lwip 1.4 - DM9161A PHY

After reading topic http://mbed.org/forum/mbed/topic/3684/?page=1#comment-18473, i created the lpc_phy_DM9161A.c file (used lpc_phy_lan8720.c as a template).

Partially working

Auto negotiation and DHCP are OK - ethernet communication is not working.

There seems to be a communication problem between the EMAC and PHY (timing?). Any ideas on how to resolve this issue are welcome.

A debug log is available at /media/uploads/frankvnk/tcpsocket_helloworld_with_dm9161a_phy_-_debug_log.txt. The log file indicates a pbuf problem. Further investigation led me to following webpage: http://www.lpcware.com/content/forum/lwip-sample-fail#comment-1785. I tried again with the mentioned modification but then DHCP does not work. I don't know if this modification also needs to be implemented (not present in the current lwip library).

How to test

import http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/TCPSocket_HelloWorld/ into the mbed compiler.

Goto folder EthernetInterface\lwip-eth\arch#

Delete lpc_phy_dp83848.c.

Copy lpc_phy_DM9161A.c into this folder.

Add following MAC address definition in main.cpp (before 'EthernetInterface eth;').

       extern "C" void mbed_mac_address(char * mac)
       // define your own MAC Address
         mac[0] = 0x00;  
         mac[1] = 0x1F;  
         mac[2] = 0x33;  
         mac[3] = 0x42;  
         mac[4] = 0xFC;  
         mac[5] = 0x6F;           

When used with the Mini-DK hardware

Modify EthernetInterface\lwip-eth\arch\lpc_emac_config.h:

Change #define LPC_PHYDEF_PHYADDR 1 to #define LPC_PHYDEF_PHYADDR 19

On the Mini-DK, sometimes no IP address is obtained when the 'Reset' button is pressed after programming the device. Disconnect and reconnect the device and press the 'Reset' button again to restart.



File content as of revision 2:e8cdfd3c70f5:

* $Id$        lpc_phy_DM9161A.c            2013-01-28
* @file        lpc_phy_DM9161A.c
* @brief       DM9161A PHY status and control.
* @version     1.0
* @date        14 Jan. 2013
* @author      Frank Vannieuwkerke
*              based on NXP MCU SW Application Team lpc_phy_dp83848.c
*              Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
*              All rights reserved.
*  1. How to test : import http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/TCPSocket_HelloWorld/ into the mbed compiler.
*  2. Open EthernetInterface\lwip-eth\arch folder
*     Delete 'lpc_phy_dp83848.c'.
*     Copy 'lpc_phy_DM9161A.c' (this file) into this folder.
*  3. When used with the Mini-DK hardware:
*     Modify EthernetInterface\lwip-eth\arch\lpc_emac_config.h:
*       Change #define LPC_PHYDEF_PHYADDR 1  to  #define LPC_PHYDEF_PHYADDR 19
*     Add following MAC address definition in main.cpp (before 'EthernetInterface eth;').
*       extern "C" void mbed_mac_address(char * mac)
*       {
*       // define your own MAC Address
*         mac[0] = 0x00;  
*         mac[1] = 0x1F;  
*         mac[2] = 0x33;  
*         mac[3] = 0x42;  
*         mac[4] = 0xFC;  
*         mac[5] = 0x6F;           
*       };
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
* use without further testing or modification.

#include "lwip/opt.h"
#include "lwip/err.h"
#include "lwip/tcpip.h"
#include "lwip/snmp.h"
#include "lpc_emac_config.h"
#include "lpc_phy.h"

/** @defgroup DM9161A_phy    PHY status and control for the DM9161A.
 * @ingroup lwip_phy
 * Various functions for controlling and monitoring the status of the
 * DM9161A PHY. In polled (standalone) systems, the PHY state must be
 * monitored as part of the application. In a threaded (RTOS) system,
 * the PHY state is monitored by the PHY handler thread. The MAC
 * driver will not transmit unless the PHY link is active.
 * @{

