snake game controlled by joystick

Dependencies:   N5110 beep mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "N5110.h"
00004 /**
00005 @ snake maximum body columns value can be used
00006 */
00007 int snakeColumns[84];
00009 /**
00010 @ snake maximum body columns value can be used
00011 */
00012 int snakeRows[48];
00014 /**
00015 @ all pixels were seted
00016 @ param.84 - x value to add
00017 @ param.48 - y value to add
00018 */
00019 char cells[84][48];//all pix
00021 /**
00022 @ define the structure of snake
00023 @ param.x - initial x value of snake to add
00024 @ param.y - initial y value of snake to add
00025 @ param.headx - x-coordinate of snake head to add
00026 @ param.heady - y-coordinate of snake head to add
00027 */
00028 typedef struct Snake Snake;//structure of snake
00029 struct Snake {//structure of snake
00030     int x;//initial x value of snake
00031     int y;//initial y value of snake
00032     int headx;//x-coordinate of snake head
00033     int heady;//y-coordinate of snake tail
00034 };
00036 /**
00037 @define the name of snake
00038 */
00039 Snake snake;//name of Snake
00042 int Food_x=20;//initial x value of Food
00043 int Food_y=20;//initial y value of Food
00045 /**
00046 @define the direction of snake's movement
00047 */
00048 int up;
00049 int down;
00050 int left;
00051 int right;
00053 /**
00054 @initialize the value of LED when LED is not lighted
00055 */
00056 int LED = 0;
00059 /**
00060 @initialize the value of score
00061 */
00062 const char score=0;
00064 /**
00065 @ initialize the value of snake length and snake's life and the food appears
00066 @param.snakeLength - snake length to add
00067 @param.snakelife - snake is alive to add
00068 @param.foodyes - food appears to add
00069 */
00070 int snakeLength = 6;
00071 int snakelife = 1;
00072 int foodyes = 1;
00073 // change this to alter tolerance of joystick direction
00074 #define DIRECTION_TOLERANCE 0.05
00076 /**
00077 @ connections for joystick
00078 */
00079 AnalogIn xPot(p15);
00080 AnalogIn yPot(p16);
00081 DigitalIn button(p17);
00082 N5110 lcd(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p26);
00084 /**
00085 @ timer to regularly read the joystick
00086 */
00087 Ticker pollJoystick;
00088 /**
00089 @ Serial for debug
00090 */
00091 Serial serial(USBTX,USBRX);
00093 /**
00094 @ create enumerated type (0,1,2,3 etc. for direction)
00095 @ could be extended for diagonals etc.
00096 */
00097 enum DirectionName {
00098     UP,
00099     DOWN,
00100     LEFT,
00101     RIGHT,
00102     CENTRE,
00103     UNKNOWN
00104 }
00106 /**
00107 @define the struct for Joystick
00108 @ param.x - current x value to add
00109 @ param.y - current y value to add
00110 @ param.x0 - centred x value to add
00111 @ param.y0 - centred y value to add
00112 @ copied from sample code, but do not know why they have error
00113 */
00114 typedef struct JoyStick Joystick;
00115 struct JoyStick {
00116     float x;    // current x value
00117     float x0;   // 'centred' x value
00118     float y;    // current y value
00119     float y0;   // 'centred' y value
00120     int button; // button state (assume pull-down used, so 1 = pressed, 0 = unpressed)
00121     DirectionName direction;  // current direction
00122 };
00123 /**
00124 @ create struct variable
00125 */
00126 Joystick joystick;
00128 int printFlag = 0;
00130 /**
00131 @ function prototypes
00132 */
00133 void calibrateJoystick();
00134 void updateJoystick();
00135 void light();
00136 void wholeSnake();
00137 void drawSnake();
00138 void drawFood();
00139 void moveSnake();
00140 void eatFood();
00141 void crashCheck();
00142 void endGame();
00144 /**
00145 @ main code
00146 @ calibrateJoystick() - get centred value of joystick
00147 @ read joystick 10 times per second
00148 @control the joysick
00149 */
00150 int main()
00151 {
00152     calibrateJoystick();  // get centred values of joystick
00153     pollJoystick.attach(&updateJoystick,1.0/10.0);  // read joystick 10 times per second
00155     while(1) {
00157         if (printFlag) {  // if flag set, clear flag and print joystick values to serial port
00158             printFlag = 0;
00159             serial.printf("x = %f y = %f button = %d ",joystick.x,joystick.y,joystick.button);
00161             // check joystick direction
00162             if (joystick.direction == UP)
00163                 serial.printf(" UP\n");
00164             if (joystick.direction == DOWN)
00165                 serial.printf(" DOWN\n");
00166             if (joystick.direction == LEFT)
00167                 serial.printf(" LEFT\n");
00168             if (joystick.direction == RIGHT)
00169                 serial.printf(" RIGHT\n");
00170             if (joystick.direction == CENTRE)
00171                 serial.printf(" CENTRE\n");
00172             if (joystick.direction == UNKNOWN)
00173                 serial.printf(" Unsupported direction\n");
00175         }
00177         if (button ==0) { //button state assume pull-down used, 0 = unpressed
00178             lcd. printString ("Game Start", 2,2);// print cover
00179             lcd. printString ("By Troy",3,3);//print cover
00180         } else {
00181             lcd.clear();//function of clear screen
00182             light();//function to light the led
00183             drawSnake();//draw a snake
00184             drawFood();//draw food
00185             moveSnake();
00186             eatFood();//function of checking the snake eat food
00187             crashCheck();//check the collision detection
00188             endGame();
00189             wait(0.2);//wait 0.2 second repeat the whine loop
00191         }
00192     }
00193 }
00194 /**
00195 @ read default positions of the joystick to calibrate later readings
