homework 7

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed C12832_lcd LM75B

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Sep 12 04:38:37 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Sep 12 04:46:18 2013 +0000
@@ -236,7 +236,6 @@
         dMessage = MSG_INC_TIME;                // set message.
         queueModTotalTime.put((int *) dMessage,1);// pretend it's a pointer.
         gtButtons.cLeftButton = 0;              // clear the button state.
-//        pc.printf("\n\r time increment button.");
       if (gtButtons.cRightButton)               // total time decrement button.
@@ -244,7 +243,6 @@
         dMessage = MSG_DEC_TIME;                // set message.
         queueModTotalTime.put((int *) dMessage,1);// pretend it's a pointer.
         gtButtons.cRightButton = 0;             // clear the button state.
- //       pc.printf("\n\r time decrement button.");
 //---                                           // COOK-STATE FSM.
@@ -303,36 +301,14 @@
           if (dTotalTime <   0) dTotalTime =   0;         
           dRC = queueSetRemainingTime.put((int *) dTotalTime,1);
-          pc.printf("\n\r just queueSetRemainingTime.put %d, dRC = %d",dTotalTime,dRC);
           giRemainingTime.dTotalTime = dTotalTime;
-        gdLCDtotalCookTimeSec = dTotalTime;     // transmit to LCD.
-                                                // pretend it's a pointer.
-//        queueUpdateTotalTime.put((int *) dTotalTime);
         Thread::wait(THREAD_3_WAITmS);          // multitasking. 
       }                                         // thread loop.
     }                                           // threadTotalTimeControl.
-    #define FSM_IDLE       0x00                 // cook-state state-machine.
-    #define FSM_COOK       0x01                 // cook-state state-machine.
-    #define FSM_PAUSE      0x02                 // cook-state state-machine.
-    #define FSM_DONE       0x04                 // cook-state state-machine.
-    #define MSG_START      0x04
-    #define MSG_STOP       0x08
-    #define MSG_OPEN       0x10
-    #define MSG_CLOSED     0x20
     void threadCookStateFSM(void const *args)   // cook-cycle FSM.
       static int   dFSMstate     = FSM_IDLE;    // state of this FSM.    
@@ -343,42 +319,14 @@
       static int   dButtonStart   = 0;
       static int   dButtonStop    = 0;
       static int   dDoorOpen      = 0;
-      static char  cAttached      = 0;          // track ticker attachment.
+      osEvent   queueEvent;                     // from button state manager.
-      osEvent   queueEvent;                     // queue event.
-    struct tRemainingTime                       // remaining time related.
-    {
-      char cControl;                            // countdown control.
-      int  dTotalTime;                          // initialize to this.
-      int  dRemainingTime;                      // the countdown value.
-    }
-    #define RT_PRELOAD     0x01                 // remaining-time preload.
-    #define RT_DECREMENT   0x02                 // remaining-time decrement.
-    #define RT_PAUSE       0x03                 // remaining-time don't change.
-    #define RT_CLEAR       0x04                 // remaining-time set to zero.
       while(1)                                  // thread loop.
-//pc.printf("\n\rFSM state, stateLast: %d %d- start, open, remaining, total %d %d %d %d",dFSMstate,dFSMstateLast,dButtonStart,dDoorOpen,dRemainingTime,giRemainingTime.dTotalTime);      
         switch (dFSMstate)                      // cook-mode state machine.
           case  FSM_IDLE :                      // IDLE.