Library for debouncing inputs, originally by Andres Mora Bedoya. Updated to include PinMode capability and class documentation.

Fork of DebouncedIn by Andrés Mora Bedoya

--- a/DebouncedIn.h	Thu Oct 09 20:03:47 2014 +0000
+++ b/DebouncedIn.h	Thu Oct 16 17:24:35 2014 +0000
@@ -17,9 +17,14 @@
              /** Create a DebouncedIn connected to the specified pin
               *  @param in DigitalIn pin to connect to
+              */
+             DebouncedIn(PinName in);
+             /** Same as before, with option to specify pin mode
+              *
+              *  @param in DigitalIn pin to connect to
               *  @param mode (optional) Set pull mode - PullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain
-             DebouncedIn(PinName in);
              DebouncedIn(PinName in, PinMode mode);
              /** Read the input state, represented as 0 or 1 (int)