This version is the one to be submitted as a part the contest, Unleash Invisible Intelligence

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jul 31 16:30:32 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LoRa.h"
+#include "MBed_Adafruit_GPS.h"
+#include "MAX17055.h"
+Serial pc (USBTX, USBRX);       // debug serial port
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);          // debug blinker
+/*************************** Power & Fuel Gauge *******************************/                                 
+DigitalOut powerHLD(P2_2, 1); //keep power on when connected to battery
+I2C i2c(I2C2_SDA, I2C2_SCL);
+MAX17055 max17055(i2c);
+int gaugeStatus;
+int stateOfCharge, timeToEmpty;
+float batteryVoltage, batteryCurrent, boardTemperature, tteReport;
+#define FUEL_REFRESH 30 // 120 secs, 2 minutes for now, testing . . .
+Timer fuelTimer;
+Timer batteryEmergencyPause; // avoid sending alert right after starting unit up!
+bool startBatteryEmergency;
+bool inBatteryEmergencyState;
+#define EMERBEGIN 180000 // 3 minutes  in millissecond after setup runs
+void readFuelGauge(void);
+/************************* End Power & Fuel Guage *****************************/
+/***************************** LoRa TxRx **************************************/
+#define GATEWAYID           0x30 // LoRa Gateway ID
+#define LOCALADDRESSID      0x31 // this gamma canary ID
+#define GPSDATA             0x40
+#define CPMDATA             0x41
+#define FUELDATA            0x42
+#define LOWBATTERY          0x43
+// #define CPMALERT            0x44
+// data transmission/report intervals
+// #define LOCATION_INTERVAL 15.0      // GPS location every 120 secs
+// #define CPM_INTERVAL  60.0          // CPM every 60 secs
+// #define FUEL_INTERVAL 90.0          // Fuel Gauge every 90 secs
+// data transmission/report intervals
+float LOCATION_INTERVAL = 15.0;         // GPS location every 120 secs
+float CPM_INTERVAL      = 60.0;         // CPM every 60 secs
+float FUEL_INTERVAL     = 90.0;         // Fuel Gauge every 90 secs
+volatile int locationCountDown, cpmCountDown, fuelCountDown; 
+Ticker transmissionTicker;
+void transmitLoRaTicker(void)
+    if (locationCountDown > 0) locationCountDown--;
+    if (cpmCountDown > 0) cpmCountDown--;
+    if (fuelCountDown >0) fuelCountDown--;
+void transmitLocation(void);
+void transmitCPM(void);
+void transmitFuel(void);
+void batteryLowTransmit();
+void onReceive(int packetSize);
+/*************************** End LoRa *****************************************/
+/******************************** GPS *****************************************/
+double currentLatitude, currentLongitude, previousLatitude, previousLongitude;
+Serial * _gpsSerial;
+#define GPS_REFRESH 5000 // 2000 millisecs???
+Timer gpsTimer; // GPS data collection/refresh timer
+void transformGPSData(double lat, char p, double lon, char m);
+// GPS command list at
+/**************************** End GPS *****************************************/
+/*********************** Begin Radiation Monitoring ***************************/
+// PMOD Port 1 pins for radiation sensor
+volatile int signalCounter, noiseCounter;
+InterruptIn signalPin(P1_0);
+InterruptIn noisePin(P1_1);
+// interrupt service routines(ISR) which count are called whenever signal or noise pins are triggered
+void signalISR(){ signalCounter++; led1 = !led1;}
+void noiseISR(){ noiseCounter++; } 
+// #define CPMALERTLEVEL   50 // set very low or testing purposes.
+// #DEFINE CPMMAXALERTS     3 // only three at a time to not bomb SMS network!
