C++ class for controlling DC motor with encoder feedback. Dependencies include LS7366LIB, MotCon, and PID.

Dependencies:   LS7366LIB MotCon2 PID

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Axis.h	Thu Nov 08 17:54:30 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#ifndef MBED_AXIS_H
+#define MBED_AXIS_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "PID.h"        //library for software routine PID controller
+#include "LS7366.h"     //library for quadrature encoder interface IC's
+#include "MotCon.h"     //simple motor control routines
+class Axis{
+    Axis(SPI& _spi, PinName _cs, PinName _pwm, PinName _dir, PinName _analog, int* limit);    
+    void paramUpdate(void);
+    void center(void);
+    void init(void);
+    void moveTrapezoid(float position, float time);
+    void moveUpdate(void);
+    float readCurrent(void);
+    void axisOff(void);
+    void axisOn(void);
+    void zero(void);
+    void writeEncoderValue(long value);
+    void updatePIDgains(float P, float I, float D);
+    long enc;       //used to return the data from the LS7366 encoder chip
+    float co;       // = 0.0;
+    float Tdelay;   // = .01;
+    float Pk;       // 120.0 for scorbot
+    float Ik;       // 55.0 for scorbot
+    float Dk;
+    float set_point;// = 0.0;
+    float set_point_last;
+    float pos, vel, acc;    //calculated position, velocity, and acceleration
+    int stat;               //overall axis status
+    float pos_last, vel_last, acc_last; //history variables used to calculate motion
+    float pos_cmd, vel_cmd, vel_avg_cmd, acc_cmd;    
+    float vel_max, acc_max;
+    float vel_accum;
+    float moveTime;    
+    float p_higher, p_lower;
+    int moveStatus;
+    int moveState;
+    int debug;
+    int *ptr_limit;
+    float motI;   //motor current read from readCurrent() function
+    volatile float motI_last;
+    float mot_I_lim;    //max current limit
+    float dIdT;
+    float mot_I_max, mot_I_max_last;
+    int axisState;
+    int motInvert;
+    char dataFormat;    //'r'=radians (default), 'd'=degrees, 'e'=encoder counts
+    float pos_rad, vel_rad;      //current position measurement in radians
+    float pos_deg, vel_deg;  //current position measurement in degrees
+    float ctsPerDeg;
+    int busyflag;
+    Ticker update;
+    Ticker moveProfile;
+    Timer t;
+    PID *pid;
+    LS7366 *ls7366;
+    MotCon *motcon;
+    //AnalogIn *motCurrent;
+    SPI _spi;
+    DigitalOut _cs;
+    PwmOut _pwm;
+    DigitalOut _dir;
+    AnalogIn _analog;