Wireless Gas Meter Reading System Data Logger

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r a67cda7c126f main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 17 15:54:02 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Serial.h"
+//File Handling
+#define FSNAME "msc"
+#include "MSCFileSystem.h"
+MSCFileSystem msc(FSNAME);
+//Gas Consumption Variable
+unsigned GasCounter = 0;
+//Time Handling
+struct tm TIME;
+Timer TimeIn_Filter;
+//PC Serial for DEBUG Messages
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//Time Update
+InterruptIn TimeIn(p21);//Push Button input for Time Reset (minimum > 2V)
+//XBee Range Check
+InterruptIn RangeIn(p22);//Push Button input for XBee Range Check
+//XBEE Connection
+Serial xbee(p9, p10);//XBEE Dout (xbee p2) <--> mbed rx p10, XBEE Din (xbee p3) <--> mbed tx p9
+DigitalOut xbee_reset(p8);//XBEE Reset (xbee p5) <--> mbed digital out p8
+DigitalIn xbee_power(p11);//XBEE Power Indicator (xbee p13) Digital In
+DigitalIn xbee_associate(p12);//XBEE Association (xbee p15) Digital In
+DigitalIn xbee_CTS(p13);//XBEE pin 12 CTS High = Signal to stop data transfer over UART
+DigitalOut xbee_sleep(p14);//XBEE SLEEP_RQ (p9)
+//unsigned xbeeon_off = 0;//Default OFF
+DigitalOut XBeePower(LED1);//User can now power off
+DigitalOut XBeeAssoc(LED2);//XBee Associate
+DigitalOut XBeeRange(LED2);//XBee Range Check Indication
+DigitalOut CounterLog(LED3);//Counter Log Activity
+DigitalOut PushButton(LED3);//Bush Button Indication
+DigitalOut Time(LED4);//Time Based Activity
+unsigned ClockSet();//Called at sensor input
+void TimeInterrupt();//Called at p21 high -> Clock Update Interrupt
+void TimeInterrupt() {//Called at p21 high -> Clock Update Interrupt
+    pc.printf("/nTimeInterrupt Called\n");///////..............DEBUG
+    /*    if ((TimeIn_Filter.read()) == 0) {
+            TimeIn_Filter.start();
+            pc.printf("/nTimeInterrupt Timer Started\n");///////..............DEBUG
+            PushButton = 1;
+        }
+      while (1) {
+        if ((TimeIn_Filter.read() >= 2)) {//All readings within 2 sec from first call ignored as noise
+    pc.printf("/nTimeInterrupt Timer >=2 \n");///////..............DEBUG
+    */
+    while ( (ClockSet() != 1) );//Till TIME.txt is not found
+    /*TimeIn_Filter.stop();
+    TimeIn_Filter.reset();
+    pc.printf("/nTimeInterrupt Timer Stoped\n");///////..............DEBUG
+    PushButton = 0;
+    }*/
+unsigned ClockSet() {
+    pc.printf("\nClockSet Called\n");///////////..........DEBUG
+    FILE *TimeUpdate;
+    TimeUpdate = fopen( "/" FSNAME "/TIME.txt", "r");
+    if (TimeUpdate == NULL) {//File Not Found
+        pc.printf("\nERROR: TIME.txt not found\n");//////......DEBUG
+        //LED4 File not Found Indication
+        Time = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        Time = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+        Time = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        Time = 0;
+        Time = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        Time = 0;
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        //01:34->T
+        //01/34/67->Y
+        char T[10], Y[20];
+        fscanf(TimeUpdate,"%s%s",T,Y);
+        char h[3] = {T[0], T[1], '\0'};//01:34->T
+        char mi[3] = {T[3], T[4], '\0'};
+        char d[3] = {Y[0], Y[1], '\0'};//01/34/67->Y
+        char mo[3] = {Y[3], Y[4], '\0'};
+        char y[5] = {Y[6], Y[7], Y[8], Y[9], '\0'};
+        //Converting String to int and stroing in tm structure
+        TIME.tm_hour = atoi(h);
+        TIME.tm_min = atoi(mi);
+        TIME.tm_mday = atoi(d);
+        TIME.tm_mon = atoi(mo);
+        TIME.tm_year = atoi(y) ;
+        // Adjust for tm structure required values
+        TIME.tm_year = TIME.tm_year - 1900;//Number of years since 1900 (windows)
+        TIME.tm_mon = TIME.tm_mon - 1;//Jan
+        //mbed time update
+        set_time(mktime(&TIME));//broket time converted to simple time and passed to set_time (sets system time)
+        //LED4 Time Update Indication
+        Time = 1;
+        wait(2);
+        Time = 0;
+        // display the time
+        /*
+                        char HourMin[10], Calandar[12];
+                        while (1) {
+                            time_t seconds = time(NULL);//CURRENT TIME
+                            TIME = *localtime(&seconds);//TO BROKEN TIME
+                            strftime(HourMin, sizeof(HourMin), "%T", &TIME);//FORMATTED OUTPUT
+                            strftime(Calandar, sizeof(Calandar), "%d/%m/%Y", &TIME);
+                            pc.printf("\n%s %s", HourMin, Calandar);
+                            wait(1);
+                        }
+        */
+    }
