
Dependencies:   mbed CANMsg

--- a/timeandtick.hpp	Wed Jul 04 05:51:03 2018 +0000
+++ b/timeandtick.hpp	Thu Jul 05 16:30:54 2018 +0000
@@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
-Ticker TBticker;    // instance clock for seeding stepper
-Timer  speedTimer;   // timer for reading time interval between speed pulse to calculate speed 
-Timer intraPickTimer;
-Timer intraEncoTimer;
-Ticker SDticker;   // instance clock for Seed stepper
-Ticker tftUpdate;
-Ticker sincUpdate;
-Ticker currentCheck;
+Ticker TBticker;        // instance clock for seeding stepper
+Timer  speedTimer;      // timer for reading time interval between speed pulse to calculate speed 
+Timer intraPickTimer;   // timer for reading interval time from two picks
+Timer intraEncoTimer;   // timer for reading interval time from two clock of DC encoder
+Ticker SDticker;        // instance clock for Seed wheel virtual encoder
+Ticker tftUpdate;       // ticker for update data of display
+Ticker sincUpdate;      // ticker for update CAN data for quinconce sincronisation
+Ticker currentCheck;    // ticker for verify DC motor current absorbtion
 Timer  speedTimeOut;    // timer for stop motor after last speed pulse
-Timer speedFilter;
-Timer seedFilter;
-Timer TBfilter;
-Timer sincroTimer;
-Timer rotationTimeOut;
-Ticker canUpdate;
-Ticker seedCorrection;
-Ticker spedSimclock;
-Timeout timeout;
-Timer ritardoStop;
-Timer ritardoComandoStop;
-Timer avvicinamentoOn;
-Timer avvicinamentoOff;
-Timer ritardaLowSpeed;
-Timer metalTimer;
-//Timer holeTimer;
-Timer timeOutZeroSD;
-//Timer burstPulseTimer;
-Timer quincTime;
-Timer quincTimeSD;
-//Timer quincStopTimer;
-Timer SDwheelTimer;
-Timer quincTimeSet;
-Timer zeroDelay;
-Timer timeCurr;
+Timer speedFilter;      // timer for speed trigger filtering
+Timer seedFilter;       // timer for picks signal filtering
+Timer TBfilter;         // timer for cells signal filtering
+Timer sincroTimer;      // timer for picks real interval time 
+Timer rotationTimeOut;  // timer for seed wheel zero timeout
+Ticker canUpdate;       // timer for update standard CAN data
+Ticker seedCorrection;  // ticker for run task which correct seeding sincronisation
+Ticker spedSimclock;    // ticker for simulating speed
+Timeout timeout;        // timeout for check DC current absorbion PWM sincronised 
+Timer ritardoStop;      // timer for control DC stop sequence
+Timer ritardoComandoStop;// timer for control DC stop sequence
+Timer avvicinamentoOn;  // timer for control DC stop sequence
+Timer avvicinamentoOff; // timer for control DC stop sequence
+Timer ritardaLowSpeed;  // timer for switch delay from low speed to normal speed 
+Timer metalTimer;       // timer for reading time from two hole into seed wheel
+Timer timeOutZeroSD;    // time out for zero cycle of SD
+Timer quincTime;        // timer for reading time from master picks and slave picks signal
+Timer quincTimeSD;      // timer for reading time from slave picks and master picks signal
+Timer SDwheelTimer;     // timer for alarm generation for SD wheel
+Timer quincTimeSet;     // timer for SD fase stop position when quinconce activated
+Timer zeroDelay;        // timer for activate zeroig cycle after tractor stop
+Timer timeCurr;         // timer delay for DC overcurrent alarm generation