Fork of Andy Kirkham's MODDMA GPDMA Controller for Mbed OS 6

Read MODDMA for more info.

--- a/example2.h	Sat Dec 10 09:59:10 2022 +0000
+++ b/example2.h	Mon Dec 12 15:05:21 2022 +0000
@@ -2,136 +2,141 @@
  * This example was provided to support Mbed forum thread:-
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "MODDMA.h"
-DigitalOut led1(LED1);
-DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut  led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut  led2(LED2);
-MODDMA dma;
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+MODDMA      dma;
 // ISR set's this when transfer complete.
-bool dmaTransferComplete = false;
+bool        dmaTransferComplete = false;
 // Function prototypes for IRQ callbacks.
 // See definitions following main() below.
-void TC0_callback(void);
-void ERR0_callback(void);
+void        TC0_callback(void);
+void        ERR0_callback(void);
-int main() {
+ * @brief
+ * @note
+ * @param
+ * @retval
+ */
+int main()
     // Create a buffer to hold the ADC samples and clear it.
     // Note, we are going to sample two ADC inputs so they
     // end up in this buffer "interleaved". So you will want
     // a buffer twice this size to a real life given sample
     // frequency. See the printf() output for details.
-    uint32_t adcInputBuffer[SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH];    
+    uint32_t    adcInputBuffer[SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH];
     memset(adcInputBuffer, 0, sizeof(adcInputBuffer));
     // We use the ADC irq to trigger DMA and the manual says
     // that in this case the NVIC for ADC must be disabled.
     // Power up the ADC and set PCLK
-    LPC_SC->PCONP    |=  (1UL << 12);
-    LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 &= ~(3UL << 24); // PCLK = CCLK/4 96M/4 = 24MHz
+    LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1UL << 12);
+    LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 &= ~(3UL << 24);       // PCLK = CCLK/4 96M/4 = 24MHz
     // Enable the ADC, 12MHz,  ADC0.0 & .1
-    LPC_ADC->ADCR  = (1UL << 21) | (1UL << 8) | (3UL << 0); 
+    LPC_ADC->ADCR = (1UL << 21) | (1UL << 8) | (3UL << 0);
     // Set the pin functions to ADC
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= ~(3UL << 14);  /* P0.23, Mbed p15. */
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |=  (1UL << 14);
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= ~(3UL << 16);  /* P0.24, Mbed p16. */
-    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |=  (1UL << 16);
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= ~(3UL << 14);    /* P0.23, Mbed p15. */
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |= (1UL << 14);
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= ~(3UL << 16);    /* P0.24, Mbed p16. */
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |= (1UL << 16);
     // Setup the serial port to print out results.
-    pc.baud(115200);
-    pc.printf("ADC with DMA example\n");
-    pc.printf("====================\n");
+    printf("ADC with DMA example\n");
+    printf("====================\n");
     // Prepare an ADC configuration.
-    MODDMA_Config *conf = new MODDMA_Config;
-    conf
-     ->channelNum    ( MODDMA::Channel_0 )
-     ->srcMemAddr    ( 0 )
-     ->dstMemAddr    ( (uint32_t)adcInputBuffer )
-     ->transferSize  ( SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH )
-     ->transferType  ( MODDMA::p2m )
-     ->transferWidth ( MODDMA::word )
-     ->srcConn       ( MODDMA::ADC )
-     ->dstConn       ( 0 )
-     ->dmaLLI        ( 0 )
-     ->attach_tc     ( &TC0_callback )
-     ->attach_err    ( &ERR0_callback )
-    ; // end conf.
+    MODDMA_Config*  conf = new MODDMA_Config;
+    conf->channelNum(MODDMA::Channel_0);
+    conf->srcMemAddr(0);
+    conf->dstMemAddr((uint32_t) adcInputBuffer);
+    conf->transferSize(SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH);
+    conf->transferType(MODDMA::p2m);
+    conf->transferWidth(MODDMA::word);
+    conf->srcConn(MODDMA::ADC);
+    conf->dstConn(0);
+    conf->dmaLLI(0);
+    conf->attach_tc(&TC0_callback);
+    conf->attach_err(&ERR0_callback);
     // Prepare configuration.
