVal New temperature measurement.
    void updateTemperature(TemperatureType_t newTemperatureVal)
        temperature = newTemperatureVal;
#ifdef DEBUG  
        pc.printf("T_char = %i\r\n", temperature);
        ble.gattServer().write(temperatureCharacteristic.getValueHandle(), (uint8_t *) &temperature, sizeof(TemperatureType_t));
     * @brief   Update humidity characteristic.
     * @param   newHumidityVal New humidity measurement.
    void updateHumidity(HumidityType_t newHumidityVal)
        humidity = newHumidityVal;
#ifdef DEBUG  
        pc.printf("H_char = %u\r\n", humidity);
        ble.gattServer().write(humidityCharacteristic.getValueHandle(), (uint8_t *) &humidity, sizeof(HumidityType_t));

     * @brief   Update pressure characteristic.
     * @param   newPressureVal New pressure measurement.
    void updatePressure(PressureType_t newPressureVal)
        pressure = newPressureVal;
#ifdef DEBUG 
        pc.printf("P_char = %u\r\n", pressure);
        ble.gattServer().write(pressureCharacteristic.getValueHandle(), (uint8_t *) &pressure, sizeof(PressureType_t));

    BLE& ble;

    TemperatureType_t temperature;
    HumidityType_t    humidity;
    PressureType_t    pressure;

    ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<TemperatureType_t> temperatureCharacteristic;
    ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<HumidityType_t>    humidityCharacteristic;
    ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<PressureType_t>    pressureCharacteristic;

#endif /* #ifndef __BLE_ENVIRONMENTAL_SERVICE_H__*/