+#define CPM_REFRESH     60 // 60 seconds in a minute
+Timer cpmTimer; // CPM data collection, determine total current counts per minute
+int currentSignalCount, currentNoiseCount, previousCPM, currentCPM;
+int previousTotalSignalCount, previousTotalNoiseCount;
+void calculateCPM();
+/*********************** End Radiation Monitoring *****************************/
+int main()
+    /****************************** Setup *************************************/
+    pc.printf(" ********* gamma canary v001 ********* \n");
+    /** 0. Confirm running on battery power **/
+    if (powerHLD.is_connected()) {pc.printf("Battery power connected...\n");}
+    /** 1. LoRa TxRx initialization **/
+    if (!LoRa.begin(915E6)) {pc.printf("LoRa not found!");} 
+    else {  pc.printf("LoRa started...\n");}
+    // LoRa.onReceive(onReceive);
+    // LoRa.receive();
+    transmissionTicker.attach(&transmitLoRaTicker,1.0);
+    /** 2. GPS/NMEA Initialization **/
+    currentLongitude = 0.00;
+    previousLongitude = currentLongitude;
+    currentLatitude = 0.00;
+    previousLatitude = currentLatitude;
+    _gpsSerial = new Serial(P3_1,P3_0); //serial object for use w/ GPS
+    Adafruit_GPS myGPS(_gpsSerial); 
+    myGPS.begin(9600);  
+    char c;
+    myGPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCGGA); //these commands are defined in MBed_Adafruit_GPS.h; a link is provided there for command creation
+    myGPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_1HZ);
+    myGPS.sendCommand(PGCMD_ANTENNA);
+    gpsTimer.start();
+    pc.printf("GPS setup done...\n");
+    //** 3. Radiation Detecton - CPM(Counts Per Minute)
+    currentSignalCount = 0;
+    previousTotalSignalCount = 0;
+    currentNoiseCount = 0;
+    previousTotalNoiseCount = 0;
+    currentCPM = 0;
+    previousCPM = 0;
+    signalPin.rise(&signalISR);     // attach ISR function to the rising edge
+    noisePin.rise(&noiseISR);       // attach ISR function to the rising edge
+    cpmTimer.start();
+    pc.printf("Starting radiation monitoring...\n");
+    /** 4. Fuel Gauge/Battery Monitoring **/
+    max17055.init(0.05f);
+    max17055.status(&gaugeStatus);
+    fuelTimer.start();
+    startBatteryEmergency = false;
+    inBatteryEmergencyState = false;
+    batteryEmergencyPause.start();
+    pc.printf("MAX17055 status: %04X\r\n", (uint16_t)gaugeStatus);
+    wait(3.0);
+    pc.printf("Setup complete...\n");
+    /***************************** End Setup **********************************/
+    // loop()
+    while(1)
+    {
+        /** GPS/Location Data Collection"loop" here **/
+        c =;   //queries the GPS
+        if ( myGPS.newNMEAreceived() ) 
+        {
+            if ( !myGPS.parse(myGPS.lastNMEA()) ) {
+                continue;   
+            }    
+        }
+        //check if enough time has passed to warrant printing GPS info to screen
+        //note if refresh_Time is too low or pc.baud is too low, GPS data may be lost during printing
+        if (gpsTimer.read_ms() >= GPS_REFRESH) 
+        {
+            gpsTimer.reset();
+            if (myGPS.fix) {
+                // pc.printf("Location: %5.2f%c, %5.2f%c\n", myGPS.latitude,, myGPS.longitude, myGPS.lon);
+                // previousLatitude = currentLatitude;
+                // previousLongitude = currentLongitude;            
+                // currentLatitude = myGPS.latitude;
+                // currentLongitude = myGPS.longitude;
+                transformGPSData(myGPS.latitude,, myGPS.longitude, myGPS.lon);
+            }
+        }        
+        if ( >= CPM_REFRESH)
+        {
+            cpmTimer.reset();
+            calculateCPM();    
+        }
+        if ( >= FUEL_REFRESH)
+        {
+            fuelTimer.reset();
+            readFuelGauge();    
+        }
+        // special 1 time timer to begin battery monitoring for emergency lo battery warning
+        if( batteryEmergencyPause.read_ms() >= EMERBEGIN )
+        {
+            batteryEmergencyPause.stop();
+            startBatteryEmergency = true;  
+        }
+        /** LoRa Data Transmision **/
+        if (locationCountDown == 0) 
+        { 
+            locationCountDown = LOCATION_INTERVAL;
+            transmitLocation();      
+        }
+        if (cpmCountDown == 0) 
+        {
+            cpmCountDown = CPM_INTERVAL;
+            transmitCPM();    
+        }
+        if (fuelCountDown == 0) 
+        {
+            fuelCountDown = FUEL_INTERVAL;
+            transmitFuel();    
+        }
+    } // end loop
+/** GPS Functions **/
+void transformGPSData(double lat, char parallel, double lon, char meridian)
+    float degrees = floor(lat/100.00);
+    double minutes = lat - (100.00*degrees);
