Library for Bluetooth Low Energy Module ble 4.0 HM-11

--- a/hm11.cpp	Mon Nov 30 14:52:32 2015 +0000
+++ b/hm11.cpp	Sat Dec 26 19:40:40 2015 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 #include "hm11.h"    
 #include "string.h" 
+   #define WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS 1000
+   #define DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS 50  //required to get correct data
     HM11::HM11(PinName uartTx , PinName uartRx):mSerial(uartTx,uartRx){
         mSerial.baud(HM11_SERIAL_DEFAULT_BAUD );
@@ -60,42 +64,640 @@
         return false;
-    bool HM11::testCommand(){
-        return false;
-    }
     bool HM11:: waitForData(int timeoutMs){
-        int endtime;  
+        int endTime;
+        int startTime; // sometimes not needed 50ms
         Timer timer;
-        timer.start() ;
-        endtime= timer.read_ms()+timeoutMs;
-        while((timer.read_ms())<endtime){
-            if(isRxDataAvailable())
+        timer.start() ;   
+        startTime=timer.read_ms();
+        endTime= startTime+timeoutMs;
+        while((timer.read_ms())<endTime){
+            if(isRxDataAvailable()&&(timer.read_ms()-startTime)>DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS)
                 return true;
         return false;
-    int HM11::sendDataToDevice(const char* data){
+    int HM11::sendDataToDevice(const char* data)
+    {
         return mSerial.printf(data);
-    int HM11::sendDataToDevice(uint8_t * byteData,uint8_t dataLength){
+    int HM11::sendDataToDevice(uint8_t * byteData,uint8_t dataLength)
+    {
         return mSerial.write(byteData,dataLength);
+    int HM11::isRxDataAvailable()
+    {
+        return mSerial.readable();
+    }
+    bool HM11::copyAvailableDataToBuf(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t bufLength)
+    {
+        int lenCounter =0;
+        if(buf==NULL||bufLength<1)
+            return false;
+        while(isRxDataAvailable()&&lenCounter<bufLength){                    
+            buf[lenCounter++]=getDataFromRx();
+        }
+        if(lenCounter==bufLength)
+            return true;
+        else 
+            return false;              
+    }
+    void  HM11::hexToString(uint32_t hex, char*str,uint8_t len)
+    {   
+        if(len>8||str==NULL)
+            return;
+        for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
+            int temp =(hex>>(i*4))&0x0F;
+            if(temp>=0&&temp<=9)
+            {
+                str[i]=temp+'0';
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                str[i]=temp+'A'-10;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+      //returns hex in  reverse direction
+    uint32_t HM11::strToHex(char*str,uint8_t len)
+    {
+        uint32_t ret=0;
+        uint8_t temp;
+        if(len<1||str==NULL)
+            return -1;
+        for(int i=0;i<len&&str[i]!='\0';i++)
+        {
+            if(str[i]>='0'&&str[i]<='9')
+            {
+                temp=str[i]-'0';
+                ret|=temp<<(i*4);
+            }
+            else if(str[i]>='A'&&str[i]<='F')
+            {
+                temp=str[i]-'A'+10;
+                ret|=temp<<(i*4);
+            }
+            else if(str[i]>='a'&&str[i]<='f')
+            {
+                temp=str[i]-'a'+10;
+                ret|=temp<<(i*4);
+            }
+            else 
+                return -1;  //0xFFFFFFFF
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+// public methods
+    bool HM11::queryModuleAddress(char* addrBuf)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        sendDataToDevice("AT+ADDR?");
+        char headerBuf[8];//for OK+ADDR:
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+            return false;
+        else{
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)headerBuf,sizeof(headerBuf));
+            if(strncmp(headerBuf,"OK+ADDR:",sizeof(headerBuf)) == 0){
+                if(copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)addrBuf,12)){
+                    addrBuf[12]='\0';
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        return false;         
+        }       
+    }
+    bool HM11::setAdvertisingInterval(AdvertisingInterval_t advInt)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        char buf[9]={"AT+ADVI"};        
+        hexToString((uint32_t)advInt, &buf[7],1);
+        sendDataToDevice(buf);
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+            return false;
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)buf,sizeof(buf));
+            if(strncmp(buf,"OK+Set:",7) == 0){
+                if(strToHex(&buf[7],1)<_INVALID_ADV_INTERVAL){
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;         
+        }           
+    }
+    AdvertisingInterval_t HM11::queryAdvertisingInterval(void)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        AdvertisingInterval_t retVal=_INVALID_ADV_INTERVAL;
+        char respBuf[8];        
+        sendDataToDevice("AT+ADVI?");
