embedded RTOS class project.

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd USBDevice mbed-rtos mbed mmSPI_RTOS watchdog_RTOS

Fork of RTOS_project_fork_01 by Mike Moore

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmRTL/scan_08.txt	Tue Sep 17 19:42:49 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+//      licensed for personal and academic use.
+//      commercial use must be approved by the account-holder of
+//      gated.clock@gmail.com
+        module scan_08                          // shadow register.
+        (
+         oParallel,                             // parallel-output data.
+         iParallel,                             // parallel-input  data.
+         oSerial,                               // serial-output data.
+         iSerial,                               // serial-input data.
+         iLoadEnable,                           // parallel-load-enable.
+         iShiftEnable,                          // serial-shift-enable.
+         iResetN,                               // synchronous reset*.
+         iClk                                   // module clock.
+        );
+        an 8-bit parallel shift-register.
+        shifting is LSB->MSB.
+        output  [ 7:0]  oParallel;              // parallel-output data.
+        input   [ 7:0]  iParallel;              // parallel-input  data.
+        output          oSerial;                // serial-output data.
+        input           iSerial;                // serial-input data.
+        input           iLoadEnable;            // parallel-load-enable.
+        input           iShiftEnable;           // serial-shift-enable.
+        input           iResetN;                // synchronous reset*.
+        input           iClk;                   // module clock.
+        wire    [ 7:0]  oParallel;              // parallel-output data.
+        wire    [ 7:0]  iParallel;              // parallel-input  data.
+        wire    [ 7:0]  wParallelIn;            // select the parallel input.
+        wire            oSerial;                // serial-output data.
+        wire            iSerial;                // serial-input data.
+        wire            iLoadEnable;            // parallel-load-enable.
+        wire            iShiftEnable;           // serial-shift-enable.
+        wire            iResetN;                // synchronous reset*.
+        wire            iClk;                   // module clock.
+        reg     [ 7:0]  rRegister;              // the register.
+        always @ (posedge iClk or negedge iResetN)
+        begin
+               if (!iResetN)     rRegister <= 8'h00;
+          else if (iLoadEnable)  rRegister <= iParallel;
+          else if (iShiftEnable) rRegister <= {rRegister[6:0], iSerial};
+          else                   rRegister <= rRegister;
+        end
+        assign oParallel = rRegister;           // propagate parallel-out.
+        assign oSerial   = rRegister[7];        // propagate serial-out.