Just a small test for frames and serial (RS232) communication, with ideas from http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/08/20/frames-and-protocols-for-the-serial-port-in-python/

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed May 02 06:01:00 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "string"
+#include "list"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // initialize RS232 via USB
+DigitalOut prg_activity_led(LED1);     // some LED to show activity
+DigitalOut rx_activity_led(LED2);
+DigitalOut tx_activity_led(LED3);
+DigitalOut message_led(LED4);
+// we need some storage for the messages we want to send and receive
+string singleSendMessageBuffer;
+string singleReceiveMessageBuffer;
+// and a buffer for those messages, until they are processed
+list<string> sendMessagesBuffer;
+list<string> receiveMessagesBuffer;
+// Interupt Routine to read in data from serial port
+void Rx_interrupt() {
+    rx_activity_led=!rx_activity_led;
+    // Loop just in case more than one character is in UART's receive FIFO buffer
+    while (pc.readable()) {
+        char c = pc.getc();
+        unwrap_protocol(&c, &singleReceiveMessageBuffer, &receiveMessagesBuffer);
+        // pc.putc(c); // echo
+    }
+    return;
+// Interupt Routine to write out data to serial port
+void Tx_interrupt() {
+    char c;
+    int finished = WRAP_SEND;
+    int messageAvailable = !sendMessagesBuffer.empty();
+    tx_activity_led=!tx_activity_led;
+    // Loop to fill more than one character in UART's transmit FIFO buffer
+    while (  pc.writeable() && messageAvailable && (finished == WRAP_SEND)) {
+        finished = wrap_protocol( &c, &singleSendMessageBuffer, &sendMessagesBuffer );
+        if (finished != WRAP_ABORT)
+            pc.putc(c);
+    }
+    //tx_activity_led=0;
+    return;
+int main() {
+    string sendString;
+    pc.baud(115200);        // other high speed: 921600
+    // Setup a serial interrupt function to receive data
+    pc.attach(&Rx_interrupt, Serial::RxIrq);
+    // Setup a serial interrupt function to transmit data
+    pc.attach(&Tx_interrupt, Serial::TxIrq);
+    // enable interrupt
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART1_IRQn);
+    set_time(0);            // needed to initialize rtc
+    while (1) {
+        prg_activity_led = !prg_activity_led;       // toggle LED
+        time_t seconds = time(NULL);    // get current time
+        //printf("Time as a string = %s\r\n", ctime(&seconds));
+        if (!receiveMessagesBuffer.empty()) {
+            //pc.printf("\r\nMessage: %s\r\n", receiveMessagesBuffer.front().c_str());
+            sendString = "Message '";
+            sendString += receiveMessagesBuffer.front().c_str();
+            sendString += "' received at ";
+            sendString += ctime(&seconds);
+            sendString += "\r";
+            sendMessagesBuffer.push_back(sendString);
+            receiveMessagesBuffer.pop_front();
+        } else {
+            //sendString = "Hallo Welt!\r\n";
+            sendString = ctime(&seconds);
+            sendString += "\r";
+            sendMessagesBuffer.push_back(sendString);
+        }
+        // trigger sending interrupt
+        char c;
+        int finished = wrap_protocol( &c, &singleSendMessageBuffer, &sendMessagesBuffer );
+        if (finished != WRAP_ABORT)
+            pc.putc(c);
+        wait(1); // wait and don't flood the RS232
+    }