Mbed library for ENC28J60 Ethernet modules. Full support for TCP/IP and UDP Server, Client and HTTP server (webserver). DHCP and DNS is included.

Dependents:   mBuino_ENC28_MQTT Nucleo_Web_ENC28J60 Nucleo_Web_ENC28J60_ADC Serial_over_Ethernet ... more

Library for ENC28J60 Ethernet modules.


Ported to mbed from Norbert Truchsess's UIPEthernet library for Arduino. Thank you Norbert!

  • Full support for persistent (streaming) TCP/IP and UDP connections Client and Server each, ARP, ICMP, DHCP and DNS.
  • Works with both Mbed OS 2 and Mbed OS 5.


  • Import the library into your project.
  • Add #include "UipEthernet.h" to main.cpp
  • Create one instance of the UipEthernet class initialized with the MAC address you'd like to use and SPI pins of the connected Mbed board.

Example programs:

Import programWebSwitch_ENC28J60

HTTP Server serving a simple webpage which enables to remotely turn a digital output on/off. Compile, download, run and type 'IP_address/secret/' (don't forget the last '/') into your web browser and hit ENTER.

Import programHTTPServer_Echo_ENC28J60

A simple HTTP server echoing received requests. Ethernet connection is over an ENC28J60 board. Usage: Type the server's IP address into you web browser and hit <ENTER>.

Import programTcpServer_ENC28J60

Simple TCP/IP Server using the UIPEthernet library for ENC28J60 Ethernet boards.

Import programTcpClient_ENC28J60

Simple TCP/IP Client using the UIPEthernet library for ENC28J60 Ethernet boards.

Import programUdpServer_ENC28J60

Simple UDP Server using the UIPEthernet library for ENC28J60 Ethernet boards.

Import programUdpClient_ENC28J60

Simple UDP Client using the UIPEthernet library for ENC28J60 Ethernet boards.

Import programMQTT_Hello_ENC28J60

MQTT Client example program. Ethernet connection is via an ENC28J60 module.



File content as of revision 8:4acb22344932:

// DHCP Library v0.3 - April 25, 2009
// Author: Jordan Terrell - blog.jordanterrell.com
#ifndef Dhcp_h
#define Dhcp_h

#include "UIPUdp.h"

/* DHCP state machine. */

#define STATE_DHCP_START        0
#define STATE_DHCP_REQUEST      2
#define STATE_DHCP_LEASED       3
#define STATE_DHCP_RELEASE      5

#define DHCP_FLAGSBROADCAST     0x8000

/* UDP port numbers for DHCP */

#define DHCP_SERVER_PORT    67          /* from server to client */

#define DHCP_CLIENT_PORT    68          /* from client to server */

/* DHCP message OP code */

#define DHCP_BOOTREPLY      2

/* DHCP message type */

#define DHCP_DISCOVER           1
#define DHCP_OFFER              2
#define DHCP_REQUEST            3
#define DHCP_DECLINE            4
#define DHCP_ACK                5
#define DHCP_NAK                6
#define DHCP_RELEASE            7
#define DHCP_INFORM             8

#define DHCP_HTYPE10MB          1
#define DHCP_HTYPE100MB         2

#define DHCP_HLENETHERNET       6
#define DHCP_HOPS               0
#define DHCP_SECS               0

#define MAGIC_COOKIE            0x63825363
#define MAX_DHCP_OPT            16

#define HOST_NAME               "ENC28J"
#define DEFAULT_LEASE           (900)   //default lease time in seconds

#define DHCP_CHECK_NONE         (0)
#define DHCP_CHECK_RENEW_OK     (2)
#define DHCP_CHECK_REBIND_OK    (4)

    padOption           = 0,
    subnetMask          = 1,
    timerOffset         = 2,
    routersOnSubnet     = 3,

    /* timeServer       =   4,
    nameServer      =   5,*/
    dns                 = 6,

    /*logServer     =   7,
    cookieServer        =   8,
    lprServer       =   9,
    impressServer       =   10,
    resourceLocationServer  =   11,*/
    hostName            = 12,

    /*bootFileSize      =   13,
    meritDumpFile       =   14,*/
    domainName          = 15,

    /*swapServer        =   16,
    rootPath        =   17,
    extentionsPath      =   18,
    IPforwarding        =   19,
    nonLocalSourceRouting   =   20,
    policyFilter        =   21,
    maxDgramReasmSize   =   22,
    defaultIPTTL        =   23,
    pathMTUagingTimeout =   24,
    pathMTUplateauTable =   25,
    ifMTU           =   26,
    allSubnetsLocal     =   27,
    broadcastAddr       =   28,
    performMaskDiscovery    =   29,
    maskSupplier        =   30,
    performRouterDiscovery  =   31,
    routerSolicitationAddr  =   32,
    staticRoute     =   33,
    trailerEncapsulation    =   34,
    arpCacheTimeout     =   35,
    ethernetEncapsulation   =   36,
    tcpDefaultTTL       =   37,
    tcpKeepaliveInterval    =   38,
    tcpKeepaliveGarbage =   39,
    nisDomainName       =   40,
    nisServers      =   41,
    ntpServers      =   42,
    vendorSpecificInfo  =   43,
    netBIOSnameServer   =   44,
    netBIOSdgramDistServer  =   45,
    netBIOSnodeType     =   46,
    netBIOSscope        =   47,
    xFontServer     =   48,
    xDisplayManager     =   49,*/
    dhcpRequestedIPaddr = 50,
    dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime = 51,

    /*dhcpOptionOverload    =   52,*/
    dhcpMessageType     = 53,
    dhcpServerIdentifier= 54,
    dhcpParamRequest    = 55,

    /*dhcpMsg           =   56,
    dhcpMaxMsgSize      =   57,*/
    dhcpT1value         = 58,
    dhcpT2value         = 59,

    /*dhcpClassIdentifier   =   60,*/
    dhcpClientIdentifier= 61,
    endOption           = 255

typedef struct _RIP_MSG_FIXED
    uint8_t     op;
    uint8_t     htype;
    uint8_t     hlen;
    uint8_t     hops;
    uint32_t    xid;
    uint16_t    secs;
    uint16_t    flags;
    uint8_t     ciaddr[4];
    uint8_t     yiaddr[4];
    uint8_t     siaddr[4];
    uint8_t     giaddr[4];
    uint8_t     chaddr[6];

class   DhcpClass
    uint32_t        _dhcpInitialTransactionId;
    uint32_t        _dhcpTransactionId;
    uint8_t         _dhcpMacAddr[6];
    uint8_t         _dhcpLocalIp[4];
    uint8_t         _dhcpSubnetMask[4];
    uint8_t         _dhcpGatewayIp[4];
    uint8_t         _dhcpDhcpServerIp[4];
    uint8_t         _dhcpDnsServerIp[4];
    uint32_t        _dhcpLeaseTime;
    uint32_t        _dhcpT1, _dhcpT2;
    signed long     _renewInSec;
    signed long     _rebindInSec;
    signed long     _lastCheck;
    unsigned long   _timeout;
    unsigned long   _responseTimeout;
    unsigned long   _secTimeout;
    uint8_t         _dhcp_state;
    UIPUDP          _dhcpUdpSocket;

    int             request_DHCP_lease(void);
    void            reset_DHCP_lease(void);
    void            presend_DHCP(void);
    void            send_DHCP_MESSAGE(uint8_t, uint16_t);
    void            printByte(char* , uint8_t);

    uint8_t         parseDHCPResponse(unsigned long responseTimeout, uint32_t& transactionId);
    IPAddress   getLocalIp(void);
    IPAddress   getSubnetMask(void);
    IPAddress   getGatewayIp(void);
    IPAddress   getDhcpServerIp(void);
    IPAddress   getDnsServerIp(void);

    int         beginWithDHCP(uint8_t* , unsigned long timeout = 60000, unsigned long responseTimeout = 4000);
    int         checkLease(void);