/** \brief DM9161A PHY register offsets */
#define DM9161A_BMCR_REG         0x00        /**< Basic Mode Control Register */
#define DM9161A_BMSR_REG         0x01        /**< Basic Mode Status Reg */
#define DM9161A_IDR1_REG         0x02        /**< PHY ID 1 Reg  */
#define DM9161A_IDR2_REG         0x03        /**< PHY ID 2 Reg  */
#define DM9161A_ANAR_REG         0x04        /**< Auto_Neg Advt Reg  */
#define DM9161A_ANLPAR_REG       0x05        /**< Auto_neg Link Partner Ability Reg */
#define DM9161A_ANER_REG         0x06        /**< Auto-neg Expansion Reg  */
#define DM9161A_DSCR_REG         0x10        /**< Specified Configuration Reg */
#define DM9161A_DSCSR_REG        0x11        /**< Specified Configuration and Status Reg */
#define DM9161A_10BTCSR_REG      0x12        /**< 10BASE-T Configuration and Satus Reg */
#define DM9161A_MDINTR_REG       0x15        /**< Specified Interrupt Reg */
#define DM9161A_RECR_REG         0x16        /**< Specified Receive Error Counter Reg */
#define DM9161A_DISCR_REG        0x17        /**< Specified Disconnect Counter Reg  */
#define DM9161A_RLSR_REG         0x18        /**< Hardware Reset Latch State Reg  */

/** \brief DM9161A BMCR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_RESET            (1 << 15)   /**< 1= S/W Reset */
#define DM9161A_LOOPBACK         (1 << 14)   /**< 1=loopback Enabled */
#define DM9161A_SPEED_SELECT     (1 << 13)   /**< 1=Select 100MBps */
#define DM9161A_AUTONEG          (1 << 12)   /**< 1=Enable auto-negotiation */ 
#define DM9161A_POWER_DOWN       (1 << 11)   /**< 1=Power down PHY */
#define DM9161A_ISOLATE          (1 << 10)   /**< 1=Isolate PHY */
#define DM9161A_RESTART_AUTONEG  (1 << 9 )   /**< 1=Restart auto-negoatiation */
#define DM9161A_DUPLEX_MODE      (1 << 8 )   /**< 1=Full duplex mode */
#define DM9161A_COLLISION_TEST   (1 << 7 )   /**< 1=Perform collsion test */

/** \brief DM9161A BMSR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_100BASE_T4       (1 << 15)   /**< T4 mode */
#define DM9161A_100BASE_TX_FD    (1 << 14)   /**< 100MBps full duplex */
#define DM9161A_100BASE_TX_HD    (1 << 13)   /**< 100MBps half duplex */
#define DM9161A_10BASE_T_FD      (1 << 12)   /**< 10MBps full duplex */
#define DM9161A_10BASE_T_HD      (1 << 11)   /**< 10MBps half duplex */
#define DM9161A_MF_PREAMB_SUPPR  (1 << 6 )   /**< Preamble suppress */
#define DM9161A_AUTONEG_COMP     (1 << 5 )   /**< Auto-negotation complete */
#define DM9161A_RMT_FAULT        (1 << 4 )   /**< Fault */
#define DM9161A_AUTONEG_ABILITY  (1 << 3 )   /**< Auto-negotation supported */
#define DM9161A_LINK_STATUS      (1 << 2 )   /**< 1=Link active */
#define DM9161A_JABBER_DETECT    (1 << 1 )   /**< Jabber detect */
#define DM9161A_EXTEND_CAPAB     (1 << 0 )   /**< Supports extended capabilities */

/** \brief DM9161A ANAR and ANLPAR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_NP               (1 << 15)   /**< No next page - always = 0 */
#define DM9161A_ACK              (1 << 14)   /**< 1 = Link partner ability data reception acknowledged */
#define DM9161A_RF               (1 << 13)   /**< 1 = Local device senses a fault condition */
#define DM9161A_FCS              (1 << 10)   /**< 1 = Controller chip supports flow control ability */
#define DM9161A_T4               (1 << 9 )   /**< No 100BASE-T4 is supported  - always = 0 */
#define DM9161A_TX_FDX           (1 << 8 )   /**< 1 = 100BASE-TX full duplex is supported by the local device */
#define DM9161A_TX_HDX           (1 << 7 )   /**< 1 = 100BASE-TX half duplex is supported by the local device */
#define DM9161A_10_FDX           (1 << 6 )   /**< 1 = 10BASE-T full duplex is supported by the local device */
#define DM9161A_10_HDX           (1 << 5 )   /**< 1 = 10BASE-T half duplex is supported by the local device */
#define DM9161A_AN_IEEE_802_3    0x0001      /**< this device supports IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD */

/** \brief DM9161A ANER register definitions */
#define DM9161A_PDF              (1 << 4 )   /**< 1 = A fault detected via parallel detection function */
#define DM9161A_LP_NP_ABLE       (1 << 3 )   /**< 1 = Link partner, next page available */
#define DM9161A_NP_ABLE          (1 << 2 )   /**< No next page - always = 0 */
#define DM9161A_PAGE_RX          (1 << 1 )   /**< New page received - cleared when reg 6 is read */
#define DM9161A_LP_AN_ABLE       (1 << 0 )   /**< 1 = Link partner supports auto-negotiation */

/** \brief DM9161A DSCR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_BP4B5B           (1 << 15)   /**< 1 = 4B5B encoder and 5B4B decoder function bypassed */
#define DM9161A_BP_SCR           (1 << 14)   /**< 1 = Scrambler and descrambler function bypassed */
#define DM9161A_BP_ALIGN         (1 << 13)   /**< 1 = Receive and Transmit functions disabled */
#define DM9161A_BP_ADPOK         (1 << 12)   /**< 1 = Force signal detector (SD) active - ONLY FOR DEBUG */
#define DM9161A_REPEATER         (1 << 11)   /**< 1 = Repeater mode - latched at power up reset */
#define DM9161A_TX               (1 << 10)   /**< 1 = 100BASE-TX operation */
#define DM9161A_RMII_ENABLE      (1 << 8 )   /**< 1 = Enable Reduced MII */
#define DM9161A_F_LINK_100       (1 << 7 )   /**< 1 = Force 100Mbps good link status */
#define DM9161A_SPLED_CTL        (1 << 6 )   /**< 1 = Disable SPEEDLED output and enable SD signal monitor - ONLY FOR DEBUG  */
#define DM9161A_COLLED_CTL       (1 << 5 )   /**< 1 = FDX/COLLED output is configured to indicate Fullduplex Collision status */
#define DM9161A_RPDCTR_EN        (1 << 4 )   /**< 1 = Enable automatic reduced power down */
#define DM9161A_SM_RST           (1 << 3 )   /**< 1 = Reset state machine - auto cleared after reset */
#define DM9161A_MFP_SC           (1 << 2 )   /**< 1 = MF preamble suppression bit on */
#define DM9161A_SLEEP            (1 << 1 )   /**< 1 = sleep mode */
#define DM9161A_RLOUT            (1 << 0 )   /**< 1 = 1, loop out the received data to the transmit channel */

/** \brief DM9161A DSCSR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_SPEEDMASK        (15 << 12)  /**< Speed and duplex mask */
#define DM9161A_100FDX           (1 << 15)   /**< 1 = 100MB full duplex */
#define DM9161A_100HDX           (1 << 14)   /**< 1 = 100MB half duplex */
#define DM9161A_10FDX            (1 << 13)   /**< 1 = 10MB full duplex */
#define DM9161A_10HDX            (1 << 12)   /**< 1 = 10MB half duplex */

/** \brief DM9161A 10BTCSR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_LP_EN            (1 << 14)   /**< 1 = Transmission of link pulses enabled */
#define DM9161A_HBE              (1 << 13)   /**< 1 = Heartbeat function enabled */
#define DM9161A_SQUELCH          (1 << 12)   /**< 1 = normal squelch */
#define DM9161A_JABEN            (1 << 11)   /**< 1 = Jabber function enabled */
#define DM9161A_10BT_SER         (1 << 10)   /**< 1 = 10BASE-T GPSI mode selected */
#define DM9161A_POLR             (1 << 0 )   /**< 1 = 10Mbps cable polarity is reversed */

/** \brief DM9161A MDINTR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_INTR_PEND        (1 << 15)   /**< Interrupt pending */
#define DM9161A_FDX_MASK         (1 << 11)   /**< Full-duplex interrupt mask */
#define DM9161A_SPD_MASK         (1 << 10)   /**< Speed interrupt mask */
#define DM9161A_LINK_MASK        (1 << 9 )   /**< Link interrupt mask */
#define DM9161A_INTR_MASK        (1 << 8 )   /**< Master interrupt mask */
#define DM9161A_FDX_CHANGE       (1 << 4 )   /**< 1 = indicates a change of duplex since last register read */
#define DM9161A_SPD_CHANGE       (1 << 3 )   /**< 1 = indicates a change of speed since last register read */
#define DM9161A_LINK_CHANGE      (1 << 2 )   /**< 1 = indicates a change of link since last register read */
#define DM9161A_INTR_STATUS      (1 << 0 )   /**< 1 = indicates that the interrupt mask is off */

