Navigate to a given point using the OGM and virtual forces

Dependencies:   ISR_Mini-explorer mbed

Fork of VirtualForces by Georgios Tsamis


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
46:e57ebcf747dc 2017-05-29 geotsam full of isnan() and other weird debugging stuff default tip
45:fb07065a64a9 2017-05-29 Ludwigfr changed set_target so it is in ortho frame, relative to the robot (ex: if the robot is in the middle, you want to him to go 10cm down and 15 right, set_target_to(15,-10) )
44:e2bd06f94dc0 2017-05-29 Ludwigfr adjusted the main, tweaked calculate line
43:ffd5a6d4dd48 2017-05-22 Ludwigfr carefull the + and minus are inverted, the khapas must be adjusted
42:ab25bffdc32b 2017-05-22 Ludwigfr changed the code to not rely on global variables because it's heresy
41:39157b310975 2017-05-22 Ludwigfr minor tweak;
40:f5e212d9f900 2017-05-18 Ludwigfr tweaked a few thing, maybe check the math beetween compute_line and go_to_line
39:dd8326ec75ce 2017-05-18 Ludwigfr fixed a bunch of issues concerning the target, the robot is still going on the right for some reason, maybe check the line computation
38:3c9f8cbf5250 2017-05-18 Ludwigfr fixed a calcul mistake on how to put the target coordinates in an orthonormal frame, added a few comments here and there
37:462d19bb221f 2017-05-15 geotsam going to the other direction
36:c806c568720a 2017-05-15 Ludwigfr tweaked compute_forceX_and_forceY to do all the computation in an orthogonal frame
35:c8f224ab153f 2017-05-15 Ludwigfr just tweaked staring position and target;
34:128fc7aed957 2017-05-04 geotsam lowered speed, corrected pointers, tweaked xOrtho, yOrtho and X, Y that were causing problems; tried some constants but they are not good
33:78139f82ea74 2017-05-04 geotsam added:; - line calculation function; - go to line function; - vff function, that calls all the calculation functions, computes the velocities, moves the robot and checks if it has arrived; ; tweaked main to call the correct methods; ; TODO check constants
32:d51928b58645 2017-05-03 Ludwigfr made the function to compute the force and changed the variables for the 120x90 arena
31:352be78e1aad 2017-04-29 Ludwigfr I guess this code is fine for putting in the report (I tweaked the variables for a 250x250cm arena and a 20x20cells map
30:95d8d3e2b81b 2017-04-26 geotsam target_angle now is double
29:224e9e686f7b 2017-04-26 geotsam lab version, with working pi/2 flip
28:f884979a02fa 2017-04-26 Ludwigfr added the odometria at the start of go_to_point, and wrote a quick do a flip fct but i have nt tested it
27:07bde633af72 2017-04-24 Ludwigfr changed and adjusted stuff, print map with robot work, modified go to point for it to do a pi flip if in danger zone but it s not working :/
26:b020cf253059 2017-04-20 geotsam shortened go_to_point_with_angle a little bit
25:572c9e9a8809 2017-04-20 Ludwigfr fixed a few things, and I did print_final_map_with_robot if you want to check where odometria thinks the robot is in the map
24:8f4b820d8de8 2017-04-19 geotsam the file from the afternoon
23:901fc468b8a7 2017-04-19 geotsam cleaned up and shortened the go_to_point_with_angle method
22:ebb37a249b5f 2017-04-18 Ludwigfr Still TODOs waiting to be closed
21:62154d644531 2017-04-07 AurelienBernier cleanup;
20:6a9062d54eb0 2017-04-03 AurelienBernier testAfterMerge
19:dbc5fbad4975 2017-04-03 AurelienBernier groundwork and clean structure, needs to actually do the equations in computeObstacle
18:6a3b14e284ee 2017-03-27 geotsam added a small delay between the new positions - but it doesn't work, it's just spinning
17:caf393b63e27 2017-03-27 geotsam added the random x,y,? and the infinite loop
16:ff73cc7b3156 2017-03-27 geotsam maybe merged the stuff, will see
15:44ab4626f1ad 2017-03-27 AurelienBernier print mms;
14:d58f2bdbf42e 2017-03-27 geotsam changed the too-close behaviour to break the while immediately
13:41f75c132135 2017-03-27 geotsam added the setup function calls for the sonars
12:3c0ca2350624 2017-03-27 geotsam corrected the inputs again :P
11:e641aa08c92e 2017-03-27 AurelienBernier getSonarValues v1 and clean code
10:a7fd80e79e80 2017-03-27 geotsam deleted theta from function inputs
9:b7138acdf4ac 2017-03-27 geotsam added target_angle in the function
8:109314be5b68 2017-03-27 AurelienBernier proper functions
7:c94070f9af78 2017-03-24 AurelienBernier Final values kappa;
6:afde4b08166b 2017-03-24 AurelienBernier functional shit;
5:dea05b8f30d0 2017-03-24 AurelienBernier v2 with nice kappas kappa
4:8c56c3ba6e54 2017-03-24 AurelienBernier GoToPoint Nearly Working
3:1e0f4cb93eda 2017-03-24 geotsam it should work :P
2:ea61e801e81f 2017-03-21 AurelienBernier added clear comments
1:f0807d5c5a4b 2017-03-21 AurelienBernier test Commit
0:8bffb51cc345 2017-03-21 geotsam Working