X-CUBE-SPN1-20150128 example source code for one motor compiled under mbed. Tested OK on Nucleo F401. l6474.cpp is modified from original with defines in l6474_target_config.h to select the original behaviour (motor de-energised when halted), or new mode to continue powering with a (reduced) current in the coils (braking/position hold capability). On F401 avoid using mbed's InterruptIn on pins 10-15 (any port). Beware of other conflicts! L0 & F0 are included but untested.
- Committer:
- gregeric
- Date:
- 2015-10-13
- Revision:
- 6:19c1b4a04c24
- Parent:
- 1:75a41f0c0586
File content as of revision 6:19c1b4a04c24:
/** ****************************************************************************** * @file Multi/Examples/MotionControl/IHM01A1_ExampleFor1Motor/Src/main.c * @author IPC Rennes * @version V1.5.0 * @date November 12, 2014 * @brief This example shows how to use 1 IHM01A1 expansion board ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "mbed.h" #include "ihm01a1.h" /** @defgroup IHM01A1_Example_for_1_motor_device * @{ */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static volatile uint16_t gLastError; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static void MyFlagInterruptHandler(void); /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Main program * @param None * @retval None */ int main(void) { int32_t pos; uint16_t mySpeed; /* STM32xx HAL library initialization */ // HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ //mbed SystemClock_Config(); //----- Init of the Motor control library /* Start the L6474 library to use 1 device */ /* The L6474 registers are set with the predefined values */ /* from file l6474_target_config.h*/ BSP_MotorControl_Init(BSP_MOTOR_CONTROL_BOARD_ID_L6474, 1); /* Attach the function MyFlagInterruptHandler (defined below) to the flag interrupt */ BSP_MotorControl_AttachFlagInterrupt(MyFlagInterruptHandler); /* Attach the function Error_Handler (defined below) to the error Handler*/ BSP_MotorControl_AttachErrorHandler(Error_Handler); //----- Move of 16000 steps in the FW direction /* Move device 0 of 16000 steps in the FORWARD direction*/ BSP_MotorControl_Move(0, FORWARD, 16000); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Move of 16000 steps in the BW direction /* Move device 0 of 16000 steps in the BACKWARD direction*/ BSP_MotorControl_Move(0, BACKWARD, 16000); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Set the current position of device 0 to be the Home position */ BSP_MotorControl_SetHome(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Go to position -6400 /* Request device 0 to go to position -6400 */ BSP_MotorControl_GoTo(0,-6400); /* Wait for the motor ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Get current position of device 0*/ pos = BSP_MotorControl_GetPosition(0); if (pos != -6400) { Error_Handler(11); } /* Set the current position of device 0 to be the Mark position */ BSP_MotorControl_SetMark(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Go Home /* Request device 0 to go to Home */ BSP_MotorControl_GoHome(0); BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Get current position of device 0 */ pos = BSP_MotorControl_GetPosition(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Go to position 6400 /* Request device 0 to go to position 6400 */ BSP_MotorControl_GoTo(0,6400); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Get current position of device 0*/ pos = BSP_MotorControl_GetPosition(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Go Mark which was set previously after go to -6400 /* Request device 0 to go to Mark position */ BSP_MotorControl_GoMark(0); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Get current position of device 0 */ pos = BSP_MotorControl_GetPosition(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Run the motor BACKWARD /* Request device 0 to run BACKWARD */ BSP_MotorControl_Run(0,BACKWARD); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Get current speed of device 0 */ mySpeed = BSP_MotorControl_GetCurrentSpeed(0); //----- Increase the speed while running /* Increase speed of device 0 to 2400 step/s */ BSP_MotorControl_SetMaxSpeed(0,4800); HAL_Delay(9000); /* Get current speed of device 0 */ mySpeed = BSP_MotorControl_GetCurrentSpeed(0); //----- Decrease the speed while running /* Decrease speed of device 0 to 1200 step/s */ BSP_MotorControl_SetMaxSpeed(0,1200); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Get current speed */ mySpeed = BSP_MotorControl_GetCurrentSpeed(0); //----- Increase acceleration while running /* Increase acceleration of device 0 to 480 step/s^2 */ BSP_MotorControl_SetAcceleration(0,480); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Increase speed of device 0 to 2400 step/s */ BSP_MotorControl_SetMaxSpeed(0,2400); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Get current speed of device 0 */ mySpeed = BSP_MotorControl_GetCurrentSpeed(0); if (mySpeed != 2400) { Error_Handler(10); } //----- Increase deceleration while running /* Increase deceleration of device 0 to 480 step/s^2 */ BSP_MotorControl_SetDeceleration(0,480); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Decrease speed of device 0 to 1200 step/s */ BSP_MotorControl_SetMaxSpeed(0,1200); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Get current speed */ mySpeed = BSP_MotorControl_GetCurrentSpeed(0); //----- Soft stopped required while running /* Request soft stop of device 0 */ BSP_MotorControl_SoftStop(0); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Run stopped by hardstop /* Request device 0 to run in FORWARD direction */ BSP_MotorControl_Run(0,FORWARD); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Request device 0 to immediatly stop */ BSP_MotorControl_HardStop(0); BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- GOTO stopped by softstop /* Request device 0 to go to position 20000 */ BSP_MotorControl_GoTo(0,20000); HAL_Delay(5000); /* Request device 0 to perform a soft stop */ BSP_MotorControl_SoftStop(0); BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Read inexistent register to test MyFlagInterruptHandler /* Try to read an inexistent register */ /* the flag interrupt should be raised */ /* and the MyFlagInterruptHandler function called */ BSP_MotorControl_CmdGetParam(0,0x1F); HAL_Delay(500); //----- Change step mode to full step mode /* Select full step mode for device 0 */ BSP_MotorControl_SelectStepMode(0,STEP_MODE_FULL); /* Set speed and acceleration to be consistent with full step mode */ BSP_MotorControl_SetMaxSpeed(0,100); BSP_MotorControl_SetMinSpeed(0,50); BSP_MotorControl_SetAcceleration(0,10); BSP_MotorControl_SetDeceleration(0,10); /* Request device 0 to go position 200 */ BSP_MotorControl_GoTo(0,200); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Get current position */ pos = BSP_MotorControl_GetPosition(0); /* Wait for 2 seconds */ HAL_Delay(2000); //----- Restore 1/16 microstepping mode /* Reset device 0 to 1/16 microstepping mode */ BSP_MotorControl_SelectStepMode(0,STEP_MODE_1_16); //_FULL _HALF 1_16 /* Update speed, acceleration, deceleration for 1/16 microstepping mode*/ BSP_MotorControl_SetMaxSpeed(0,40000); BSP_MotorControl_SetMinSpeed(0,800); BSP_MotorControl_SetAcceleration(0,160); BSP_MotorControl_SetDeceleration(0,160); /* Infinite loop */ while(1) { /* Request device 0 to go position -6400 */ BSP_MotorControl_GoTo(0,-6400); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); /* Request device 0 to go position 6400 */ BSP_MotorControl_GoTo(0,6400); /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */ BSP_MotorControl_WaitWhileActive(0); } } /** * @brief This function is the User handler for the flag interrupt * @param None * @retval None */ void MyFlagInterruptHandler(void) { /* Get the value of the status register via the L6474 command GET_STATUS */ uint16_t statusRegister = BSP_MotorControl_CmdGetStatus(0); /* Check HIZ flag: if set, power brigdes are disabled */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_HIZ) == L6474_STATUS_HIZ) { // HIZ state // Action to be customized } /* Check direction bit */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_DIR) == L6474_STATUS_DIR) { // Forward direction is set // Action to be customized } else { // Backward direction is set // Action to be customized } /* Check NOTPERF_CMD flag: if set, the command received by SPI can't be performed */ /* This often occures when a command is sent to the L6474 */ /* while it is in HIZ state */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_NOTPERF_CMD) == L6474_STATUS_NOTPERF_CMD) { // Command received by SPI can't be performed // Action to be customized } /* Check WRONG_CMD flag: if set, the command does not exist */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_WRONG_CMD) == L6474_STATUS_WRONG_CMD) { //command received by SPI does not exist // Action to be customized } /* Check UVLO flag: if not set, there is an undervoltage lock-out */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_UVLO) == 0) { //undervoltage lock-out // Action to be customized } /* Check TH_WRN flag: if not set, the thermal warning threshold is reached */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_TH_WRN) == 0) { //thermal warning threshold is reached // Action to be customized } /* Check TH_SHD flag: if not set, the thermal shut down threshold is reached */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_TH_SD) == 0) { //thermal shut down threshold is reached // Action to be customized } /* Check OCD flag: if not set, there is an overcurrent detection */ if ((statusRegister & L6474_STATUS_OCD) == 0) { //overcurrent detection // Action to be customized } } /** * @brief This function is executed in case of error occurrence. * @param error number of the error * @retval None */ void Error_Handler(uint16_t error) { /* Backup error number */ gLastError = error; /* Infinite loop */ while(1) { } } #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT /** * @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number * where the assert_param error has occurred. * @param file: pointer to the source file name * @param line: assert_param error line source number * @retval None */ void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line) { /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number, ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */ /* Infinite loop */ while (1) { } } #endif /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/