Manchester code (phase encoding) library.

Dependents:   Manchester_Transmitter Manchester_Receiver

Manchester code (phase encoding) library

It implements Manchester code according to both IEEE 802.3 and G.E. Thomas' conventions.

  • A '0' is expressed by a high-to-low transition, a '1' by low-to-high transition in the IEEE 802.3 convention. The reverse is true in the G.E. Thomas' convention.
  • The transitions which signify '0' or '1' occur at the midpoint of a period.
  • Transitions at the start of a period are overhead and don't signify data.
  • Least significant bit is sent first
  • There are synchronization pulses (the number can be set) at the begin of transmission

    Select a convention to be used by commenting or uncommenting the line below in the Manchester.h header file.


#define G_E_THOMAS 1

The IEEE 802.3 convention is used by default.

A Manchester encoded message (using G.E. Thomas' convention), with one sync pulse in the preamble, carrying four bytes:


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The code in this library was based on this article published by Robert Guastella.

Import programManchester_Transmitter

Manchester transmitter demo.

Import programManchester_Receiver

Manchester receiver demo.

NOTE: To perform a simple test (without radio modules) connect the txPin on transmitter board to the rxPin on the receiver board and make sure that grounds are also connected one another.

Sun Oct 14 09:38:33 2018 +0000
Number of sync pulses in preamble can be set.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 1 /*
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 2 ******************************************************************************
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 3 * @file Manchester.h
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 4 * @author Zoltan Hudak
hudakz 2:de778df5892c 5 * @version
hudakz 6:7454ad91f714 6 * @date 2017-May-16
hudakz 1:11292d238e50 7 * @brief Manchester code for mbed
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 8 ******************************************************************************
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 9 * @attention
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 10 *
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 11 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2017 Zoltan Hudak <>
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 12 *
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 13 * All rights reserved.
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 14
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 15 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 16 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 17 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 18 (at your option) any later version.
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 19
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 20 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 21 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 23 GNU General Public License for more details.
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 24
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 25 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 26 along with this program. If not, see <>.
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 27 */
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 28 /*
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 29 This library implements Manchester code according to both IEEE 802.3
hudakz 6:7454ad91f714 30 and G.E. Thomas' conventions.
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 31 • A '0' is expressed by a high-to-low transition, a '1' by low-to-high transition
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 32 in the IEEE 802.3 convention. The reverse is true in the G.E. Thomas' convention.
hudakz 6:7454ad91f714 33 • The transitions which signify '0' or '1' occur at the midpoint of a period.
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 34 • Transitions at the start of a period are overhead and don't signify data.
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 35 • Least significant bit is sent first
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 36 • There is one synchronization pulse at the begin of transmission
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 37
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 38 The IEEE 802.3 convention is used by default.
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 39 Select a convention to be used by commenting or uncommenting
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 40 the line "#define G_E_THOMAS 1" below.
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 41 */
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 42 #ifndef MANCHESTER_H
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 43 #define MANCHESTER_H
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 44
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 45 #include "mbed.h"
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 46 #include "ManchesterMsg.h"
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 47
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 48 //Uncomment the following line to use G.E.Thomas' convention
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 49
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 50 //#define G_E_THOMAS 1
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 51
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 52 class Manchester
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 53 {
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 54 enum State
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 55 {
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 56 IDLE,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 57 SYNCH_START,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 58 SYNCH_NEXT,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 59 SYNCH_END,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 60 SETUP,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 61 TRANSITION,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 62 COMPLETE,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 63 LISTEN,
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 64 DECODE_START,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 65 DECODE,
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 66 STOP,
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 67 ERROR
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 68 };
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 69 public:
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 70 Manchester
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 71 (
hudakz 1:11292d238e50 72 PinName txPin, /* transmitter pin name */
hudakz 1:11292d238e50 73 PinName rxPin, /* receiver pin name */
hudakz 5:3b2c7e9fda3f 74 uint32_t speed = 1200, /* speed in bits per second */
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 75 uint8_t tol = 25, /* pulse width tolerance (+/-) in % */
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 76 float rxTimeout = 5 /* receive timeout */
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 77 );
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 78 ~ Manchester(void) { }
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 79 void transmit(ManchesterMsg& msg);
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 80 bool receive(ManchesterMsg& msg);
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 81 void setPreamble(uint8_t preamble) { _preamble = preamble; }
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 82 void setRxTimeout(float seconds) { _rxTimeout = seconds; }
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 83 char* lastError() { return _error; }
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 84 private:
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 85 DigitalOut _tx; // transmitter line
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 86 InterruptIn _rx; // receiver line
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 87 Ticker _txTicker; // transmitter ticker
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 88 Timeout _timeout; // timeout (watchdog)
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 89 Timer _timer;
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 90 uint32_t _midBitTime; // mid-bit time [us]
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 91 uint32_t _minPulseWidth; // minimum pulse width [us]
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 92 uint32_t _maxPulseWidth; // maximum pulse width [us]
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 93 uint32_t _tol;
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 94 float _rxTimeout; // reception timeout [s]
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 95 State _state; // state
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 96 char* _data; // data array
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 97 size_t _len; // data length in bytes
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 98 size_t _maxLen; // maximum length
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 99 size_t _preamble; // number of start patterns
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 100 char* _error;
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 101 void transmission(void);
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 102 void reception(void);
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 103 void onTxTimeout(void);
hudakz 8:c1b5893191fe 104 void onRxTimeout(void);
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 105 };
hudakz 0:d5c75b0e5708 106 #endif // MANCHESTER_H