Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 16 18:58:18 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+///////// pre-processor directives ////////
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Gamepad.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "PongEngine.h"
+# include "tests.h"
+#define PADDLE_WIDTH 8
+#define PADDLE_HEIGHT 2
+#define BALL_SIZE 2
+#define BALL_SPEED 3
+/////////////// structs /////////////////
+struct UserInput {
+    Direction d;
+    float mag;
+/////////////// objects ///////////////
+N5110 lcd(PTC9,PTC0,PTC7,PTD2,PTD1,PTC11);
+Gamepad pad;
+PongEngine pong;
+///////////// prototypes ///////////////
+void init();
+void update_game(UserInput input);
+void render();
+void welcome();
+///////////// functions ////////////////
+int main()
+    int number_of_failures = run_all_tests();
+    if(number_of_failures > 0) return number_of_failures;
+    int fps = 8;  // frames per second
+    init();     // initialise and then display welcome screen...
+    welcome();  // waiting for the user to start
+    render();  // first draw the initial frame 
+    wait(1.0f/fps);  // and wait for one frame period
+    // game loop - read input, update the game state and render the display
+    while (1) {
+        pong.read_input(pad);
+        pong.update(pad);
+        render();
+        wait(1.0f/fps);
+    }
+// initialies all classes and libraries
+void init()
+    // need to initialise LCD and Gamepad 
+    lcd.init();
+    pad.init();
+    // initialise the game with correct ball and paddle sizes
+// this function draws each frame on the LCD
+void render()
+    // clear screen, re-draw and refresh
+    lcd.clear();  
+    pong.draw(lcd);
+    lcd.refresh();
+// simple splash screen displayed on start-up
+void welcome() {
+    lcd.printString(" BREAKOUT    ",0,1);  
+    lcd.printString("  Press Start ",0,4);
+    lcd.refresh();
+    // wait flashing LEDs until start button is pressed 
+    while ( pad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED) == false) {
+        pad.leds_on();
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.leds_off();
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
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