/** \brief DM9161A RLSR register definitions */
#define DM9161A_LH_LEDMODE       (1 << 15)   /**< LEDMODE pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_MDINTR        (1 << 14)   /**< MDINTR pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_CSTS          (1 << 13)   /**< CABLESTS pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_ISO           (1 << 12)   /**< TXCLK pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_RMII          (1 << 11)   /**< COL pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_TP10SER       (1 << 10)   /**< RXCLK pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_REPTR         (1 << 9)    /**< RXER pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_TSTMOD        (1 << 8 )   /**< RXDV pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_OP2           (1 << 7 )   /**< LINKLED pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_OP1           (1 << 6 )   /**< SPOLED pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_OP0           (1 << 5 )   /**< FDXLED pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_PH4           (1 << 4 )   /**< CRS pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_PH3           (1 << 3 )   /**< RXD3 pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_PH2           (1 << 2 )   /**< RXD2 pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_PH1           (1 << 1 )   /**< RXD1 pin reset latch value */
#define DM9161A_LH_PH0           (1 << 0 )   /**< RXD0 pin reset latch value */

#define DM9161A_FULLD_100M        0x2100      /**< Full Duplex 100Mbit               */
#define DM9161A_HALFD_100M        0x2000      /**< Half Duplex 100Mbit               */
#define DM9161A_FULLD_10M         0x0100      /**< Full Duplex 10Mbit                */
#define DM9161A_HALFD_10M         0x0000      /**< Half Duplex 10MBit                */
#define DM9161A_AUTO_NEG          0x3000      /**< Select Auto Negotiation           */
#define DM9161A_AUTO_NEG_MASK     0xEFFF      /**< Auto Negotiation mask bit         */

/** \brief DM9161A PHY ID register definitions */
#define DM9161A_PHYID1_OUI        0x0181      /**< Expected PHY ID1 */
#define DM9161A_PHYID2_OUI        0xB8A0      /**< Expected PHY ID2 */

#define DM9161A_DEF_ADR           0x1300      /**< Default PHY device address DM9161A */

/** \brief PHY status structure used to indicate current status of PHY.
typedef struct {
    u32_t     phy_speed_100mbs:2; /**< 10/100 MBS connection speed flag. */
    u32_t     phy_full_duplex:2;  /**< Half/full duplex connection speed flag. */
    u32_t     phy_link_active:2;  /**< Phy link active flag. */

/** \brief  PHY update flags */
static PHY_STATUS_TYPE physts;

/** \brief  Last PHY update flags, used for determing if something has changed */
static PHY_STATUS_TYPE olddphysts;

/** \brief  PHY update counter for state machine */
static s32_t phyustate;

/** \brief  Update PHY status from passed value
 *  This function updates the current PHY status based on the
 *  passed PHY status word. The PHY status indicate if the link
 *  is active, the connection speed, and duplex.
 *  \param[in]    netif   NETIF structure
 *  \param[in]    linksts Status word with link state
 *  \param[in]    sdsts   Status word with speed and duplex states
 *  \return        1 if the status has changed, otherwise 0
static s32_t lpc_update_phy_sts(struct netif *netif, u32_t linksts, u32_t sdsts)
    s32_t changed = 0;

//    sdsts &= DM9161A_AUTO_NEG_MASK; // mask DM9161A_AUTO_NEG

    /* Update link active status */
    if (linksts & DM9161A_LINK_STATUS)
        physts.phy_link_active = 1;
        physts.phy_link_active = 0;

    /* Full or half duplex */
    if (sdsts & DM9161A_DUPLEX_MODE)
        physts.phy_full_duplex = 1;
        physts.phy_full_duplex = 0;

    /* Configure 100MBit/10MBit mode. */
    if (sdsts & DM9161A_SPEED_SELECT)
        physts.phy_speed_100mbs = 1;
        physts.phy_speed_100mbs = 0;

    if (physts.phy_speed_100mbs != olddphysts.phy_speed_100mbs) {
        changed = 1;
        if (physts.phy_speed_100mbs) {
            /* 100MBit mode. */