+    fclose(TimeUpdate);//Close File Handler
+    return 1;//Time Updated Successfully
+void XBeeRangeCheck_Indication(unsigned status);
+void XBeeRangeCheck_Indication(unsigned status) {//LED4 is Flashed (Indicating previous shut down was not safe)
+    if (status == 1) {
+        for (unsigned i=0; i<=5 ; i++) {
+            XBeeRange = 1;
+            wait(0.2);
+            XBeeRange = 0;
+            wait(0.2);
+            XBeeRange = 1;
+            wait(0.2);
+            XBeeRange = 0;
+        }
+    } else {
+        XBeeRange = 0;
+        wait(4);
+    }
+unsigned Xbee_RangeCheck();//XBEE Range Check (Check for END DEVICE)
+unsigned Xbee_RangeCheck() {
+    char response[5];
+    wait(10);//Allow Time For Communication
+    for (int i=1 ; i<=3 ; i++) {//Enter XBEE in AT Command Mode
+        xbee.putc('+');
+        wait(0.05);
+    }
+    xbee.scanf("%s",response);//Get Xbee Response
+    //pc.printf("\n%s\n",response);//////////////...........DEBUG
+    xbee.printf("ATDNREADER");//AT(AT Command Mode) DN(Destination Node Command) LOGGER(Node Identifier "NI" for END DEVICE)
+    xbee.putc('\r');//Carriage Return
+    xbee.scanf("%s",response);//Get Response
+    //pc.printf("\n%s\n",response);/////////////.............DEBUG
+    xbee.printf("ATCN");
+    xbee.putc('\r');
+    if (response[0] == 'E') {//Could Not Find End Device ("ERROR"\r returned)
+        pc.printf("\nCound not find END DEVICE\n");/////////.............DEBUG
+        //EndDevice_Indication();
+        return 0;//Return No End Device
+    } else {//End Device is Active ("OK"\r returned)
+        pc.printf("\nEnd Device Responded\n");/////////.............DEBUG
+        return 1;//Return End Device is ON
+    }
+void RangeIn_Handler();
+void RangeIn_Handler() {
+    if (Xbee_RangeCheck())//Meter Reader is ON
+        XBeeRangeCheck_Indication(1) ;//Flash LED 2
+    else//Meter Reader is OFF
+        XBeeRangeCheck_Indication(0);//LED2 off for 4 sec
+void Xbee_Reset();//Reset xbee
+void Xbee_Reset() {
+    pc.printf("\nXBee_Reset called");//////////..........DEBUG
+    xbee_reset = 0;//RESET
+    wait_ms(1);
+    xbee_reset = 1;//Back To Operation
+    wait_ms(1);
+unsigned RTS();
+unsigned RTS() {//returns 1 when mbed is Clear To Send
+    if (xbee_CTS == 0) return 1;//mbed is Clear To Send
+    else return 0;
+void nocsv_indication();
+void nocsv_indication() {//Flash LED2 => NO END DEVICE
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<=5 ; i++) {
+        CounterLog = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        CounterLog = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+        CounterLog = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        CounterLog = 0;
+    }
+unsigned Reading_Handler();//Manage "GasCounter" Log File "GAS.csv"
+unsigned Reading_Handler() {
+    pc.printf("\nReading_Handler called\n");///...........DEBUG
+    FILE *csv;
+    csv = fopen( "/" FSNAME "/GAS.csv", "rb+");
+    if (csv == NULL) {//File Not Found
+        pc.printf("\nERROR: GAS.csv not found\n");
+        return 0;//File not found
+    }
+    fseek(csv,0,SEEK_END);//Move File Pointer at End of File
+    char HourMin[10], Calandar[12];
+    time_t seconds = time(NULL);//GET CURRENT TIME
+    TIME = *localtime(&seconds);//CURRENT TIME TO BROKEN TIME
+    strftime(HourMin, sizeof(HourMin), "%T", &TIME);
+    strftime(Calandar, sizeof(Calandar), "%d/%m/%Y", &TIME);
+    //Printing To GAS.csv
+    fprintf(csv,"%u,%s,%s\n",GasCounter, HourMin, Calandar);
+    fclose(csv);
+    return 1;//GAS.csv UPDATED
+int main() {
+    TimeIn.rise(&TimeInterrupt);//p21 Push Buttor (Update mbed clock)
+    RangeIn.rise(&RangeIn_Handler);//p22 Push Buttor (Flash LED2 if found else LED2 off for 4 s)
+    ClockSet();
+    // pc.printf("\nReached Here\n");//////..............DEBUG
+    Xbee_Reset();
+    while (1) {
+        //pc.printf("Entered While");
+        XBeePower = xbee_power;
+        XBeeAssoc = xbee_associate;
+        if (xbee.readable()) {
+            if (xbee.getc() == '*') {//Next is counter value
+                xbee.scanf("%u", &GasCounter);
+                //wait(0.2);
+                //xbee.putc('R');//Reading Received
+                //xbee.putc('\r');
+                //wait(0.2);
+                pc.printf("\n%u", GasCounter);//////////........DEBUG
+                if (  Reading_Handler() != 1) {//GAS.csv not updated
+                    //ERROR INDICATION
+                    nocsv_indication();
+                } else {
+                    CounterLog = 1;
+                    wait(2);//LED3 ON for 2 sec
+                    CounterLog = 0;
+                }
+                //pc.putc(xbee.getc());
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file