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+        {
+            //nothing
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)respBuf,sizeof(respBuf));
+            if(strncmp(respBuf,"OK+Get:",sizeof(respBuf)-1) == 0){
+                retVal=(AdvertisingInterval_t)strToHex(&respBuf[sizeof(respBuf)-1],1);
+            }
+        }
+        return retVal;  
+    }
+    bool HM11::setAdvertisingType(AdvertisingType_t advInt)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        char buf[9]={"AT+ADTY"};        
+        hexToString((uint32_t)advInt, &buf[7],1);
+        sendDataToDevice(buf);
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+            return false;
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)buf,sizeof(buf));
+            if(strncmp(buf,"OK+Set:",7) == 0){
+                if(strToHex(&buf[7],1)<_INVALID_ADV_TYPE){
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;         
+        }              
+    }
+    AdvertisingType_t HM11::queryAdvertisingType(void)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        AdvertisingType_t retVal=_INVALID_ADV_TYPE;
+        char respBuf[8];        
+        sendDataToDevice("AT+ADTY?");
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+        {
+            //nothing
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)respBuf,sizeof(respBuf));
+            if(strncmp(respBuf,"OK+Get:",sizeof(respBuf)-1) == 0){
+                retVal=(AdvertisingType_t)strToHex(&respBuf[sizeof(respBuf)-1],1);
+            }                                     
+        }
+        return retVal;  
+    }
+    bool HM11::setAncsSwitch(uint8_t enable)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        char buf[9]={"AT+ANCS"};        
+        hexToString(enable, &buf[7],1);
+        sendDataToDevice(buf);
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+            return false;
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)buf,sizeof(buf));
+            if(strncmp(buf,"OK+Set:",7) == 0){
+                if(strToHex(&buf[7],1)<0x2){
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;         
+        }              
+    }
+    uint8_t HM11::queryAncsSwitch(void)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        uint8_t retVal=0xFF;
+        char respBuf[8];        
+        sendDataToDevice("AT+ANCS?");
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+        {
+            retVal=0xFF;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)respBuf,sizeof(respBuf));
+            if(strncmp(respBuf,"OK+Get:",sizeof(respBuf)-1) == 0){
+                retVal=strToHex(&respBuf[sizeof(respBuf)-1],1);
+            }                                     
+        }
+        return retVal;  
+    }
+    bool HM11::setWhitelistSwitch(uint8_t enable)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        char buf[9]={"AT+ALLO"};        
+        hexToString(enable, &buf[7],1);
+        sendDataToDevice(buf);
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+            return false;
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)buf,sizeof(buf));
+            if(strncmp(buf,"OK+Set:",7) == 0){
+                if(strToHex(&buf[7],1)<0x2){
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;         
+        }              
+    }
+    uint8_t HM11::queryWhitelistSwitch(void)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        uint8_t retVal=0xFF;
+        char respBuf[8];        
+        sendDataToDevice("AT+ALLO?");
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+        {
+            retVal=0xFF;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)respBuf,sizeof(respBuf));
+            if(strncmp(respBuf,"OK+Get:",sizeof(respBuf)-1) == 0){
+                retVal=strToHex(&respBuf[sizeof(respBuf)-1],1);
+            }                                     
+        }
+        return retVal;  
+    }
+ //   bool HM11::setWhitelistMacAddress (uint8_t nrOfMacAddrLinkedToModule, const char* macAddress);
+ //   char* HM11::queryWhitelistMacAddress(uint8_t nrOfMacAddrLinkedToModule);
+    bool HM11::setBatteryMonitorSwitch(uint8_t battSwitchEnable)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        char buf[9]={"AT+BATC"};        
+        hexToString(battSwitchEnable, &buf[7],1);
+        sendDataToDevice(buf);
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+            return false;
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)buf,sizeof(buf));
+            if(strncmp(buf,"OK+Set:",7) == 0){
+                if(strToHex(&buf[7],1)<0x2){
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;         
+        }              
+    }
+    uint8_t HM11::queryBatteryMonitorSwitch(void)
+    {
+        flushBuffers();
+        uint8_t retVal=0xFF;
+        char respBuf[8];        
+        sendDataToDevice("AT+BATC?");
+        if(!waitForData(WAIT_FOR_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS))
+        {
