Example program with HTTPServer and sensor data streaming over TCPSockets, using Donatien Garnier's Net APIs and services code on top of LWIP. Files StreamServer.h and .cpp encapsulate streaming over TCPSockets. Broadcast is done by sendToAll(), and all incoming data is echoed back to the client. Echo code can be replaced with some remote control of the streaming interface. See main() that shows how to periodically send some data to all subscribed clients. To subscribe, a client should open a socket at <mbed_ip> port 123. I used few lines in TCL code to set up a quick sink for the data. HTTP files are served on port 80 concurrently to the streaming.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/services/mysql/mycrypt.c	Sat Jun 12 06:01:50 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2007 MySQL AB & Michael Widenius
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
+#define SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 8
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+typedef unsigned int uint;
+typedef unsigned long ulong;
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+struct my_rnd_struct {
+  unsigned long seed1,seed2,max_value;
+  double max_value_dbl;
+static void my_rnd_init(struct my_rnd_struct *rand_st, ulong seed1, ulong seed2);
+static double my_rnd(struct my_rnd_struct *rand_st);
+static void hash_password(ulong *result, const char *password, uint password_len);
+  Initialize random generator
+    MySQL's password checks depends on this, so don't do any changes
+    that changes the random numbers that are generated!
+static void my_rnd_init(struct my_rnd_struct *rand_st, ulong seed1, ulong seed2)
+  rand_st->max_value= 0x3FFFFFFFL;
+  rand_st->max_value_dbl=(double) rand_st->max_value;
+  rand_st->seed1=seed1%rand_st->max_value ;
+  rand_st->seed2=seed2%rand_st->max_value;
+  Generate random number.
+    my_rnd()
+    rand_st    INOUT  Structure used for number generation
+    generated pseudo random number
+static double my_rnd(struct my_rnd_struct *rand_st)
+  rand_st->seed1=(rand_st->seed1*3+rand_st->seed2) % rand_st->max_value;
+  rand_st->seed2=(rand_st->seed1+rand_st->seed2+33) % rand_st->max_value;
+  return (((double) rand_st->seed1)/rand_st->max_value_dbl);
+    Generate binary hash from raw text string 
+    Used for Pre-4.1 password handling
+    hash_password()
+    result       OUT store hash in this location
+    password     IN  plain text password to build hash
+    password_len IN  password length (password may be not null-terminated)
+static void hash_password(ulong *result, const char *password, uint password_len)
+  register ulong nr=1345345333L, add=7, nr2=0x12345671L;
+  ulong tmp;
+  const char *password_end= password + password_len;
+  for (; password < password_end; password++)
+  {
+    if (*password == ' ' || *password == '\t')
+      continue;                                 /* skip space in password */
+    tmp= (ulong) (uchar) *password;
+    nr^= (((nr & 63)+add)*tmp)+ (nr << 8);
+    nr2+=(nr2 << 8) ^ nr;
+    add+=tmp;
+  }
+  result[0]=nr & (((ulong) 1L << 31) -1L); /* Don't use sign bit (str2int) */;
+  result[1]=nr2 & (((ulong) 1L << 31) -1L);
+    Scramble string with password.
+    Used in pre 4.1 authentication phase.
+    scramble_323()
+    to       OUT Store scrambled message here. Buffer must be at least
+                 SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323+1 bytes long
+    message  IN  Message to scramble. Message must be at least
+                 SRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 bytes long.
+    password IN  Password to use while scrambling
+void scramble_323(char *to, const char *message, const char *password)
+  struct my_rnd_struct rand_st;
+  ulong hash_pass[2], hash_message[2];
+  if (password && password[0])
+  {
+    char extra, *to_start=to;
+    const char *message_end= message + SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323;
+    hash_password(hash_pass,password, (uint) strlen(password));
+    hash_password(hash_message, message, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323);
+    my_rnd_init(&rand_st,hash_pass[0] ^ hash_message[0],
+               hash_pass[1] ^ hash_message[1]);
+    for (; message < message_end; message++)
+      *to++= (char) (floor(my_rnd(&rand_st)*31)+64);
+    extra=(char) (floor(my_rnd(&rand_st)*31));
+    while (to_start != to)
+      *(to_start++)^=extra;
+  }
+  *to= 0;