
Fork of CameraC1098 by Tadao Iida

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "SerialBuffered.h"
00004 /**
00005  * Create a buffered serial class.
00006  *
00007  * @param tx A pin for transmit.
00008  * @param rx A pin for receive.
00009  */
00010 SerialBuffered::SerialBuffered(PinName tx, PinName rx) : Serial(tx, rx) {
00011     indexContentStart = 0;
00012     indexContentEnd = 0;
00013     timeout = 1;
00014     attach(this, &SerialBuffered::handleInterrupt);
00015 }
00017 /**
00018  * Destroy.
00019  */
00020 SerialBuffered::~SerialBuffered() {
00021 }
00023 /**
00024  * Set timeout for getc().
00025  *
00026  * @param ms milliseconds. (-1:Disable timeout)
00027  */
00028 void SerialBuffered::setTimeout(int ms) {
00029     timeout = ms;
00030 }
00032 /**
00033  * Read requested bytes.
00034  *
00035  * @param bytes A pointer to a buffer.
00036  * @param requested Length.
00037  *
00038  * @return Readed byte length.
00039  */
00040 size_t SerialBuffered::readBytes(uint8_t *bytes, size_t requested) {
00041     int i = 0;
00042     while (i < requested) {
00043         int c = ggetc();
00044         if (c < 0) {
00045             break;
00046         }
00047         bytes[i] = c;
00048         i++;
00049     }
00050     return i;
00051 }
00053 /**
00054  * Get a character.
00055  *
00056  * @return A character. (-1:timeout)
00057  */
00058 int SerialBuffered::ggetc() {
00059     timer.reset();
00060     timer.start();
00061     while (indexContentStart == indexContentEnd) {
00062         wait_ms(1);
00063         if ((timeout > 0) && (timer.read_ms() > timeout)) {
00064             /*
00065              * Timeout occured.
00066              */
00067             // printf("Timeout occured.\n");
00068             return EOF;
00069         }
00070     }
00071     timer.stop();
00073     uint8_t result = buffer[indexContentStart++];
00074     indexContentStart =  indexContentStart % BUFFERSIZE;
00076     return result;
00077 }
00079 /**
00080  * Returns 1 if there is a character available to read, 0 otherwise.
00081  */
00082 int SerialBuffered::rreadable() {
00083     return indexContentStart != indexContentEnd;
00084 }
00086 void SerialBuffered::handleInterrupt() {
00087     while (Serial::readable()) {
00088         if (indexContentStart == ((indexContentEnd + 1) % BUFFERSIZE)) {
00089             /*
00090              * Buffer overrun occured.
00091              */
00092             // printf("Buffer overrun occured.\n");
00093             Serial::getc();
00094         } else {
00095             buffer[indexContentEnd++] = Serial::getc();
00096             indexContentEnd = indexContentEnd % BUFFERSIZE;
00097         }
00098     }
00099 }
00101 void SerialBuffered::_baud(int b) {
00102     Serial::baud(b);
00103 }