00196 @ initial positions in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (0.5 if centred exactly)
00197 @ param.joystick.x0, value of x0 is to add
00198 @ param.joystick.y0, value of y0 is to add
00199 */
00200 void calibrateJoystick()
00201 {
00202     button.mode(PullDown);
00203     // must not move during calibration
00204     joystick.x0 = xPot;  // initial positions in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (0.5 if centred exactly)
00205     joystick.y0 = yPot;
00206 }
00208 /**
00209 @ read value from joystick
00210 */
00211 void updateJoystick()
00212 {
00213     // read current joystick values relative to calibrated values (in range -0.5 to 0.5, 0.0 is centred)
00214     joystick.x = xPot - joystick.x0;
00215     joystick.y = yPot - joystick.y0;
00216     // read button state
00217     joystick.button = button;
00220     /**
00221     @ calculate direction depending on x,y values
00222     @ tolerance allows a little lee-way in case joystick not exactly in the stated direction
00223     */
00224     if ( fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00225         joystick.direction = CENTRE;
00227     } else if ( joystick.y > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00228         joystick.direction = UP;
00229         snake.y = snake.y-1;
00230     } else if ( joystick.y < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00231         joystick.direction = DOWN;
00232         snake.y = snake.y+1;
00233     } else if ( joystick.x > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00234         joystick.direction = RIGHT;
00235         snake.x = snake.x+1;
00236     } else if ( joystick.x < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00237         joystick.direction = LEFT;
00238         snake.x = snake.x-1;
00239     } else {
00240         joystick.direction = UNKNOWN;
00241     }
00242     /**
00243     @ set flag for printing
00244     */
00245     printFlag = 1;
00247     lcd.init();//initialize nokia N5110
00248     lcd.setBrightness(0.5); // put backlight on 50%
00249     calibrateJoystick();  // get centred values of joystick
00250     pollJoystick.attach(&updateJoystick,1.0/10.0);  // read joystick 10 times per second
00251     lcd.refresh();//reset the screen
00252 }
00253 /**
00254 define the light function
00255 */
00256 void light()
00257 {
00258     if (button == 1)
00259         LED = 1;
00260     else
00261         LED = 0;
00262 }
00264 /**
00265 define the wholeSnake function
00266 */
00267 void wholeSnake()
00268 {
00270     snake.x = 5;
00271     snake.y = 5;
00272     snake.headx = 11;
00273     snake.heady = 7;
00275 }
00278 /**
00279 define the eatFood function
00280 */
00281 void eatFood()
00282 {
00283     while (1) {
00285         if(foodyes == 1) {
00286             srand(time(NULL));
00287             int Food_x = rand() % 84;
00288             int Food_y= rand() % 48;
00289             while(Food_x%84 != 0)
00290                 Food_x++;
00291             while(Food_y%48 != 0)
00292                 Food_y++;
00293         }
00295     }
00297     /**
00298     define the darwSnake function
00299     */
00300     void drawSnake() {
00302         lcd.drawRect(snake.x,snake.y,6,2,1);//draw the rectangle with top left position, height, width and fill the rectangle in black
00304     }
00306     /**
00307     define the drawFood function
00308     */
00309     void drawFood() { //method to define drawFood function
00311         lcd.drawRect(Food_x,Food_y,2,2,1);//draw the rectangle with top left position, height, width and fill the rectangle in black
00313     }
00315     /**
00316     define the moveSnake function
00317     */
00318     void moveSnake() { //method to define moveSnake function
00319         button == 1;// button of joystick is pressed
00321         switch (direction) {//check the direction of the joystick button is pressed
00322             case up:  //when the direction of joystick is up
00323                 snake.y = snake.y-1;//the change of y value fron joystick
00324                 break;
00325                 jump out
00327             case down;
00328                 snake.y = snake.y+1;
00329                 break;
00331             case left;
00332                 snake.x = snake.x+1;
00333                 break;
00335             case right;
00336                 snake.x = snake.x+1;
00337                 break;
00338         }
00339     }
00341     /**
00342     define the crashCheck function
00343     */
00344     void crashCheck() { //method to define endGame function
00345         while(1) { //infinite loop
00347             // if snake hit itself
00348             if (snake.headx == snake.x && snake.heady == snake.y) {//coordinate of snake head is equal to snake tail
00349                 snakelife = 0;// snake dead
00350                 endGame();//game end
00351             }
00354             //if snake hit wall
00355             if (snake.x > 47 || snake.x < 0  || snake.y < 0 || snake.y > 83) {//the limit of top and bottom side
00356                 //the limit of left and right side
00357                 //check the snake head over the value of four sides
00358                 snakelife = 0;// snake dead
00359                 endGame();//game end
00361             }
00362         }
00363     }
00365     /**
00366     define the endGame function
00367     */
00368     void endGame () { //method to define endGame function
00370         lcd.printString ("END!", 29, 0);//the position and word"End" are printed on LCD display
00371         lcd.printString ("Score: ", 10, 2);//the position and word"Score" are printed on LCD display
00372         lcd.printString (score, 20, 2);//the position and number are printedon LCD display
00373         wait (0.2);
00374 }