Brought over the files from the Freescale site and modified for mbed.

This code is only partially working for me. Not every download seems to be successful on Mac OS X. I just took the example files and hacked them around to get it working with mbed. If you want working code I think Erik Olieman's SLCD project is probably a better source.


//KL46Z try out
#include "mbed.h"
#include "TSISensor.h"
#include "MMA8451Q.h"
#include "MAG3110.h"
#include "vfnLCD.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

TSISensor tsi;
MMA8451Q acc51(PTE25, PTE24, 0x1D<<1);
MAG3110 mag(PTE25, PTE24, 0x0E<<1);
vfnLCD lcd;

PwmOut rled(PTE29);
PwmOut gled(PTD5);
AnalogIn lightSensor(PTE22);
//DigitalIn SW1(PTC3);
//DigitalIn SW3(PTC12);
//AnalogOut lcd03(PTB23);
//PwmOut lcd07(PTB7);

char chBufDisp[10];

int main()
    using namespace std;

    float onTime = 1.0;
    float offTime = 0.0;
    float holdTime = 1.0;
    bool on = true;
    bool off = false;
    int magX = 0, magY = 0, magZ = 0;
    int count=100;
    uint8_t message[]="1234";

    while(true) {  
        cout << "I'm alive and running\n\r";              
        rled = onTime - abs(acc51.getAccX());
        gled = onTime - abs(acc51.getAccY());
        mag.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ);
        cout << "MMA8451: " << acc51.getAccX() << "\t" << acc51.getAccY() << "\t" << acc51.getAccZ() << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "MAG3110: " << magX << "\t" << magY << "\t" << magZ << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "MAG3110: " << mag.getHeading() << "\n\r" << endl;
        rled = tsi.readPercentage();
        gled = tsi.readPercentage();
        cout << "Touch: " << tsi.readPercentage() << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "SW1: " << SW1 << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "SW3: " << SW3 << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "Light Sensor: " << lightSensor << "\n\r" << endl;
        lcd.vfnLCD_Write_Msg((uint8_t *)chBufDisp);
        if (count>9999) count=0;
    return 0;



File content as of revision 0:c5fea5b6b339:

#ifndef __LCDConfig_H_
#define __LCDConfig_H_

#include "FRDM-s401.h"  //  4x7 segdisplay

#if 1  // VREF to VLL1
/* Following configuration is used for LCD default initialization  */
#define _LCDRVEN          (1)  //
#define _LCDRVTRIM        (8)           // CPSEL = 1     0 -- 8000 pf 1 -- 6000 pf  2 -- 4000 pf  3 -- 2000 pf
#define _LCDCPSEL         (1)          //  charge pump select 0 or 1 
#define _LCDLOADADJUST    (3)           // CPSEL = 1     0 -- 8000 pf 1 -- 6000 pf  2 -- 4000 pf  3 -- 2000 pf
#define _LCDALTDIV        (0)           // CPSEL = 1     0 -- 8000 pf 1 -- 6000 pf  2 -- 4000 pf  3 -- 2000 pf
#define _LCDALRCLKSOURCE  (0)         // 0 -- External clock       1 --  Alternate clock

#define _LCDCLKPSL        (0)         //  Clock divider to generate the LCD Waveforms 
#define _LCDSUPPLY        (1) 
#define _LCDHREF          (0)          // 0 or 1 
#define _LCDCLKSOURCE     (1)         // 0 -- External clock       1 --  Alternate clock
#define _LCDLCK           (1)         //Any number between 0 and 7 
#define _LCDBLINKRATE     (3)         //Any number between 0 and 7 

#else    //VLL3 to VDD internally
/* Following configuration is used for LCD default initialization  */
#define _LCDCLKSOURCE     (1)         // 0 -- External clock       1 --  Alternate clock
#define _LCDALRCLKSOURCE  (0)         // 0 -- External clock       1 --  Alternate clock
#define _LCDCLKPSL        (0)         //  Clock divider to generate the LCD Waveforms 
#define _LCDSUPPLY        (0) 
#define _LCDLOADADJUST    (3)           // CPSEL = 1     0 -- 8000 pf 1 -- 6000 pf  2 -- 4000 pf  3 -- 2000 pf
#define _LCDALTDIV        (0)           // CPSEL = 1     0 -- 8000 pf 1 -- 6000 pf  2 -- 4000 pf  3 -- 2000 pf
#define _LCDRVTRIM        (0)           // CPSEL = 1     0 -- 8000 pf 1 -- 6000 pf  2 -- 4000 pf  3 -- 2000 pf
#define _LCDHREF          (0)          // 0 or 1 
#define _LCDCPSEL         (1)          // 0 or 1 
#define _LCDRVEN          (0)  //
#define _LCDBLINKRATE     (3)         //Any number between 0 and 7 
#define _LCDLCK           (0)         //Any number between 0 and 7 


/*~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~  LCD  Control Register 0  ~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~*/
#define _LCDINTENABLE         (1)    

/*~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~  LCD  Control Register 1  ~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|*/
#define _LCDFRAMEINTERRUPT     (0)        //0 Disable Frame Frequency Interrupt
                                                                       //1 Enable an LCD interrupt that coincides with the LCD frame frequency
#define _LCDFULLCPLDIRIVE      (0)        // 0 GPIO shared with the LCD. Inputs levels and internal pullup reference to VDD
                                                                      // 1 If VSUPPLY=11and RVEN=0. Inputs levels and internal pullup reference to VLL3
#define _LCDWAITMODE           (0)       // 0 Allows the LCD driver and charge pump to continue running during wait mode
                                                                     //  1 Disable the LCD when the MCU goes into wait mode
#define _LCDSTOPMODE           (0)     // 0 Allows the LCD driver and charge pump to continue running during stop2 or stop3

                                                                     //  1 Disable the LCD when and charge pump when the MCU goes into stop2 or stop3                                                               

/*~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~  LCD  Voltage Supply Register  ~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~*/
#define _LCDHIGHREF             (0)      //0 Divide input VIREG=1.0v
                                                                    //1 Do not divide the input VIREG=1.67v
#define _LCDBBYPASS             (0)      //Determines whether the internal LCD op amp buffer is bypassed
                                                                      //0 Buffered mode
                                                                      //1 Unbuffered mode
/*~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~  LCD  Regulated Voltage Control |~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~*/
#define _LCDCONTRAST                    (1)       //Contrast by software   0 -- Disable    1-- Enable
#define _LVLCONTRAST                    (0)       //Any number between 0  and 15, if the number is bigger the glass get darker

/*~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~  LCD  Blink Control Register ~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~*/
#define _LCDBLINKCONTROL         (0)   //0 Disable blink mode
                                                                       //1 Enable blink mode
#define _LCDALTMODE              (0)   //0 Normal display 
                                                                      //1 Alternate display for 4 backplanes or less the LCD backplane sequencer changes to otuput an alternate display
#define _LCDBLANKDISP           (0)  //0 Do not blank display
                                                                      //1 Blank display if you put it in 0 the text before blank is manteined     
#define _LCDBLINKMODE           (0)  //0 Display blank during the blink period 
                                                                     //1 Display alternate displat during blink period (Ignored if duty is 5 or greater)

//Calculated values
#define _LCDDUTY       (_LCDBACKPLANES-1)         //Any number between 0 and 7 
#define  LCD_WF_BASE    LCD_WF3TO0

// General definitions used by the LCD library
#define  SymbolON(LCDn,bit)     *((uint8 *)&LCD_WF_BASE + LCDn)  |=  (1<<(bit))         
#define  SymbolOFF(LCDn,bit)    *((uint8 *)&LCD_WF_BASE + LCDn)  &= ~(1<<(bit))         
//#define  LCD_WF(x)              *((uint8 *)&LCD_WF_BASE + x) 

/*LCD Fault Detections Consts*/
#define  FP_TYPE  0x00         // pin is a Front Plane
#define  BP_TYPE  0x80         // pin is Back Plane

// Fault Detect Preescaler Options
#define FDPRS_1      0
#define FDPRS_2      1
#define FDPRS_4      2
#define FDPRS_8      3
#define FDPRS_16     4 
#define FDPRS_32     5
#define FDPRS_64     6
#define FDPRS_128    7

// Fault Detect Sample Window Width Values  
#define FDSWW_4           0
#define FDSWW_8           1
#define FDSWW_16          2
#define FDSWW_32          3
#define FDSWW_64          4
#define FDSWW_128         5
#define FDSWW_256         6
#define FDSWW_512         7

  Mask Bit definitions used f
#define     mBIT0   1
#define     mBIT1   2
#define     mBIT2   4
#define     mBIT3   8
#define     mBIT4   16
#define     mBIT5   32
#define     mBIT6   64
#define     mBIT7   128
#define     mBIT8   256
#define     mBIT9   512
#define     mBIT10   1024
#define     mBIT11   2048
#define     mBIT12   4096
#define     mBIT13   8192
#define     mBIT14   16384
#define     mBIT15   32768
#define     mBIT16   65536
#define     mBIT17   131072
#define     mBIT18   262144
#define     mBIT19   524288
#define     mBIT20   1048576
#define     mBIT21   2097152
#define     mBIT22   4194304
#define     mBIT23   8388608
#define     mBIT24   16777216
#define     mBIT25   33554432
#define     mBIT26   67108864
#define     mBIT27   134217728
#define     mBIT28   268435456
#define     mBIT29   536870912
#define     mBIT30   1073741824
#define     mBIT31   2147483648

#define    mBIT32      1
#define    mBIT33      2
#define    mBIT34      4
#define    mBIT35      8
#define    mBIT36      16
#define    mBIT37      32
#define    mBIT38      64
#define    mBIT39      128
#define    mBIT40      256
#define    mBIT41      512
#define    mBIT42      1024
#define    mBIT43      2048
#define    mBIT44      4096
#define    mBIT45      8192
#define    mBIT46      16384
#define    mBIT47      32768
#define    mBIT48      65536
#define    mBIT49      131072
#define    mBIT50      262144
#define    mBIT51      524288
#define    mBIT52      1048576
#define    mBIT53      2097152
#define    mBIT54      4194304
#define    mBIT55      8388608
#define    mBIT56      16777216
#define    mBIT57      33554432
#define    mBIT58      67108864
#define    mBIT59      134217728
#define    mBIT60      268435456
#define    mBIT61      536870912
#define    mBIT62      1073741824
#define    mBIT63      2147483648

#endif /* __LCDConfig_H_ */