-    dma.Setup( conf );
+    dma.Setup(conf);
     // Enable configuration.
-    dma.Enable( conf );
+    dma.Enable(conf);
     // Enable ADC irq flag (to DMA).
     // Note, don't set the individual flags,
     // just set the global flag.
     LPC_ADC->ADINTEN = 0x100;
     // Enable burst mode on inputs 0 and 1.
-    LPC_ADC->ADCR |= (1UL << 16); 
+    LPC_ADC->ADCR |= (1UL << 16);
     while (1) {
         // When transfer complete do this block.
         if (dmaTransferComplete) {
-            delete conf; // No memory leaks, delete the configuration.
+            delete conf;                    // No memory leaks, delete the configuration.
             dmaTransferComplete = false;
             for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) {
-                int channel = (adcInputBuffer[i] >> 24) & 0x7;
-                int iVal = (adcInputBuffer[i] >> 4) & 0xFFF;
-                double fVal = 3.3 * (double)((double)iVal) / ((double)0x1000); // scale to 0v to 3.3v
-                pc.printf("Array index %02d : ADC input channel %d = 0x%03x %01.3f volts\n", i, channel, iVal, fVal);                  
+                int     channel = (adcInputBuffer[i] >> 24) & 0x7;
+                int     iVal = (adcInputBuffer[i] >> 4) & 0xFFF;
+                double  fVal = 3.3 * (double)((double)iVal) / ((double)0x1000); // scale to 0v to 3.3v
+                printf("Array index %02d : ADC input channel %d = 0x%03x %01.3f volts\n", i, channel, iVal, fVal);
         // Just flash LED1 for something to do.
         led1 = !led1;
-        wait(0.25);        
+        ThisThread::sleep_for(250ms);
 // Configuration callback on TC
-void TC0_callback(void) {
-    MODDMA_Config *config = dma.getConfig();
+void TC0_callback(void)
+    MODDMA_Config*  config = dma.getConfig();
     // Disbale burst mode and switch off the IRQ flag.
     LPC_ADC->ADCR &= ~(1UL << 16);
-    LPC_ADC->ADINTEN = 0;    
+    LPC_ADC->ADINTEN = 0;
     // Finish the DMA cycle by shutting down the channel.
-    dma.haltAndWaitChannelComplete( (MODDMA::CHANNELS)config->channelNum());
-    dma.Disable( (MODDMA::CHANNELS)config->channelNum() );
+    dma.haltAndWaitChannelComplete((MODDMA::CHANNELS) config->channelNum());
+    dma.Disable((MODDMA::CHANNELS) config->channelNum());
     // Tell main() while(1) loop to print the results.
-    dmaTransferComplete = true;            
+    dmaTransferComplete = true;
     // Switch on LED2 to show transfer complete.
-    led2 = 1;        
+    led2 = 1;
     // Clear DMA IRQ flags.
-    if (dma.irqType() == MODDMA::TcIrq) dma.clearTcIrq();    
-    if (dma.irqType() == MODDMA::ErrIrq) dma.clearErrIrq();
+    if (dma.irqType() == MODDMA::TcIrq)
+        dma.clearTcIrq();
+    if (dma.irqType() == MODDMA::ErrIrq)
+        dma.clearErrIrq();
 // Configuration callback on Error
-void ERR0_callback(void) {
+void ERR0_callback(void)
     // Switch off burst conversions.
     LPC_ADC->ADCR |= ~(1UL << 16);
     LPC_ADC->ADINTEN = 0;
     error("Oh no! My Mbed EXPLODED! :( Only kidding, go find the problem");