Fork of Silabs MemoryLCD library

Dependents:   demoUI whrmDemoUI Host_Software_MAX32664GWEB_HR_EXTENDED Host_Software_MAX32664GWEC_SpO2_HR-_EXTE ... more

C++ library for Sharp Microelectronics 1.28 inch LCD TFT, LS013B7DH03, SPI bus. Forked from Silicon Labs MemoryLCD display driver.

--- a/BufferedDisplay.cpp	Wed Jul 29 09:03:13 2015 +0000
+++ b/BufferedDisplay.cpp	Thu Jul 30 08:51:58 2015 +0000
@@ -45,16 +45,48 @@
 	void BufferedDisplay::pixel(int x, int y, int colour) {
+	    /* Apply constraint to x and y */
+	    if(x < 0 || y < 0) return;
+	    /***************************************************************************************************************** 
+	     * The display expects LSB input, while the SPI is configured for 8bit MSB transfers. Therefore, we should  
+	     * construct the framebuffer accordingly, so that an MSB transmission will put pixel 0 first on the wire.
+	     *
+	     * So the actual pixel layout in framebuffer (for 128x128) is as follows:
+	     * {                                                    //Framebuffer
+	     *	{                                                   //Line 0
+	     *	 {p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7},                  //Line 0 byte 0 (byte 0)
+	     *   {p8, p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15},                  //Line 0 byte 1 (byte 1)
+	     *   ...
+	     *   {p120,p121,p122,p123,p124,p125,p126,p127}          //Line 0 byte 15 (byte 15)
+	     *  },        
+	     *  {													//Line 1
+	     *	 {p128,p129,p130,p131,p132,p133,p134,p135},         //Line 1 byte 0 (byte 16)
+	     *   ...
+	     *  },
+	     *  ...
+	     *  {													//Line 127
+	     *	 {...},              								//Line 127 byte 0 (byte 2032)
+	     *   ...
+	     *   {...}												//Line 127 byte 15 (byte 2047) = 128*128 bits
+	     *	}
+	     * }
+	     *
+	     * This means that to calculate the actual bit position in the framebuffer byte, we need to swap the bit 
+	     * order of the lower three bits. So pixel 7 becomes bit offset 0, 6 -> 1, 5 -> 2, 4->3, 3->4, 2->5, 1->6 and 0->7.
+	     *****************************************************************************************************************/
 	    uint8_t swapx = 7 - ((unsigned int)x & 0x07);
 	    x = ((unsigned int)x & 0xFFFFFFF8) | swapx;
-	    // determine change
+	    /* Since we are dealing with 1-bit pixels, we can avoid having to do bitshift and comparison operations twice.
+	     * Basically, do the comparison with the requested state and current state, and if it changed, do an XOR on the framebuffer pixel and set the line to dirty.
+	     */
 	    bool change = ((_pixelBuffer[((y * DISPLAY_WIDTH) + x) / DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE] & (1 << (x % DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE))) != ((colour & 0x01) << (x % DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE)));
 		if(change) {
-            // xor operation
+			/* Do XOR (no bitshifting required) */
             _pixelBuffer[((y * DISPLAY_WIDTH) + x) / DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE] ^= (1 << (x % DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE));
-            // notify dirty status of this line
+            /* notify dirty status of this line */
             _dirtyRows[y / DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE] |= (1 << (y % DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE));
@@ -86,12 +118,17 @@
 		//Superflouous due to for-loop check
 		//if((startY >= DISPLAY_HEIGHT) return;
-		/* Copy over bytes to the framebuffer */
+		/* Copy over bytes to the framebuffer, do not write outside framebuffer boundary */
 		for(; y < DISPLAY_HEIGHT; y++) {
+			/* Check that we are not writing more than the BMP height */
+			if(bitmapLine >= bitmapHeight) break;
+			/* Copy over one line (bitmapLine) from the BMP file to the corresponding line (y) in the pixel buffer */
 			memcpy( (void*) &(((uint8_t*)_pixelBuffer)[((y * DISPLAY_WIDTH) + startX) / 8]),
 					(const void*) &(bitmap[bitmapLine * (bmpWidth / 8)]),
+			/* Set dirty status for the line we just overwrote */
 			_dirtyRows[y / DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE] |= (1 << (y % DISPLAY_BUFFER_TYPE_SIZE));