+            retVal=0xFF;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            copyAvailableDataToBuf((uint8_t*)respBuf,sizeof(respBuf));
+            if(strncmp(respBuf,"OK+Get:",sizeof(respBuf)-1) == 0){
+                retVal=strToHex(&respBuf[sizeof(respBuf)-1],1);
+            }                                     
+        }
+        return retVal;  
+    }
+#if 0
+    uint8_t HM11::queryBatteryInformation(void);
+    bool HM11::setIBeaconIntoServiceMode(void);
-    int HM11::isRxDataAvailable(){
-        return mSerial.readable();
-    }
+    bool HM11::setBitFormat(uint8_t bit7Format);
+    uint8_t HM11::queryBitFormat(void);
+    bool HM11::setBaudRate(BaudRate_t baud);
+    BaudRate_t HM11::queryBaudRate(void);    
+    bool HM11::setCharacteristic(uint16_t chValue);
+    uint16_t HM11::queryCharacteristic(void); 
+    ConnectionStatus_t HM11::connectToLastDevice(void); 
+    ConnectionStatus_t HM11::connectToAnAddress(const char* address); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryInputOutputState(void); 
+    bool HM11::setPioCollectionRate (uint8_t colRateSec);
+    uint8_t HM11::queryPioCollectionRate(void); 
+    bool HM11::startDeviceDiscoveryScan(ScanResult_t* scanRes); 
+    bool HM11::connectToDiscoveryDevice(ScanResult_t* scanRes); 
+    bool HM11::setIBeaconDeployMode(DeployMode_t depMode);
+    bool HM11::setFilterOfHmModules(FilterOfHmModules_t filter); 
+    FilterOfHmModules_t HM11::queryFilterOfHmModules(void); 
+    bool HM11::removeBondInformation(void); 
+    bool HM11::getSystemHelpInformation(char* helpInformationBuf); 
+    bool HM11::setModuleWorkType(ModuleWorkType_t modWorkType); 
+    ModuleWorkType_t HM11::queryModuleWorkType(void);
+    bool HM11::setModuleIBeaconSwitch (uint8_t turnOnOff); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryModuleIBeaconSwitch (void);
+    bool HM11::setIBeaconUuid (uint32_t uuid0,uint32_t uuid1,uint32_t uuid2, uint32_t uuid3); 
+    bool HM11::setIBeaconUuid (uint32_t* uuid); 
+    uint32_t HM11::queryIBeaconUuid(uint32_t* nr_of_uuid);
+    bool HM11::setIBeaconMajor(uint16_t mjrVersion); 
+    uint16_t HM11::queryIBeaconMajor(void);
+    bool HM11::setIBeaconMinor(uint16_t mnrVersion); 
+    uint16_t HM11::queryIBeaconMinor(void);
+    bool HM11::setIBeaconMeasuredPower(uint16_t measuredPwr); 
+    uint16_t HM11::queryIBeaconMeasuredPower(void);
+    bool HM11::setModuleWorkMode(ModuleWorkMode_t workMode); 
+    ModuleWorkMode_t  HM11::queryModuleWorkMode(void);
+    bool HM11::setModuleName(char* name, uint8_t nameLength); 
+    bool HM11::queryModuleName(char *name);
+    bool HM11::setParityBit(ParityBit_t pBit); 
+    ParityBit_t HM11::queryParityBit(void);
+    bool HM11::setPio1OutputStatus(uint8_t status); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryPio1OutputStatus(void);
+    bool HM11::setPioPinsOutput(uint8_t nrOfPio, uint8_t val ); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryPioPinsOutput(uint8_t nrOfPio);
+    bool HM11::setPinCode (uint32_t pinCode ); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryPinCode (void);
+    bool HM11::setModulePower(ModulePower_t modPower); 
+    ModulePower_t HM11::queryModulePower (void);
+    bool HM11::setModuleSleepType(uint8_t modSleepType ); 
+   uint8_t HM11::queryModuleSleepType (void);
+    bool HM11::restoreAll(void); 
+    bool HM11::restartModule(void);
+    bool HM11::setMasterAndSlaveRole(uint8_t role); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryMasterAndSlaveRole(void); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryRssiValue(void); 
+    char* HM11::queryLastConnectedDeviceAddress(void);
+    bool HM11::setModuleSensorWorkInterval(uint8_t interval); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryModuleSensorWorkInterval(void); 
+    bool HM11::workImmediately(void);
+    bool HM11::queryModuleIntoSleepMode(void); 
+    bool HM11::setModuleSaveConnectedAddressParam(uint8_t saveParam); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryModuleSaveConnectedAddressParam(void);
+    bool HM11::setSensorTypeOnModulePio(SensorType_t sensorType); 
+   SensorType_t HM11::querySensorTypeOnModulePio(void);  
+    bool HM11::setDiscoveryParameter (SensorType_t discoverParam); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryDiscoveryParameter (void); 
+    bool HM11::queryModuleSensorTempAndHumidity(uint8_t* temp, uint8_t* hum); 
+    bool HM11::queryDS18B20SensorTemperature (uint8_t* temp); 
+    bool HM11::setModuleConnectRemoteDeviceTimeoutValue(uint32_t timeout); 
+    uint32_t HM11::queryModuleConnectRemoteDeviceTimeoutValue(void); 
+    bool HM11::setModuleBondMode(BondMode_t bondMode); 
+    BondMode_t HM11::queryModuleBondMode(void); 
+    bool HM11::setServiceUuid (uint16_t serviceUuid); 
+    uint16_t HM11::queryServiceUuid(void);
+    bool HM11::setUartSleepType (uint8_t sleepType); 
+    uint8_t HM11::queryUartSleepType(void);
+    char* HM11::querySoftwareVersion(void); 
\ No newline at end of file