+    minutes /= 60.00;
+    degrees += minutes;
+    if (parallel=='S') { degrees *= -1.00; }
+    double dLatitude = degrees;
+    degrees = floor(lon/100.00);
+    minutes = lon - (100.00*degrees);
+    minutes /= 60.00;
+    degrees += minutes;
+    if (meridian == 'W') { degrees *= -1.00; }
+    double dLongitude = degrees;
+    currentLatitude = dLatitude;
+    currentLongitude = dLongitude;
+    pc.printf("LAT: %f ", dLatitude);
+    pc.printf("LON: %f\n", dLongitude);
+/** CPM functions **/
+void calculateCPM()
+    currentSignalCount = signalCounter - previousTotalSignalCount;
+    previousTotalSignalCount = signalCounter;
+    currentNoiseCount = noiseCounter - previousTotalNoiseCount;
+    previousTotalNoiseCount = noiseCounter;
+    previousCPM = currentCPM;
+    currentCPM = currentSignalCount - currentNoiseCount;
+    pc.printf("signal: %d, noise: %d, ", currentSignalCount, currentNoiseCount);
+    pc.printf("Current CPM: %d\n", currentCPM);
+/** Fuel Guage Functions **/
+void readFuelGauge()
+    max17055.v_cell(&batteryVoltage);
+    printf("%6.3fV ", batteryVoltage);
+    max17055.current(&batteryCurrent);
+    printf("%6.3fI ", batteryCurrent);
+    max17055.temp(&boardTemperature);
+    printf("%6.3fC ", boardTemperature);
+    max17055.reportSOC(&stateOfCharge);
+    if (startBatteryEmergency and !inBatteryEmergencyState)
+    {
+        pc.printf("emergency battery monitoring set\n");
+        if (stateOfCharge < 51.0)
+        {  
+           inBatteryEmergencyState = true; // prevents sending messages over and over again, future versions to reset this when bat > 50 again;   
+           batteryLowTransmit();
+        }
+    }
+    printf(" SOC:%d\\% ",stateOfCharge);
+    // max17055.tte1(&timeToEmpty);
+    // tteReport = ((5.625)*timeToEmpty)/120.0;
+    // printf(" TTE:%6.2fhours \n", tteReport);
+/** LoRa TxRx Functions **/
+void transmitLocation()
+    // transmite GPS/Location data, lat/lon
+    LoRa.beginPacket();
+    // Packet Header 
+    LoRa.printf("%c",LOCALADDRESSID); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    LoRa.printf("%c",GPSDATA); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    // Packet Contents
+    LoRa.printf("%f",currentLatitude);LoRa.printf("**");
+    LoRa.printf("%f",currentLongitude);LoRa.printf("**");
+    LoRa.endPacket();
+    pc.printf("LoRa GPS Packet Sent\n");    
+void transmitCPM()
+    // Transmit Radiation data: CPM = Counts Per Minute, current reading
+    LoRa.beginPacket();
+    // Packet Header 
+    LoRa.printf("%c",LOCALADDRESSID); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    LoRa.printf("%c",CPMDATA); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    // Packet Contents
+    LoRa.printf("%d",currentCPM);LoRa.printf("**");
+    LoRa.printf("%d", "-1");LoRa.printf("**");
+    LoRa.endPacket();
+    pc.printf("LoRa CPM Packet Sent\n");  
+void transmitFuel()
+    // Transimet Battery/Fuel Gauge data: voltage, current, temp 
+    LoRa.beginPacket();
+    // Packet Header 
+    LoRa.printf("%c",LOCALADDRESSID); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    LoRa.printf("%c",FUELDATA); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    LoRa.printf("%d",stateOfCharge);LoRa.printf("**"); 
+    LoRa.printf("%f",tteReport);LoRa.printf("**"); // time to empty in hours
+    LoRa.printf("%f",boardTemperature);LoRa.printf("**");
+    // Packet Contents
+    LoRa.endPacket();
+    pc.printf("LoRa Fuel Gauge Packet Sent\n");
+void batteryLowTransmit() 
+    /** broadcast warning low battery/increased transmisson intervals **/
+    // extend transmission intervals to conserve power
+    LOCATION_INTERVAL  = 150.0;     
+    CPM_INTERVAL       = 600.0;          
+    FUEL_INTERVAL      = 900.0;          
+    // Transimet Battery/Fuel Gauge data: voltage, current, temp 
+    LoRa.beginPacket();
+    // Packet Header 
+    LoRa.printf("%c",LOCALADDRESSID); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    LoRa.printf("%c",LOWBATTERY); LoRa.printf("**");    
+    LoRa.printf("%d",stateOfCharge);LoRa.printf("**"); 
+    LoRa.endPacket();
+    pc.printf("LoRa Low Battery Packet Sent\n");
+void onReceive(int packetSize)
+    char msg[45];
+    pc.printf("PACKET RECEIVED, SIZE:%d \n", packetSize);
+    for (int i = 0; i<packetSize; i++)
+    {   if ( i < 45) 
+        {
+            msg[i] = (char)LoRa._getc();
+        }
+    }
+    pc.printf("RSSI:  %d, ", LoRa.packetRssi()); pc.printf("MSG:%s \n",msg); 
+    if (msg[0] == LOCALADDRESSID)
+    {
+        pc.printf("received from %x\n", msg[0]);
+    } 
+    else {
+        pc.printf("dont know who, %x is, ignore msg\n", msg[0]);    
+    }