            NETIF_INIT_SNMP(netif, snmp_ifType_ethernet_csmacd, 100000000);
        else {
            /* 10MBit mode. */

            NETIF_INIT_SNMP(netif, snmp_ifType_ethernet_csmacd, 10000000);

        olddphysts.phy_speed_100mbs = physts.phy_speed_100mbs;

    if (physts.phy_full_duplex != olddphysts.phy_full_duplex) {
        changed = 1;
        if (physts.phy_full_duplex)

        olddphysts.phy_full_duplex = physts.phy_full_duplex;

    if (physts.phy_link_active != olddphysts.phy_link_active) {
        changed = 1;
#if NO_SYS == 1
        if (physts.phy_link_active)
        if (physts.phy_link_active)
            tcpip_callback_with_block((tcpip_callback_fn) netif_set_link_up,
                (void*) netif, 1);
            tcpip_callback_with_block((tcpip_callback_fn) netif_set_link_down,
                (void*) netif, 1);

        olddphysts.phy_link_active = physts.phy_link_active;

    return changed;

/** \brief  Initialize the DM9161A PHY.
 *  This function initializes the DM9161A PHY. It will block until
 *  complete. This function is called as part of the EMAC driver
 *  initialization. Configuration of the PHY at startup is
 *  controlled by setting up configuration defines in lpc_phy.h.
 *  \param[in]     netif   NETIF structure
 *  \param[in]     rmii    If set, configures the PHY for RMII mode
 *  \return         ERR_OK if the setup was successful, otherwise ERR_TIMEOUT
err_t lpc_phy_init(struct netif *netif, int rmii)
    u32_t tmp;
    s32_t i;

    physts.phy_speed_100mbs = olddphysts.phy_speed_100mbs = 2;
    physts.phy_full_duplex = olddphysts.phy_full_duplex = 2;
    physts.phy_link_active = olddphysts.phy_link_active = 2;
    phyustate = 0;

    /* Only first read and write are checked for failure */
    /* Put the DM9161A in reset mode and wait for completion */
    if (lpc_mii_write(DM9161A_BMCR_REG, DM9161A_RESET) != 0)
        return ERR_TIMEOUT;
    i = 400;
    while (i > 0) {
        osDelay(1);   // 1 ms
        if (lpc_mii_read(DM9161A_BMCR_REG, &tmp) != 0)
            return ERR_TIMEOUT;

        if (!(tmp & (DM9161A_RESET | DM9161A_POWER_DOWN)))
            i = -1;
    // Timeout?
    if (i == 0)
        return ERR_TIMEOUT;

    /* Setup link based on configuration options */
    tmp = 0;
#if PHY_USE_100MBS==1
    tmp |= DM9161A_SPEED_SELECT;
    tmp |= DM9161A_DUPLEX_MODE;

    lpc_mii_write(DM9161A_BMCR_REG, tmp);

    /* Wait for autonegotiation completion */
    i = 400;
    while (i > 0)
        osDelay(1);   // 1 ms
        if (lpc_mii_read(DM9161A_BMSR_REG, &tmp) != 0)
            return ERR_TIMEOUT;
        if (tmp & (DM9161A_AUTONEG_COMP))
            i = -1;
    // Timeout?
    if (i == 0)
        return ERR_TIMEOUT;

    /* Enable RMII mode for PHY  - NOT NEEDED FOR MIDI-DK - RMII pin is lathed on reset*/
/*    if (rmii)
        lpc_mii_write(DM9161A_DSCR_REG, DM9161A_RMII_ENABLE);
    /* The link is not set active at this point, but will be detected
       later */

    return ERR_OK;

/* Phy status update state machine */
s32_t lpc_phy_sts_sm(struct netif *netif)
    static u32_t sts;
    s32_t changed = 0;
    switch (phyustate)
        case 0:
            // Read BMSR to clear faults
            phyustate = 1;

        case 1:
            // Wait for read status state
            if (!lpc_mii_is_busy())
                // Get autonegotiation complete bit
                sts = lpc_mii_read_data();
                phyustate = 2;

        case 2:
            // Wait for read status state
            if (!lpc_mii_is_busy())
                // Update PHY status (BMCR contains speed and duplex state)
                changed = lpc_update_phy_sts(netif, sts, lpc_mii_read_data());
                phyustate = 0;
    return changed;

/* //Original state machine code

 * @}

/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */